Tag: Sen. Bob Venables Delaware

Delaware’s Most Intriguing 2012 Races: Part I

Filed in National by on September 19, 2012 126 Comments

As always, counting down from #10.

10. RD 32: Andria Viola Bennett vs. Ellis Parrott.

The undistinguished daughter of one of Delaware’s least distinguished legislators (John Viola) has parlayed her homewrecking skills into a run for State Rep, ostensibly as a ‘placeholder’ for her DUI-plagued new husband and soon-to-be former Rep., Brad Bennett. You know, the guy who tearfully lamented the damage he had done to the institution of the House. Ellis Parrott doesn’t get me excited either. An R political aparatchik and long-time Kent County magistrate, now retired. Nothing says ‘political patronage’ quite like Justice of the Peace. The post-redistricting registration numbers are, shall we say, daunting to the R’s: 6133 D, 3143 R, and 3159 I.  You do the math. I haven’t the stomach for it.

9. Sussex Council District 3:  Councilperson Joan Deaver vs. Don Ayotte.

Sane vs. insane. Deaver has worked hard to protect Sussex County, and has done it within a body that generally supports the entreaties of developers, especially if said developers offer perks that warm what passes for the hearts of said ‘Honorables’. Unintelligible ex-blogger Don Ayotte brings ‘teh crazy’ to the race: a self-proclaimed English major who can’t punctuate, spell or put together a sentence that makes sense. Although his mindless minions do seem to have their barnyard epithets memorized, based on the condition of many of Deaver’s campaign signs. Deaver’s one of the few serious public officials on Sussex County Council, she’s not divisive, so it remains to be seen how effective Ayotte will be. Bonus points to Deaver for opposing the frivolous wasting of taxpayers’ dollars on legal fees to permit Council to recite “The Lord’s Prayer” at the opening of Council meetings. Perhaps the wingnuts have The Lord’s Prayer confused with the Landlord’s Prayer.

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