Tag: Shirley Price

Delaware Political Weekly: May 3-9, 2014

Filed in Delaware by on May 9, 2014 7 Comments
Delaware Political Weekly: May 3-9, 2014

<strong>Whoa</strong>. Now <strong>this</strong> is interesting. <strong>R Judy Travis </strong>has filed to run in the Brandywine Hundred district currently held by <strong>D Rep. Dennis E. Williams</strong>. Williams is facing a D primary challenge from <strong>Sean Matthews</strong>. It had been expected that two-time loser <strong>Robert Rhodunda</strong> would challenge for the seat again. Instead, Travis, who previously challenged, and lost to, Rep. Bryon Short in 2010, has jumped in. No she didn't move. She was redistricted in 2012, when I think all of the 7th district west of Foulk Road was moved to the 10th. Although Short defeated her by a 57%-41% margin (there were two other candidates) in 2010, she would likely be at least as formidable as Rhodunda. Short is more firmly entrenched than Dennis Williams. So, does this mean that Rhodunda is out, or that there will be an R primary? Somebody, anybody? I mean, <a href="http://www.bobrhodunda.com/">based on </a><strong><a href="http://www.bobrhodunda.com/">this</a>, </strong>it looks like he's running.

And Don Ayotte is back….

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Delaware Political Weekly: Feb. 22-28, 2014

Filed in National by on February 28, 2014 49 Comments
Delaware Political Weekly: Feb. 22-28, 2014

Jonathan Gallo has filed to face Bobby Outten in the 30th RD. Gallo changed his registration from R to D to run and, if you check out his site  right now, you will not find the word Democrat, or the donkey, anywhere on the site. I mean, anywhere. He’s got the classic bio, and he’s a “man of dedication, integrity, and commitment, who early in his life felt a call to serve his community.” Which means, he’s a ‘man of dedication, integrity, and commitment’ who is hiding his party affiliation. He also rides a tractor standing up (picture).

J. Kevin Robbins of Harrington, is challenging Harold Peterman in the conservative 33rd RD. Robbins is a long-time farmer and has the type of profile that could give him a shot in this district.  Here is his site.   Not only does he have the donkey there, he actually calls the Party the Democratic Party.

Guess which one I prefer.

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