Tag: Rep. Dan Short Delaware

Delaware Political Weekly: June 23-29, 2012

Filed in Delaware, National by on June 29, 2012 57 Comments

We get press releases from candidates all the time, as do every other media outlet. It is exceedingly rare, however, that someone’s campaign manager sends out a press release announcing that someone’s campaign manager will be someone’s campaign manager. And for good reason. Good campaign managers know that there is only one candidate and only one campaign manager, and that all the focus should be on the candidate. That, however, did not stop Ezra Temko from announcing that he, Ezra Temko, would be managing the campaign of Claudia Bock for State Representative in the 23rd RD. Perhaps fittingly, Temko spends at least the first 50% of the press release talking about himself, Ezra Temko, and his ongoing search for enlightenment.

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