Tag: sexism
A Self-Respecting Feminist?

Yesterday’s comment section was, indeed, nuts, but when I went back and reread it several things jumped out at me. First, the incorrect use and expectation of feminism. Let’s start with the definition of feminism: 1 : the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes 2 : organized activity on behalf […]
This Is How It’s Done – More Of This Please

For years I’ve been saying that sexism and misogyny is a men’s issue. Hats off to Jordan Gleason, owner of Black Acre Brewing Company, for telling “a 60-year-old man to never return to his Indianapolis bar because the customer harassed and ogled his staff.”
Josh Marshall: Someone Will Die

Go read the entire thing. Today we appear to be going further and further into uncharted territory. After the cancellation of Trump’s event yesterday in Chicago, we had the incident at the rally in Dayton, Ohio in which a protestor, Thomas Dimassimo, jumped the security perimeter surrounding Trump and tried to rush the speaking platform. […]
Can We Learn From This?

There’s been an interesting evolution in the DL comment section. I wanted to give my take on it.
Whenever the subjects of race, women’s issues, religion (mostly concerning Muslims), LGBT, etc. come up and white privilege is pointed out we hear white people quickly saying “not all white people” and then sharing their reasons as to why they are the exceptions to whatever is being discussed. This derails the conversation, moving it away from whatever social issue is being discussed and putting the focus on white people’s concerns. I have lost count on the number of posts on DL where this has happened, and I’d like to figure out how we can stop doing this.
State GOP Gives Sussex Republican Committee A Spanking Over Disparaging Remarks About Women

Wonder if these “rules” will apply to Dem women?
Here’s the Delaware Republican Party statement:
Newark, DE: Delaware Republican Party Chairman Charlie Copeland has issued the following statement regarding the release of disturbing audio tapes in which Sussex County GOP officials make offensive comments about women leaders in the Delaware Republican Party and about women in general:
The recent release of audio recordings by DelawareRight.com in which Sussex County Republican leaders take aim at leaders of the Delaware Federation of Republican Women and the Sussex County Republican Women are offensive and counter to the fundamental beliefs of the Republican Party.
Is It Time To Get Rid Of Fraternities?
I will admit I have a strong bias against fraternities. During college I witnessed them in action, and what I see today is no different from what I saw then. I am not saying that all members are all awful, but the mob mentality surrounding them is disturbing. I don’t see a strong sense of […]
Did You Know That “firing a woman for breastfeeding isn’t sexist because men can lactate, too”

Every new mother is well aware of the benefits of breastfeeding and why they should breastfeed their baby. A pregnant woman and new mother are bombarded with research, flyers, books, advice, advice from strangers, etc. on why the breast is best. It’s everywhere… except, it seems, at Nationwide Insurance. Although I’m sure Nationwide would claim to be pro-breastfeeding in a “We 100% support breastfeeding… in the home” sorta way.
The Supreme Court has declined to overturn a lower court’s ruling that an insurance company was within bounds when it fired a breastfeeding mother. The woman’s suit was dismissed by the Eighth Circuit Court on the grounds that firing a woman for breastfeeding isn’t sexist because men can lactate, too.
The ACLU’s Galen Sherwin wrote Monday that former Nationwide Insurance Company employee Angela Ames sued her employer when she returned from maternity leave to find that no allowances had been made to enable her to pump breast milk for her baby during the day.
When Ames asked her supervisor for accommodations that would enable her to express milk and store it for her child, the supervisor reportedly responded that Ames should “go home and be with your babies” instead. That supervisor went on to dictate a letter of resignation to Ames that day, effectively forcing her to resign.
Men can lactate, too! They don’t, but they can (or some can), so… hand that baby over to dad and get back to work, Ms. Ames!
I breastfed both of my children, and while I sincerely enjoyed it I would have loved to hand off those 3am feedings to my husband. If only I had known at the time some men could lactate! I would have bought him his very own pump!
What The… This Is Not Okay
I was just listening to Al Mascitti on WDEL and this happened. A song was playing in the background and Al asked if the song was by Nicki Minaj and Gary Mullinax said something along the line that she wasn’t the only one who “slutted” it up this week. WTF? He then went on to […]
Girls Rationalize Sexual Assault As… Normal?

First, let me start off by saying that I’ve witnessed the normalization of sexual assault first hand – through my experience and now through my 16 year old daughter. It feels like an uphill battle. My small victory? Everyone at the Pandora household has stopped using gender specific words in a negative, and a positive, fashion.
But take a look at this study. I doubt you’ll be surprised.
How’s That Republican Outreach To Women Going?

Well… let’s take a look. Honestly, Republicans have added new heights to stupid. In the words of Tom Levenson at Balloon Juice, “Please proceed, GOP”
I’m Telling You, We’re This Close To Burqas

A woman gets sexually assaulted by a police officer and the female judge gives her a lecture. If women don’t want to be sexually assaulted then they need to stay home and stop tempting men. And if they do leave their homes and an incident like this happens they need to stop whining.
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