Tag: Republican Hypocrisy

By Their Oppression of People Not Like Them Shall You Know Them

Filed in National by on November 28, 2012 1 Comment

Dana Millbank tells the story of how Rick Santorum went back to the US Capital this week to help lobby against the human rights of disabled people. That’s right — Mr. Culture of Life is fearlessly lobbying against the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons With Disabilities. This treaty was actually negotiated by the George W. Bush’s administration and has been ratified by 126 nations, including China, Russia, Iran, Cuba, and Syria.

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Paul Ryan Using the Poor as a Prop

Filed in National by on October 15, 2012 5 Comments

It never ceases to amaze me that these people just don’t get it. In an effort to humanize Ryan, the Romney campaign had Ryan and his family stop at a soup kitchen in Youngstown, Ohio last week. There was no advance notice to the venue ( Mahoning County St. Vincent De Paul Society), no asking of permission, no coordination of schedules — Ryan and his family and entourage just showed up

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Irony: The Fuel of the GOP

Filed in National by on September 29, 2012 7 Comments
Irony: The Fuel of the GOP

Republicans continue to look for new ways to manufacture angry white men, this time by committing voter fraud in Florida.

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Jeff and Sher Campaigning in Philadelphia?

Filed in Delaware by on July 20, 2012 40 Comments

Really. And the local GOP wonders why we think of them as the Gang Who Can’t Shoot Straight. Memo to Jeff and Sher: You are running for statewide office in Delaware — Pennsylvanians won’t save you from the craziness that is the Delaware GOP.

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Contemptible Congress

Filed in National by on June 20, 2012 1 Comment

When I was a wee lad, I had the utmost respect for Congress. I was in awe of my then Congressman, Byron Rodgers (D-Denver) who was the essence of a public servant. I was good friends with Congresswoman Pat Schroeder and Congressman & Senator Tim Wirth (who was a neighbor). That all changed after I moved to DC and began working for the government. I discovered that many of the 539 Members of Congress (including the delegates from DC, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Virgin Islands) didn’t really give a damn about their constituents. It was all about getting face time on TV to make it seem as though they were doing something.

This afternoon, Rep. Darrell Issa, chair of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, pushed through a resolution holding Attorney General Eric Holder in “Contempt of Congress.” Better add my name to that resolution, Issa, because I hold you and the Teabag 112th Congress in the utmost contempt. Obstruction is the motto of this Congress.

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Newt – Answer the Friggin Question

Filed in National by on January 20, 2012 5 Comments

In typical teabag-rethuglican manner, Newt Gingrich, who is closing in on a win in tomorrow’s primary in South Carolina, attacked CNN newsman and debate anchor John King for asking a legitimate question about his ex-wife’s interview with ABC News.

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See, teh Gays Really Do Destroy Traditional Marriage

Filed in National by on December 22, 2011 8 Comments

The gay community in Minnesota has apologized for ruining traditional marriage. It seems they forced a conservative Republican Christianist nutjob to cheat on her husband.

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Better Make Sure There’s a Lock on that Closet

Filed in National by on December 16, 2011 5 Comments

It’s happened again to another RWNJ rethuglican politician. Greg Davis, the mayor of Southaven, Mississippi, “who ran unsuccessfully for Congress in 2008 on a conservative, family-values platform” according to the Commercial Appeal, has been forced out of the closet over receipts uncovered in a criminal investigation over misused expenses. The receipts included “thousands of dollars […]

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Too Good to be True

Filed in National by on August 12, 2011 19 Comments

Oh how I love it when anti-gay Rethuglicans get caught with their pants down. Well, he didn’t exactly get caught with his pants down, but he did squeeze the Charmin.

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Teabag Congressman and Black Americans

Filed in National by on August 1, 2011 21 Comments

Seems that Congressman Doug Lamborn (Teabag – CO) has a new pet name for President Obama. I wonder why he just didn’t use the N-word or call him boy. From the Denver Post: A short clip of the Colorado Springs Republican speaking about the debt ceiling debate during a talk radio program on Friday went […]

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Death and Taxes (without the Death)

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 31, 2011 1 Comment

h/t to Joanne Cabry for this. If you’re a conservative who hates taxes, please do the following. 1. Do not use Medicare. 2. Do not use Social Security 3. Do not become a member of the US military, who are paid with tax dollars. 4. Do not ask the National Guard to help you after […]

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A Walk Down Memory Lane

Filed in National by on July 30, 2011 1 Comment

You really have to love video vaults. Thanks to our friends at Think Progress, we have video from some of today’s teabag members of Congress urging that the debt ceiling be raised. Under the leadership of House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and House Majority Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA), the Republicans continue to precipitate a stalemate […]

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Another Edition of IOKIYAR — Christine O’Donnell Saved by the GOP

Filed in Delaware, National by on June 29, 2011 14 Comments

So the rest of the story of how the FEC charges against O’Donnell got dropped finally comes out. And she is saved from having to account for her mismanagement of campaign funds by the Republican commissioners on the FEC.

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