Tag: Rick Jensen

Karl Rove To Appear On Rick Jensen’s Show Today

Filed in Delaware, National by on December 9, 2009 1 Comment

Bush’s brain Karl Rove is going to be on famous climate scientist Rick Jensen’s WDEL show today at 1:00 p.m. WDEL is soliciting questions through twitter. Send your questions to @jensen1150wdel. Or you can put your questions here and one of us will try to send them.

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Accidental Listening: Vigilante Edition

Filed in National by on October 14, 2009 16 Comments

I was accidentally listening to Rick Jensen a few minutes ago. He had the Mother of a boy from Kirk Middle School on the phone talking about the problem that her 7th grader had with being set-up by some bullies in the school. It is a heartbreaking story and deserves its own “helpkyle” website. Sadly, Rick’s weak mind is unable to think rationally.

Rick suggested something like this:

It amazes me that in this day and age that these kids that victimized your son haven’t had their names put out on the Internet. I’m not suggesting that you do it [Kyle’s Mom], but someone could put these kids names on the Internet, where it will stay forever. And it will come up every time they try to get a job or go to a school.

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Question of the Early Morning

Filed in National by on June 10, 2009 55 Comments

I don’t think that it is right to judge all Republicans based on the violent actions of scores of talk-radio drunk, wacko, Republican gun enthusiast, but where is the tipping point? When does it become okay to judge Republicans based on the actions of the conservative movement’s most passionate and engaged members?

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The Lost Verses of Dante’s Inferno

Filed in Delaware by on April 9, 2009 10 Comments

And as my companion and I moved along to the next area, we saw a large metallic conveyance riding atop a parallel set of metal rails.  My companion explained to me that this was called a train.  Inside of this train were the tortured souls of some of the most heinous creatures ever to walk […]

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Why Does Rick Jensen Hate Democracy ?

Filed in Delaware by on October 23, 2008 1 Comment

Somehting has been bothering me about Rick Jensen’s unhinged wingnuttery and Dave Neiwert at Orcinus nails it. Sometimes you have to wonder what Republicans have against democracy. Because that’s what this whole “voter fraud” foofara is about. John McCain and Sarah Palin and Lou Dobbs and the rest of the right-wing torch brigade that have […]

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