Tag: Republicans


Filed in Uncategorized by on November 12, 2007 39 Comments

This is what I’d expect from local R’s in delaware.  Hey DonvitiFuck you!‘nough said or this tough talk….grrrr…I’m a tough guy! chickenshit my ass …whose bee there? me, you fuckin prick…so as @ said before..Fuck you! I never joined for college money douchebag. I joined out of love for country! It’s funny, this is the […]

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Brilliant tactical move

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 18, 2007 4 Comments

If you don’t pay the investigator investigating you, then well, he goes away… That is what I call changing the culture of corruption baby

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Ho hum, at least he’s not a toe tapping republican

Filed in Uncategorized by on September 5, 2007 0 Comments

He’s just one of the more tolerated criminals in the Party

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Whatever happened to our Hit and Run almost AG

Filed in Uncategorized by on July 9, 2007 2 Comments

I thought this would happen you know…We had an almost AG  “clip” a car on I-95 on a sunny Sunday afternoon, with an unnamed passenger,that also refused to let the NJ take pictures of the his vehicle,  had witness describe him as tht motorist that left the scene of the crime and wouldn’t you know, our […]

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Which type of Republican are you?

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 14, 2007 10 Comments

If you are a Republican reader of Delawareliberal you are one of three possible types of Republicans. You are either a: Criminal Bush Collaborator, or Bush Resistor These categories are self explanatory but for the sake of clarity I’ll give examples of each type. Criminal Republicans are those people directly involved with this administration. I’m […]

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Colm Connelly to be Replaced After All?

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 23, 2007 10 Comments

An Eagle-eyed Kos Diarist caught a clue about the future of our favorite local crime-fighter(h/t This guy). Is he being replaced to run against Biden? Or did my post about him make Rove realize that Colm hadn’t been prosecuting enough Democrats?

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Atkins Roundup

Filed in Uncategorized by on January 4, 2007

If you haven’t been following the latest discussion of Rep. John “Booze ‘n Bruise” Atkins, here’s the trail for you to follow: Mike Matthews brings new details to light: After having an enjoyable night out at at a Halloween party (word has it that Rep. Atkins’ wife showed up in a police-officer-porn-star costume!) at that ultimate […]

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Crashing the Gate

Filed in National by on December 29, 2006

Howdy folks, I’m X Stryker, and I’ll be your host during Jason’s vacation week. I’m an Obama fan, and a frequent commenter on Swing State Project. I’m not one to shy away from controversy, so I’ll get straight to business: Dana‘s exposing more double dipping from Democratic state legislators, and provides an outlet in the comments section […]

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