Tag: Open Thread
Pre-Snowgasm Open Thread
Well, it’s Friday and we’re all watching the skies waiting for the snow to start. I’m ready to dash out of here the minutes I start seeing snow flakes. I hope you all have bought your bread, milk and eggs so that you can make French toast during the storm – apparently that’s really important. So let’s open this thread.
Thursday Open Thread
It’s Thursday and it’s the day after the Delaware Tweet-Up. I liked the opportunity to meet some of our readers and I hope some of my Twitter friends will read the blog. Let’s open this thread!
Wednesday Open Thread
What’s happening tonight? I’m going to Kildare’s Pub in Newark for the 3rd Delaware Tweetup. It’s an opportunity to meet all those people you send your 140-character thoughts to in 3-D! I hope to see you there tonight.
Groundhog Day Open Thread

Happy Groundhog Day! Do you feel like you’ve opened this thread before? Groundhog Day is not really a holiday that I understand. According to weather records, Punxsutawney Phil has an accuracy rate of 39%. Hmmm….sounds like guessing. FWIW, here’s the forecast, straight from Punxsutawney Phil’s very own website: Phil’s official forecast as read February 2nd, […]
Monday Open Thread
Is it already Monday? The weekend just flew by again, and I had a three day weekend. Let’s get started with a Monday open thread. Will Bunch, blogger at Attytood (Philadelphia) gives a preview of his upcoming book Tear Down This Myth about Ronald Reagan: But they don’t have to. Here are three ways that […]
Weekend Open Thread
Helloooo weekend! I’m planning on staying inside today since it’s cold outside. What’s up with everyone else this weekend? Let’s open this thread! The bizarre shoe thief case in Newark has been solved and a man arrested. Police think his thefts may go back 20 years. Newark police say Walter J. Rubincan, 46, is responsible […]
Friday Open Thread
It’s Friday, and it’s a short but sweet open thread today. I’m in Dover today to do some campaign finance clean-up, so you’ll have to entertain yourselves. Get going!
Thursday Open Thread

It’s Thursday and the day after the State of the Union address. Amazingly, I’m not hung over. President Obama didn’t say “let me be clear” one time last night (that I caught). Although he did say “Middle Class,” “jobs” and “Main Street.” (My own personal drinking game.) Let’s open this thread. The teabuggers were pretty […]
Wednesday Open Thread
It’s Wednesday, Hump Day! Tonight is Obama’s 1st SOTU address and we’ll have coverage (liveblog, I think) of the address right here on Delaware Liberal. Stay tuned! All right, let’s open this thread. Voters in Oregon approved two measures to raise taxes. One measure raised taxes on families with incomes >$250,000/yr and the other measure […]
Tuesday Open Thread
It’s Tuesday and one day before President Obama’s first State of the Union address. What would you like to hear him say? I hereby declare this thread open. An honest man is hard to find. Yesterday, The Los Angeles Daily News featured a video of Santa Clarita councilman Bob Kellar informing a group of cheering […]
Weekend Open Thread
Hooray for the weekend! I’ve had a busy weekend so far because I just got back from the pancake breakfast fundraiser. I’m ready for a nap! Anyway, let’s go with this open thread. The “urban heat island” effect does not explain away global warming: Many skeptics for years have sought to explain away decades of […]
Friday Open Thread
It’s your TGIF version of your open thread. Let’s roll. I obviously picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue: During an interview with Mike Huckabee last night on Fox News, host Greta Van Susteren said that Republican Scott Brown’s victory in Massachusetts’ U.S. Senate special election this week “has awakened people there might be […]
Thursday Open Thread
It’s Thursday open thread time. Today’s open thread has a theme: racism. The floor is yours. Oh, what is this world coming to when you can’t make a good racist joke among friends? Bill O’Reilly is very very sad that you can’t make “Arab jokes” anymore: O’REILLY: So 48 years ago — 48 years ago […]
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