Tag: Republican Bamboozlement

Answering Their Questions in Bullet Time

Filed in National by on February 8, 2010 0 Comments

You know that there was some discussion of President Obama doing another version of Question Time with the Republican Senate Caucus. The response?

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From The Department Of Karma, Part 2

Filed in National by on January 4, 2010 0 Comments

First term Democrat-turned-Republican Rep. Parker Griffith didn’t get the reception he hoped for when he switched to the Republican party. Griffith will face at least two challengers for the Republican nomination (gee, a newly-minted Republican doesn’t pass the purity test?), angry former donors and now faces the resignation of almost his entire staff. The quitting […]

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2009: The Year in Right Wing Buffoons, Racists, Misogynists, Homophobes and All-Around Idiots

Filed in National by on January 3, 2010 1 Comment

That is the title of this blog post from Ron Reagan’s Air America blog. I never get to to hear Ron Regan’s show, but he can be very good of even pretty wonky topics. So it was fun to hear him have on at the expense of wingnut buffoonery this past year.

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Tedd Petruna, The New Chuck Norris

Filed in National by on December 8, 2009 4 Comments

The tall tale of Tedd Petruna first emerged this weekend. Tedd Petruna sent an email that soon went viral about his brave actions thwarting a terrorist attack dry run on an airplane. In an email account of his experience that went national on right-wing blogs last week, Tedd Petruna describes a group of 11 Muslim […]

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Top 5 Republican Lies for 2009

Filed in National by on November 28, 2009 3 Comments

Even though the year isn’t over, TPM catalogs the Top 5 ways that the GOP stepped into the national conversation with lies, distortions, bad faith and plain made up data.

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Does the GOP Purity Test Abandon Mike Castle?

Filed in National by on November 25, 2009 20 Comments

Adam Nagourney at the NYT brings up this possibility in their political blog today:

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Bush’s Term Was Only Kittens And Rainbows

Filed in National by on November 25, 2009 6 Comments

Remember how we snickered when Dana Perino admitted she didn’t know anything about the Bay of Pigs? Her problems with history are more severe than that: But Perino’s appearance last night with Sean Hannity was more noteworthy than most. The topic was the shootings at Fort Hood, and Perino, playing her usual role, criticized the […]

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Glenn Beck’s 100 Year Plan

Filed in National by on November 23, 2009 14 Comments

Glenn Beck is crazy like a Fox: – I have begun meeting with some of the best minds in the country that believe in limited government, maximum freedom and the values of our Founders. I am developing a 100 year plan. I know that the bipartisan corruption in Washington that has brought us to this […]

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Learning The Wrong Lesson

Filed in National by on November 16, 2009 2 Comments

Al Franken’s election was one of the pleasant surprises of the 2008 election. Franken is turning out to be an excellent senator. He’s already made an impact with his amendment that prohibits the Defense Department from contracts with companies that force rape and assault victims into arbitration – an instance when a lawmaker sees an […]

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Lather, Rinse, Repeat

Filed in National by on November 14, 2009 19 Comments

I think I’ve started to notice a trend among conservatives: they like good-looking women. They like to hear what they’re thinking come out of the mouths of good-looking women – it’s sort of like money-laundering, idea laundering or something. Here is how it’s done: 1) Find good-looking woman who leans conservative, make sure that she […]

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Why It is OK to Call Out FOX News

Filed in National by on November 7, 2009 1 Comment

And in many ways, the rush to accommodate FOX Noise is right at the center of how journalists are undermining their own authority and respect.

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Here It Is! The Republican Heath Care Plan!

Filed in National by on November 5, 2009 15 Comments

Well, at first it was an outline. Then John Boehner got really mad after it was released and people made fun of him again with the outlines.  So now they’ve finished their homework (pdf), now take a good look at Boehnercare: No national exchange No mandates for employers or for individuals Insurance companies still get […]

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From Your Earmark to My PAC

Filed in National by on October 26, 2009 6 Comments
From Your Earmark to My PAC

The Washington Post has a great expose about Indiana Republican Congressman Peter J. Visclosky regarding his association with Washington lobbying firm K&L Gates, $44 million in earmarks,  15 clients of K&L Gates who received earmarks over 2008 and 2009, and money “donated” to Visclosky’s campaign.

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