Tag: Republican Crazy

I Blame The RINOs

Filed in National by on November 3, 2009 62 Comments

For months I’ve been asking myself,  how did the Republican Party devolve into madness?  It seems to have happened overnight – most notably election night last November – but I know that isn’t true.  I know the current state took years to come to fruition.  I also know the insanity was wooed with skill of […]

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Another Member Of The GOP Braintrust Speaks

Filed in National by on November 2, 2009 3 Comments

The second stupidest woman in Congress (after Michele Bachmann) is Representative Virginia Foxx (R-NC). She gave a speech on the floor of Congress saying that health care reform is scarier than terrorism. She was at it again today on the House floor, arguing that health reform is a greater threat to our country than “any […]

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Filed in National by on November 1, 2009 13 Comments

On the heels of Pandora’s Republican Woman post comes Fox “News” look at a little thing that says if you are critical of ex-governor Sarah Palin, you are just  envious of her success. Success of what? Quitting?

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And The Winner Is . . .

Filed in National by on October 30, 2009 1 Comment
And The Winner Is . . .

. . . for the oddest speech on the House floor this year, Representative Steve LaTourette (R-OH).

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If I Were A Republican Woman I’d Be Insulted

Filed in National by on October 30, 2009 18 Comments
If I Were A Republican Woman I’d Be Insulted

Reading this article brought two things to mind – The Stepford Wives and Enjoli… [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4X4MwbVf5OA[/youtube] Ah yes, you’ve come a long way, baby. Right-wing women rock. Not for us the sturdy, honest calves of the New Democrat/Green Party female, honed on eco-tourist rainforest hikes. Those legs are often on unfortunate display, extending from a knee-length […]

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Republican In-fighting

Filed in National by on October 27, 2009 14 Comments

What’s a liberal to do except watch as Republicans eat their own.  And I’m not even getting into the NY-23 race. First we have Dobbs vs Rivera. Rivera accuses Dobbs of “almost single-handedly responsible for creating, for being the architect of the young-Latino-as-scapegoat for everything that ails this country.” And now Dobbs fires back: DOBBS: […]

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The GOP Health Care Plan

Filed in National by on October 27, 2009 22 Comments

Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA) has introduced a new bill to fix Medicare. He wants to privatize it: In an attempt to reclaim the right’s rich tradition of opposing Medicare, Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA) has proposed legislation that would roll back the Medicare system and replace it with a system of vouchers that seniors could use […]

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Hatching Absurdity

Filed in National by on October 25, 2009 4 Comments

Politicians will say the obtuse things things and Senator Orrin Hatch is a politician. Hatch on CNN said President Obama may be waiting till after the November election to increase troops in Afghanistan reports Politico. Some people have suggesting he’s waiting until after the election because they have some tough governorships up for election. Some […]

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Filed in National by on October 21, 2009 6 Comments

Credo Mobile has a weekly quiz called OMG GOP WTF?! It donates $0.10 per correct answer to a progressive organization (this week The Nation). I’m sure you’ll not be surprised that I earned a 5/5. I’m not sure how they choose their subjects because the GOP has so many moments. Perhaps these will help with […]

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Tea For One

Filed in National by on October 19, 2009 4 Comments

Things are getting crazier out there.  And Paul Baumbach asks a great question. What effect will conservative tea-party activists have on the GOP? Well… given the increase in criticism from some big names in the party, I’d say the GOP is concerned.  Check out the latest blow-up. Via Think Progress: Ziegler attended the Western Conservative […]

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Rush Limbaugh Is A Victim!

Filed in National by on October 16, 2009 11 Comments

Rush Limbaugh knows why he was denied a chance to own the St. Louis Rams – it’s all Obama’s fault: “So Obama’s America is quite possibly going to include the National Football League, and pressure from Obama, the Congressional Black Caucus and other places might be brought to bear on the owners,” Limbaugh complained. And […]

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I Take Mine Everywhere

Filed in National by on October 16, 2009 41 Comments

Ummm….what? Meghan McCain, daughter of failed presidential candidate John McCain, was forced to apologize for titillating conservatives. Republican firebrand Meghan McCain’s skimpy pajamas have her conservative followers all atwitter, forcing the daughter of failed 2008 presidential candidate Sen. John McCain to apologize for posting a racy photo of her décolletage. […] “I do want to […]

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I’m Bored. Thank Goodness For The Village Idiot

Filed in National by on October 14, 2009 11 Comments

Is there a bigger idiot than Michael Steele? HOST: Very quickly, Chairman Steele. The feeling in some circles is that this health care train has left the station with President at the wheel, and Republicans better jump on board. STEELE: Well, I’m the cow on the tracks, and you’re going to have to stop that […]

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