Tag: solitary confinement

Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Week of March 24-26, 1015

Filed in Delaware by on March 24, 2015 7 Comments
Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Week of March 24-26, 1015

Yet another sneaky maneuver from Markell’s Merciless Minions in their ongoing war on state employees. After agreeing to postpone their plan to screw state employees and retirees by shifting more health costs onto them, Ann Visalli and her henchpersons nevertheless convened a meeting of the ironically-named State Employee Benefits Commission to ‘temporarily’ increase premiums. In other words, shifting more costs onto the workers. And going back on their public promises. When it comes to state employees, Markell is taking his cues from Scott Walker. Or perhaps vice versa.  From Day One, Markell has done little to hide his disdain for the worker bees. Guess he admires smooth-talking used car salesmen like himself much more.  Right back at’cha, Jack.  Glibness made you rich and made you governor.  Hey, maybe that’s why Jack looks down on state employees…not glib enough for him and, of course, not wealthy enough for him. Memo to the General Assembly: We’re watching. It’s time to tax Jack’s pals. They collected all the spoils of the so-called economic recovery.  Stop Markell’s transfer of more wealth to the wealthy.  This. Is. Unconscionable.

The Delaware General Assembly has a new easy-to-navigate website.  It’s really really good, but does not lend itself to linking as well as the previous website. Rather than doing a cut-and-paste of huge swaths of text, I’ll post highlights and encourage you to check out the site.  It’s definitely much easier to access and search than it used to be, which makes me even less essential (I know, I know).

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