Tag: Republicans
January 14, 2017 Open Thread

Congressional Republicans talk about Ethics, Trump is fast but too fast and really unpopular, Sixers win three in a row, and the Union release their 2017 schedule.
Learning the Hard Way

I hate to say it, but the only way the message will get across is if the ACA is repealed with no replacement and everyone on it loses their insurance. At least, it seems like the only way the message will be heard. Though, I’m partially expecting the newly insurance-less to blame Obama for their loss of coverage.
Iowa’s Steve King Wants to Know What Non-Whites Have Contributed to Society

I hope the NY Times doesn’t mind me borrowing their quote. Because I really couldn’t write a better excerpt than this: In response, Mr. King said: “This whole ‘old white people’ business does get a little tired, Charlie. I’d ask you to go back through history and figure out where are these contributions that have been made by these other categories of people that you are talking about? Where did any other subgroup of people contribute more to civilization?” – Rep. Steve King, R-IA
The Obama Veto: Episode VIII

The next Republican Congress and President will, rather than make improvements and expand health insurance to all, repeal the Affordable Care act and fire 23 million Americans from their insurance policies, eliminating their financial ability to receive healthcare.
I’ll Just Drop This Here
On Thursday, the House voted to repeal the estate tax which would… increase the deficit by $269 billion over a decade.
How Cantor’s Loss Affects the Republican Party

Well, I think I’m about as stunned as anyone right now. House Majority leader Eric Cantor lost his primary by 10 percent tonight after polls had clearly shown him leading by double digits for weeks. Eric Cantor has been widely regarded as John Boehner’s replacement for leader of the Republican party in the house, and […]
Republican Hypocrisy on the VA Scandal

The abuse of the VA scandal in a midterm election year to “rock” the anti-Obama vote is entirely disgraceful. The issue of VA bureaucracy is one that has existed for decades now, and while President Obama hasn’t done enough to solve the issue, pinning the fault entirely on the President is plainly wrong.
From 1921’s Veteran’s Bureau collapse, to unpaid revolutionary soldiers, to today’s waiting lists, the issue of how we treat our veterans is one that needs an open national discussion, not a finger-pointing series of aggressive speeches and letters.
Republicans Have A BIG Problem
Right now Republicans are blaming Chris Christie, Hurricane Sandy, Mitt Romney, unreasonable gay people, slutty women, “biased” Hispanics, effeminate, urban, highly educated white guys, Evangelicals who didn’t show up, people who voted 3rd party and, of course, African Americans who should vote Republican, because, you know… Lincoln!
But the “Because I Said So!” party has a big problem, and I don’t see how they solve it. Yes, there have been mumblings about how the GOP has to tap into the groups I’ve listed about, but the question is how?
Republican Senate Candidate: Pregnancy From Rape Is God’s Will
FYI: Todd “legitimate rape” Akin is not an outlier. Rep. Roger “some girls rape easy” Rivard is not an outlier. Sharron “make lemonade out of rape” Angle is not an outlier. Paul “I agree with Akin” Ryan is not an outlier.
As time goes on, I’m rapidly reaching the conclusion that Republicans view the act of rape as god’s will. It’s almost as if, and I hesitate to type this, but… it’s almost as if they are casting god as the rapist. It’s like these guys view god as a Zeus-like figure. It’s like they are saying that despite the woman’s wishes god has decided she should be pregnant so he sent a rapist to fulfill his will.
Things I Learned from the GOP Convention
Mitt Romney had a little get together in Florida this week with some of his closest angry white friends. From this convention, I learned a few things about the Republican Party. Okay, maybe not learned them, maybe I just had the ideas reinforced.
The Politicizing of Pizza

I’ve never liked Papa John’s pizza, it always tasted like tomato sauce and cardboard to me. So the fact that I won’t be ordering from Papa John’s in the foreseeable future should not really affect their bottom line. However, some of you out there, might be ordering this crappy pizza and you might want to […]
Book Review: Politico’s Playbook 2012

I just finished reading both of Politico’s Playbook 2012 books, The Right Fights Back and Inside The Circus.
GOP Mind Tricks Aren’t Working This Time

E. J. Dionne has an interesting theory on why the typical Republican game plan isn’t working − Because the screwed the pooch on foreign policy last time around.
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