Tag: Republican Bamboozlement
Watching the CRI Sink Into Irrevelancy
Not that they were especially relevant in the first place. Their factually-challenged and ideologically-driven attempts to join the *debate* has largely been a flop, yet we find John Stapleford has been able to get more space at the NJ editorial page to try to sow their confusion to Delawareans.
If America Loses, Eric Cantor Wins
Eric Cantor has money invested fund that shorts US Treasury bonds. In other words, Cantor will gain financially if the US defaults on its debt.
Anyone Know There Is *Another* GOP Presidential Debate Tonite?
Well, there is one and go figure — the Clown Show gets to debate itself. Of course, this is one more exercise is just how much batshit crazy these guys will commit to in order to get the approval of the teajadis.
I’m Shocked, Shocked to Find That Earmarks Are Going On In Here!
Earmarks — didn’t you think that they were all done with? I mean, the Republicans in Congress showily promised that this Congress would mark the End of Earmarks As We Know It.
It’s Official: Americans Hate the Ryan Budget
There has been alot of polling on the GOP plan to kill Medicare. The latest version is from CNN, with 58% opposing and 35% for. Another recent poll shows that Democrats agree to major cutbacks to Medicare at their own risk.
Missing the Boat on Gingrich’s Tiffany’s Issue
I’ll admit it, I am enjoying the epic flame-out of the Gingrich 2012 campaign. Watching him contort himself to prove that he is totally consistent with his 24-hours-ago-self is like paying the extra money to see behind the scenes at the circus freak show. This latest blunder presents a golden opportunity for those of us […]
On Deficits and Debts; or Don’t Believe the Entitlements Hype
The Center for Budget and Policy Priorities continues its yeoman work on documenting where the federal Government’s deficits AND Debts come from. Even though most of the readers here likely get this story, it has yet to make much of a dent in the media narrative, which continues to flog the business about entitlement spending being the thing that is running our fiscal futures off of the rails.
The Reason Mike Huckabee Isn’t Running For President…
Mike Huckabee is too busy re-writing history to run for president.
Sarah Palin Knows Rap
Sarah Palin isn’t just taking potshots at the president, no siree. She’s a big rap fan, she loves “Rapper’s Delight.”
Whoa — Actual Fact Checking
The tide is turning: news services are doing actual fact-checking on claims by John Boehner.
DNC On The GOP Budget Plan: It’s Not Playing Well
The DNC comes out swinging against the Republican plan to kill Medicare by releasing a video featuring angry townhalls.
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