Tag: Open Thread
Weekend Open Thread

Happy weekend everyone! I hope you’re enjoying your relatively snow-free weekend. Are you ready for an open thread? Let’s roll! Tiger Woods has started his apology tour. One blogger put together a handy flowchart to determine if that apology is intended for you. My answer was “no.” Remember the miraculous story of the man who […]
Friday Open Thread

Woohoo, it’s Friday! Does anyone have any exciting plans for the weekend? Let’s get this open thread started. On the lighter side, “20 Unholy Recipes: Dishes So Awful We Had to Make Them.” Interestingly, a lot of the recipes are from the 70s. They all look so awful, it’s hard to pick just one. Jellied […]
Thursday Open Thread
It snowed last night! Why do you hate us Weather Goddess? In other news, it’s actually Thursday and the week is more than halfway over! Are you ready for your open thread? But he seemed like such a nice, moderate guy: Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell wasted little time overturning an order by his predecessor, Tim […]
Wednesday Open Thread
Did you ever have the feeling that half the week has gone with you even noticing? That’s the feeling I’m having this week. It’s already Wednesday! So, are you ready for an open thread? The short, pain-filled life of King Tutankhamun: King Tutankhamun, the boy pharaoh, was frail, crippled and suffered “multiple disorders” when he […]
Tuesday Open Thread
Welcome to another snow day Tuesday! Even though we only got a dusting last night, it was enough to make the commute a nightmare this morning. So, what’s on your mind? Let’s get started. One story that has been fascinating me lately is the story of Amy Bishop, the Harvard-trained Ph.D. biologists who shot 6 […]
Monday Open Thread
It’s Monday and it’s time for an open thread. I’m hearing that we will get more snow tonight. They are calling for only 2-4,” which in a normal year would cause a panic but now we consider that a dusting. PR disasters in the age of Twitter: Kevin Smith, the writer and raconteur, was recently […]
Weekend Open Thread

I hope you’re enjoying a weather-event free weekend. We can leave the house this time! I am in Philadelphia, at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, previewing the Picasso exhibit. Let’s get rolling. I declare this thread open. The birth of a political dynasty? Dan Quayle’s son is running for Congress. Ben Quayle announced Friday that […]
Friday Open Thread
It’s Friday of one of the strangest work weeks I’ve ever had. Two snowstorms in one week with two driving bans. It’s hard to say TGIF since I only had to go to work 3 days this week. Today’s open thread is a video-rich open thread. Enjoy! Both Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart take on […]
Digging Out Thursday Open Thread
I hope you all enjoyed your unplanned time off yesterday. Today the state should start getting back to normal today. So what’s on your mind today?
Snowed In Wednesday Open Thread
Well, I guess we all should have plenty of time for blogging today since we’re snowed in. So, here is a fresh open thread for you to play in. Ezra Klein on the Republicans’s health care reform ransom note: Just screams “we would like to cooperate with you to reform the American health-care system,” doesn’t […]
Tuesday Open Thread
It’s Tuesday, the day before our next winter storm if the forecasters are to be believed. Tomorrow we all may be digging out our cars again and hopefully we’ll all have electricity this time. So let’s get this open thread rolling. Greg Sargent at Plumline notices that the new media landscape – Fox as a […]
Monday Open Thread
It’s post Snowgasm Monday. How many of you are at work? I had to brave the roads today. Well, let’s open this thread. What’s on your mind? Will NY governor David Paterson be Spitzered? The hot rumor out there is that the New York Times has a very damaging story about David Paterson which they […]
Weekend Open Thread
This is a trapped-inside-the-house-please-halp version of your weekend open thread. Anything else going on besides snow and snow removal? The 10 strangest pieces of unclaimed luggage: 1. Hoggle from Labyrinth. Unlike other items at the Unclaimed Baggage Center, Hoggle is not for sale. He is now a permanent part of the Unclaimed Baggage Center Museum. […]
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