Tag: Republicans

What’s Going On With Republicans?

Filed in National by on January 29, 2010 12 Comments

On Wednesday Obama gave a great State of the Union speech. It had been a rough couple of weeks for Democrats, most of it from the Democrats own making. Obama defied the pundits by giving a speech that wasn’t full of apologies, but instead stated that his policies are still right and dared everyone to […]

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The Aughts: The Failed Conservative Experiment

Filed in National by on January 3, 2010 8 Comments

Devilstower’s at Daily Kos blogged today about the lost decade of aughts. I recommend reading the whole thing if you get a chance but here’s an excerpt: Don’t forget the naughts, because this decade, no matter what anyone on the right might say, was conservatism on trial. You want less taxes? You got less taxes. […]

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The RNC Purity Test

Filed in National by on November 23, 2009 30 Comments

The RNC is trying to make the purity purges official by adopting a resolution on 10 principles Republican candidates must agree with in order to receive funding from the RNC (this is serious, apparently): THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Republican National Committee identifies ten (10) key public policy positions for the 2010 election cycle, […]

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Another Clown To Enter The Clown Car

Filed in National by on November 23, 2009 12 Comments

Lou Dobbs for President 2012!

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Paul Krugman Says The Irrational Right Is No Laughing Matter

Filed in National by on November 9, 2009 7 Comments

And I agree.  In fact, quite a few of us have been saying almost exactly the same thing. The key thing to understand about that rally is that it wasn’t a fringe event. It was sponsored by the House Republican leadership — in fact, it was officially billed as a G.O.P. press conference. Senior lawmakers […]

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The GOP Cult

Filed in National by on November 1, 2009 34 Comments

Frank Rich ponders the NY-23 special election and what it means for the GOP: The battle for upstate New York confirms just how swiftly the right has devolved into a wacky, paranoid cult that is as eager to eat its own as it is to destroy Obama. The movement’s undisputed leaders, Palin and Beck, neither […]

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You Knew This Was Coming

Filed in National by on October 30, 2009 7 Comments

Can we finally strip Lieberman of his chairmanship now? Once again the DFHs (especially Ned Lamont) were right and the so-called political pundits were wrong. I’m not holding my breath waiting for the establishment to apologize for their support of Lieberman. Will Lieberman apologize to the people of Connecticut for lying to them about how […]

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US Chamber of Horrors

Filed in National by on October 28, 2009 7 Comments
US Chamber of Horrors

Delaware Liberal like facts and we like pretty pictures, consequently we love graphs. Daniel Gross at Slate did a fine piece on the failings of the US Chamber of Commerce: But there is a fundamental reason why the chamber isn’t being invited into the rooms where legislation and policy are being made these days: It […]

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The GOP Plan Is?

Filed in National by on October 25, 2009 13 Comments

Here is a really clever web ad put together by the DSCC spoofing the Mac vs. PC ads: The GOP plan is block everything, root for failure and ridicule success.

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More On That GOP Death Spiral

Filed in National by on October 23, 2009 3 Comments
More On That GOP Death Spiral

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GOP Death Spiral?

Filed in National by on October 20, 2009 26 Comments

Despite what you may be hearing from Republicans, poll results are showing big trouble in the Republican ranks. The latest Washington Post/ABC poll showed Congressional Republicans with an abysmal 19% confidence rating (great deal/good deal), down from 29% in January. (Obama has 49% and Congressional Democrats have 34% confidence ratings, Obama’s overall approval was 57%). […]

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Breaking: Delaware Legislative Travel

Filed in National by on October 18, 2009 54 Comments

Update: The News Journal published Ginger Gibson’s article today, “Legislator’ travel tabs often missing”. State lawmakers can travel when and where they want on the taxpayer’s tab. snip Getting into a jet at taxpayers’ expense isn’t difficult in either chamber. In fact, no one interviewed for this article could recall a time when a travel […]

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Republicans Are Still Really Unpopular

Filed in National by on October 1, 2009 9 Comments
Republicans Are Still Really Unpopular

The conventional wisdom this summer was that the GOP was ascendant because of the passion of the teabaggers and that they stand to gain seats in the 2010 elections. However, polling data over this period has shown a decrease in support for Democrats but has not shown any subsequent rise in favorability of the Republican […]

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