Tag: Open Thread
Wednesday Open Thread
It’s open thread time! While a lot of us recover from last night’s event talk among yourselves. Here’s some news I’m reading – Barbara Boxer says that there will not be a Stupak-like amendment to the Senate health care reform bill, despite reports that Ben Nelson and Bob Casey are working on one: “If someone […]
Tuesday Open Thread
It’s Tuesday, but not just any old Tuesday. It’s Jefferson Jackson Tuesday. It’s freaking Bill Clinton Tuesday! I’m beside myself with excitement for tonights event. So let’s get started threading. I found this Politico article interesting. You might call it a moment of duh, but it is discussing the GOP’s “woman problem.” Ya think? But […]
Monday Open Thread
It’s Monday and I still have a bit of a high from Saturday’s passage of the historic health care reform bill. As someone said on Twitter, they’ve never seen so many people watching C-SPAN and tweeting on a Saturday night. Speaking of health care reform – Josh Marshall is very optimistic: There are many events […]
Weekend Open Thread
Well, it’s the weekend and it’s open thread time! Whoopeee! Anything exciting going on this weekend? I have to go shoe shopping. I know you’re all jealous. So let’s get started. I found this really interesting (via Eschaton): John S. Reed, who helped engineer the merger that created Citigroup Inc., apologized for his role in […]
Friday Open Thread
It’s Friday! *happy dance* Let’s get your weekend started out right with some sweet pwnage by Shoshana Johnson: Commenter a. price points us to this video of Jon Stewart mocking Glenn Beck. It’s some of Stewart’s best work. The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Thursday Open Thread
It’s Thursday and the open thread is open. What’s on your mind today besides sadness at the Phillies loss? To get you started, here’s some delicious snark from Gail Collins about the lessons of the 2009 election: In Ohio, citizens marched to the polls on Tuesday and voted to allow gambling casinos in the state. […]
Wednesday Open Thread
It’s Wednesday, the day after an election. I know all you political junkies out there needed a little boost before the big election season next year in Delaware, just to make sure you’re not rusty. Here’s a piece of good news – the racist judge who refused to marry an interracial couple in Louisiana has […]
Tuesday Open Thread
It’s Tuesday! Do you feel the excitement of election day even if you’re not voting? If you do, you might be a political junkie. The Daily Show held an important election: NY vs. Philly for the “douchiest fans.” The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Clash of the Cretins www.thedailyshow.com […]
Monday Open Thread

It’s Monday. *sigh* Here is your open thread. What shall we discuss today? I have an idea: Mike Protack is running for County Council, 3rd district (seat currently held by Tansey). Discuss. The AP, about as mainstream as you can get, did an article on the GOP moderate purge. They had an interesting quote by […]
Weekend Open Thread
Here is an open thread for your weekend. Sorry for the lateness of the thread, I was literally asleep on the job. 😉 Anyway, you’ve already seen this, but Republican Assemblywoman DeDe Scozzafava has suspended her campaign for the NY-23 seat. The RNC and Newt Gingrich have both endorsed the Hoffman campaign. The Independence Party, […]
Friday Open Thread — Halloween Movies Edition

This week, The Daily Beast is featuring the Top 11 Scariest Horror Movies of All Time as selected by the total film geek Martin Scorsese. What is cool about this list is that they also provide some clips of each of the movies Scorsese has selected.
Thursday Open Thread

Remember, tonight is Drinking Liberally: Death Panel Edition at the Homegrown Cafe in Newark, Delaware starting at 7 pm. Come in costume if you want to be judged by our very own death panel! Here’s a story that has been rocketing around the web – a young Canadian folk singer was killed by coyotes while […]
Wednesday Open Thread
It’s time for your open thread of the day. Can I ask a question? Are the open threads working for you? We’re about 2 months into this experiment and it seems like the community likes them. What can we do to make them better? Here’s another discussion starter – Newt making some sense (discussing the […]
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