Tag: Rep. Danny Short

The 62 Project: #’s 26 and 36

Filed in Delaware by on November 6, 2013 5 Comments
The 62 Project: #’s 26 and 36

We have the Representatives Short up today. Bryon the the North. Daniel to the South. One is the House Minority Leader. And one is a Democrat in the Brandywine Hundred.

Bryon Short combines some of the best and some of the most disappointing elements that I look for in a D legislator in a safe district. He is not just good, but great, on social issues. Not just a reliable supporter of equal rights for all, but a prime House sponsor on legislation ensuring rights for the transgender community.  He has successfully sponsored legislation extending health benefits to dependent children.  He is also a strong supporter of gun control, is someone who pays attention to his district, basically someone who you’d like as your rep. He’s even successfully pushed legislation on behalf of animal rights. How can you not like someone who will protect your puppies?

The problem, and it’s a big one, is that he is in thrall to the Carper/Carney wing of the Party. And business interests uber alles.

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