Tag: Republicans

Terry Spence Hitching His Campaign to Markell?

Filed in Delaware by on October 16, 2008 6 Comments

Nationally, we’ve seen a few endangered Republican candidates openly embrace their associations (real and imagined) with Barack Obama.  Unstable Isotope recently reported here a story she had heard about Republicans not including their affiliations on their signage and literature or claiming to be Independent as a way to run from the damaged brand.  This is […]

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The 30 Percenters

Filed in National by on October 8, 2008 52 Comments

As the economy continues to go belly up, as the body counts in Iraq and Afghanistan continue to rise, as the corruption and greed of the current administration’s friends blossom in a putrid fragrance, as our energy policy is driven by oil fat cats, there are a group of Republicans and Independents who want to […]

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National Hug a Republican Day

Filed in National by on September 25, 2008 10 Comments

Hear Ye, Hear Ye, by unanimous decree by me, today is National Hug a Republican Day. It has been a rough two weeks as Senator McCain’s campaign as it spiraled out of control from the “fundamentals of the economy are strong” gaffe to his suspension of the campaign yesterday. We as Democrats need to stay vigilant and […]

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Republican Problem-Solving Handbook

Filed in National by on May 22, 2008 8 Comments
Republican Problem-Solving Handbook

(Image courtesy of Crooks and Liars) So who needs Political Consultants? The funny blog, The Aristocrats, has provided the exhaustive list of strategies republicans use to respond to issues, crises and just plain uncomfortable moments. Some of these items are not exactly family-oriented, but here’s a few exerpts: create intricate web of lies about it […]

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Has Dave Burris Lost It?

Filed in Delaware by on May 12, 2008 85 Comments
Has Dave Burris Lost It?

Go check out Down With Absolutes. Apparently Dave Burris has demanded Mike’s source for a photo that he posted last week of a possibly intoxicated Bill Lee in a Dewey Beach watering house. Apparently Dave has threatened that a subpoena will be coming Mike’s way if he doesn’t give it up soon. So what the […]

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Copeland Vows to Stop Attending SEU Meetings

Filed in Delaware by on May 9, 2008 51 Comments

I must have hit a nerve with my post earlier. Charlie Copeland dropped me an email to fill me in on his stance after he spoke to Tyler Nixon. I was unaware of the expiration of the SEU oversight board. I spoke with Tyler Nixon about it earlier today, and I will no longer attend […]

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Even Newt Says Republicans Are Toast

Filed in National by on May 8, 2008 7 Comments

And I think he may mean burnt — read this carefully: The Anti-Obama, Anti-Wright, and Anti-Clinton GOP Model Has Been Tested — And It Failed The Republican brand has been so badly damaged that if Republicans try to run an anti-Obama, anti- Reverend Wright, or (if Senator Clinton wins), anti-Clinton campaign, they are simply going […]

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Now this is biased reporting!

Filed in Delaware by on March 14, 2008 4 Comments

DOVER — Senate Republicans, frustrated by what they see as foot-dragging on their package of bills to force state agencies to open their finances — and their checkbooks — to public scrutiny, are trying to do an end run around the Senate and its desk-drawer veto. How’s that for an opening paragraph? It’s all the […]

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Bush/Castle Economy Tanks Except For One Sector

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 17, 2008 7 Comments
Bush/Castle Economy Tanks Except For One Sector

Credit where credit is due. Mike Castle’s programs do support one sector of the economy. The GNCPI (Giant Novelty Check Printing Index) is doing very well.      

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The Protack Express is a Train Wreck

Filed in Uncategorized by on December 16, 2007 110 Comments

Oh my.  I cannot believe the kind of crap that Protack gets himself into.  Now it’s the issue of the unpaid staff from his last campaign.  This comes after a foiled astroturfing of the local blogosphere and the failure to pay his consultants for the last campaign. The details are really starting to crystallize over […]

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Mike Castle Thinks Christmas is important

Filed in Uncategorized by on December 13, 2007 25 Comments

So important he had to vote yes to prove it…. Do you need more proof he is a wingnut? Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) has introduced a resolution (H.Res. 847) saying, and I am not making this up, that Christmas and Christians are important

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You know what you all can do?

Filed in Uncategorized by on December 7, 2007 16 Comments

GO FUCK YOURSELVES! Why?  Because when I had this post up I got blasted for a comment that eventually got removed that had implied the soldier volunteered for it. Well guess what I’m not the only “scumbag” that said it now. “Nobody is happy about losing lives but remember these are not draftees, these are […]

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This little brown bastard is f’ing it up for the GOP!

Filed in Uncategorized by on November 29, 2007 2 Comments

If they go debunking the myth that they aren’t all criminals trying to rape our children , eat our women and steal our minimum wage jobs then well, well we may have to treat them like, like, Like people. Damn you pedro, Damn you to hell (or Mexico) bendajo!

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