Tag: Republicans

Oh . . . My . . . God

Filed in Delaware by on November 16, 2008 26 Comments
Oh . . . My . . . God

This is freaking hilarious. Have Republicans no shame?

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My New Rules

Filed in National by on November 16, 2008 67 Comments

Republicans can no longer absolve themselves of the economic crisis when they were in power, and then simultaneously state that now that Dems are in control there’s no excuse for not solving everything. Republicans cannot support patriotism and respect for the Office of the President only when a Republican is housed in that office. Republicans […]

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The Whites Only Paradox

Filed in National by on November 14, 2008 4 Comments
The Whites Only Paradox

Eighty-seven percent of the votes the Republican nominee won in 2008 were from Whites. Compare that to 1976, when the Republican Presidential nominee’s White number was 95%. Number-wise, the Republicans had 37 million White people vote for them in 1976, while in 2008, the numbers almost reached 51 million — a 13 to 14 million […]

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Hey, Dr. Frankenstein! Your Monster Has Taken On A Will Of Its Own

Filed in National by on November 7, 2008 15 Comments

As much as I’m going to enjoy the already-in-progress battle between the Far Right and “RINO” wings of the Republican Party I have to admit that I’m rooting for the RINOs.  Sarah Palin got a little to close to the White House for my peace of mind.  Oh yeah, it was all fun and games […]

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What’s Next for the GOP?

Filed in National by on November 3, 2008 16 Comments

Will the Republican leadership get together for some Bill Clinton-style soul searching to see what’s next for their party or will that curl up in a fetal position, hands covering their ears and screaming, “No, no, no, no, no”? Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman hypothesizes the latter in his recent column, The Republican Rump. . […]

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Filed in National by on October 29, 2008 8 Comments

Why do “libertarians” seemingly choose “free market” candidates over socially-liberal candidates for office? Follow up question, why is money considered more important than quality of life?

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O’Donnell LOLCAT

Filed in Delaware by on October 26, 2008 15 Comments
O’Donnell LOLCAT

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Filed in Delaware by on October 25, 2008 3 Comments

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Surprise, Surprise, Surprise

Filed in National by on October 24, 2008 27 Comments

Ashley Todd, the McCain staffer who said she was brutally attacked by a pro-Obama mugger, has recanted her story to police according to KDKA reporter.

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McCain/Palin Define Elite

Filed in National by on October 23, 2008 4 Comments

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Charlie and the Taking Credit Factory

Filed in Delaware by on October 23, 2008 7 Comments
Charlie and the Taking Credit Factory

Tommywonk has the definitive history of the creation of The Challenge Program. And he is quite right, this program does great work and is teaching very advanced construction craftsmanship — if you own a house in a historic district or in a historic overlay you know how tough it can be to find folks with […]

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Clatworthy Comes A Calling

Filed in Delaware by on October 22, 2008 5 Comments

I remember like it was yesterday when Dave Burris said that John Clatworthy could be using FLS Connect for something other than Robo Calls. Four days later my phone rings from the Republican State Committee of Delaware (302-651-0260) with a John Clatworthy robo call. The robo call was from “your State Representative Deborah Hudson” though this might […]

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If Republicans are really against socialism…

Filed in National by on October 22, 2008 16 Comments

Then why aren’t they campaigning on the promise of abolishing Medicare?  And while they’re at it, perhaps Republican Congressmen should opt out of their government healthcare plan as well. Just saying.

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