Tag: Politics
School Board Elections Are Political
I haven’t really commented on the upcoming School Board elections, mainly because I can’t wrap my head around what’s going on. With all the attention on these races – phone polls, money, PACs – I keep feeling I’m missing something – Big. What is going on? What’s on the line? And why the hell is […]
Fear and Loathing: Religious Radicals

Make no mistake about it, Michelle Bachmann and Dick Perry are Christian extremists.
Politics And Religion
Imagine if something like this was said by a non-Christian governor: ”Now I will have to say that, if we don’t have the same daddy, we’re not brothers and sisters,” he said. “So anybody here today who has not accepted Jesus Christ as their savior, I’m telling you, you’re not my brother and you’re not […]
How Come We Can’t Just All Get Along
Don’t let recent the recent productivity of the lame duck Congress fool you, we’re in for some massive gridlock on Capitol Hill.
Kentucky’s Creationist Theme Park
Oh, for crying out loud! I just got back from the press conference where Steve Beshear announced his enthusiastic support for a Creationist theme park (“Ark Encounter”) that teaches children that not only did humans live with dinosaurs several thousand years ago, but they rode on “Noah’s Ark” with them. And the tax breaks that […]
“Bringing It!” to Capitol Hill

There is a man that transcends politics. A man that can take Patrick Muprhy (D-PA) and Aaron Schuck (R-IL) and push them to past their limits, a place where each man screams, “No more, no more. Please make me do more.” That man is Tony Horton, late-night pitchman for his P90X fitness training. Horton was […]
Incumbent Rethug Gov. Will Not Seek Reelection
Maybe I just missed this, but popular incumbent Connecticut Gov. Jodi Rell has announced that she will not seek reelection in 2010. This may be why. This is a likely D pickup, and former Lie-bermann nemesis Ned Lamont is one of the candidates. Hmmm, just musing here. Wonder how Rell polls against Chris Dodd for […]
Why Corzine and Christie Are Now in a Dead Heat
After months of trailing Republican challenger Chris Christie, at one point by double digits, incumbent N. J. Gov. Jon Corzine has pulled even, according to the latest polling (PDF file). In my opinion, this change can be explained in three words: Negative campaigning works. Allow me to put a thin veneer of complexity on this […]
The Personal is Not the Political. The Political is Not the Personal.

We all confuse the two. Myself included. Because we feel the political is personal. And how can it not be? What is argued over in the halls and chambers of our political institutions very much affects our personal lives. Thus, we view politics personally and passionately. And it is very easy for judge those who […]
Carper Does It Again: Chooses Banks Over People
Sen. Bernie Sanders’ attempt to cap usurous interest rates on credit cards fell far short of passage today. The deliberative body that Sen. Richard Durbin referred to as ‘controlled by bankers’ easily beat back Sanders’ attempt to restore sanity to the credit card industry: The effort by Senator Bernie Sanders, the Vermont independent, drew only […]
Newt Gingrich No Longer a Sinner? Just in Time for 2012?
Praise the Lord! It’s a Miracle! Newt Gingrich’s sins have been magically cleansed from his Heavenly record! How did he do it? He has seen the Light, and given over what passes for his soul to…Catholicism. Seriously. And, (quoting from that leading theologian Gomer Pyle), ‘Suh-prize, Suh-prize’, this conversion just may put him back in […]
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