Tag: Open Thread
Open Thread
In other news… The 4th of July Tea Parties were a bust. Senator Cornyn and Governor Perry get booed at the Austin Tea Party. Al Franken will be sworn in today at 12:15 PM. Biden will do the honors. Wingnut head-asplodery will commence. Some guy’s funeral is today. Former Defense Secretary Robert McNamara died, at […]
Pre-Holiday Open Thread
Here are some links for your enjoyment as you get ready to enjoy your holiday festivities. Al Franken’s win is making wingnut heads explode. The Consumerist gives up the Top 10 Ironic Ads From History. My favorite is the DuPont cellophane ad. Matt Taibbi takes on Goldman Sachs in “The Great American Bubble Machine.” Well […]
Latest On Iran: Open Thread
Yesterday President Obama released this statement on the events in Iran: The Iranian government must understand that the world is watching. We mourn each and every innocent life that is lost. We call on the Iranian government to stop all violent and unjust actions against its own people. The universal rights to assembly and free […]
Open Thread: Racism Edition

All I can say about these links is OMG WTF. From the South Carolina GOP, a Facebook update comparing Michelle Obama to an ape. Rusty DePass, a prominent South Carolina Republican activist, is now apologizing for making a racist joke about Michelle Obama, and taken down the Facebook page where he made it — though […]
Weekend Afternoon Open Thread
Top Ten Reasons Why Are We Leaving the Republican Party. My favorite reason is : 8) Constant whining about religious persecution got on our last goddamned nerve. Some of the additions in the comments are worthy — but I’m sure you guys can come up with more. One of the few reasons I regret not […]
Evening Open Thread
Here’s a couple of topics to get started with: The GPS system could fail next year, as the Air Force is struggling with making repairs and upgrades to the system. Representative Alan Grayson proves to be one of the most interesting House Members — he has introduced a bill to make paid vacation from work […]
Open Thread
Did the Mormons baptize Barack Obama’s mother after her death and without his consent? This Mormon practice is beyond creepy. Anyway, this thread’s for you!
Open Thread
Because we, at DL, aim to please… BTW, any one following Neal Horsley (Republican running for Governor of Georgia) who admitted to having sex with a mule and is now claiming he’d kill his son to get his state to secede from the union? Hmm… who was it who first mentioned something about goats?
Thursday’s Open Thread
Tea Parties, John Carney running for Congress, and Charlie Copeland launches another website, oh my! BTW, if you haven’t checked out DV’s video montage of Wilmington’s tea parties you’ve missed some great reporting. (I’ve linked to one, but there’s plenty more!) ‘Bulo gives us another great Republican breakdown, while DelawareDem issues a Thank You and […]
Wednesday — Teabagging Open Thread
Any news or video yet? Here’s a few more items: Best assessment yet of the mixed up messaging of this thing from Matt Bors. FoxNoise Astroturf Party! Remember that recent spin insisting that today’s events are non-partisan? Well, the RNC officially endorses today’s bit of theater, which blows all of that non-partisan BS out of […]
Tuesday’s Open Thread
Who could have predicted that the term tea-bagging would find its way into real America? But, since it has, who are we not to mock? And, boy, have we been mocking! Today Cassandra continues her countdown to tea-bagging, while DV solicits questions you’d like to ask tea party participants. He also infiltrates FaceBook’s tea party […]
Monday’s Open Thread
Today’s a traveling day for me, but if you’re looking for inspiration check out DV’s imagine if you changed one word post here, DelawareDem’s posts and insightful analysis here and here, ‘Bulo’s whale of a tale here as well as his thought provoking post about Lincoln, and Jason’s Republicans are the butt of the joke […]
Sunday’s Open Thread
The Obamas get a dog and the newspapers write the obligatory “pet” articles. Pastor Warren is too exhausted to talk. Hey, maybe miracles really do happen! And it’s really a good thing we don’t have big problems or we wouldn’t have time to worry about important things. Meanwhile, Dobson admits defeat in the culture wars. […]
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