Tag: Steve Tanzer Delaware
Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tues., March 18, 2014

Assuming that neither snow nor St. Paddy’s Day waylaid them, the legislators return en masse to Dover today.
I expect the Governor and his staff to be meeting with legislators both to push for the infrastructure package (10 cents a gallon increase) and the clean water package ($45 on average per homeowner). This, to put it mildly, is a tough sell in an election year. I have to wonder why the governor didn’t do this at the beginning of his second term rather than throwing out a not-well-thought-through proposal late last session. It makes passage less likely. Although…a compromise on the infrastructure package could well be reached. One respected legislator suggested a phase-in, a nickel and more state borrowing the first year, and an additional nickel and less borrowing the second year. This is, after all, among other things, a jobs bill. If proponents can message this properly and emphasize this fact, reluctant D legislators could well be brought along.
I also expect caucuses to get briefings from their Joint Finance Committee members as to where things stand following the agency hearings (Oops. DEFAC says we’re down another $40 mill). Keep in mind that the budget bill likely won’t get marked up until around Memorial Day, so there will be a lot of dickering between now and then. And more DEFAC numbers.
Delaware Political Weekly: March 8-14, 2014

Rep. Daryll Scott has designated his preferred successor. He’s Sean Lynn, a Dover City Councilman. Looks like he’d be a worthy successor to Scott, and the district is solidly blue. Of course, we don’t know if there will be any primary challengers, and we never know how someone will ultimately perform once in office.
I, for one, can only hope that Rep. Scott is not done with public service. He’s among the best progressives in the Delaware General Assembly.
‘Bulo’s Fave New Tunes: Feb. 2014

I gave you the Lake Street Dive stuff earlier this month. Here’s yet another generous selection of stuff that broke through the white noise for me in February…
The 62 Project: #’s 21 and 41

When I started the 62 Project, I had Pete Schwartzkopf ranked 13th on my initial list. That was largely because I thought that he, as House Majority Leader, effectively pushed through key progressive bills, including civil unions. He also was able to get the at-the-time controversial ‘revenue enhancement’ package through a fractured House. This helped balance the budget during the early Markell years. He wasn’t afraid to use legislative power to get things done. While I didn’t always admire his tactics, I respected the results. The role of House Majority Leader requires tough tactics in tough times.
However, as Speaker of the House, Schwartzkopf has governed as if he were still Majority Leader. Aided and abetted by an equally-enthusiastic, though far less skilled, arm-breaker, Valerie Longhurst. Pete not only handpicked Longhurst to be his successor, he insisted that they both be elected as a team or he would not serve as Speaker. Uh, I wonder if he’d be willing, or in any position, to make the same demand today. Put simply, Pete Schwartzkopf is in danger of being a one-term Speaker, and not because the D’s are in any way facing the loss of the House chamber.
Carper Opposes $10.10 Minimum Wage

Yep. Favors a rate lower than that, $9 to be exact. Because he is Tom Carper. It’s keeping Harry Reid from having enough votes to pass the bill. He needs to get out of that bleeping Chamber. Who is paying for his obstructionism this time? He should just take a job with them and end his disgraceful public career.
Dog Bites Man. Carney Thumbs Nose At Social Security Protections.

117 House Democrats, count ’em, 117, have signed a letter urging President Obama to exclude chained CPI from his FY ’15 budget. By now, you know where this is going. Once again, absent from this list is the truly-awful John Carney. You know, our Congressman.
El Somnambulo Hosts Blues Bash This Saturday!!

Yes, this is shameless self-promotion. In one of my many other incarnations, I am Symphony Steve, and I am a volunteer producer with the Arden Concert Gild.
I’m bringing in a killer blues/blues-rock show to the Arden Gild Hall this Saturday night at 8 p.m.
The opener is the Mikey Junior Band. Mikey Jr. is an amazing harp (harmonica, for those of you who are not blues aficionados) player and showman. Originally from Trenton, Mikey is making a big name for himself regionally and nationally. He’s made it to the finals of the International Blues Competition in Memphis. He always has a kicking band, and now he’s got a new CD as well. Check him out for yourself inside…
Delaware Political (Almost) Weekly: Feb. 1-7, 2014

While it’s possible that, under the right circumstances. first-term D Rep. Trey Paradee could be vulnerable, his opponent doesn’t appear to be much of a threat. R Peter Kramer has filed to challenge Paradee. Click here to learn a little more about Kramer. “Keep More With Kramer”. Presumably both money and ‘personal freedoms’. For low-income voters, that’s “Keep Poor With Kramer”. BTW, did any of you actually get a ‘kindergarten diploma’? Or would you even remember it if you did? Kramer did, and he does. Or at least, says he does.
Also, did you notice how his mission statement just…stops? Maybe he’ll add more as he thinks of it.
BTW, I notice that he didn’t mention that the family company for which he works (J. S. Kramer Inc., a construction company) has gotten serious money from state and federal contracts for institutional construction. Guess that’s money that he doesn’t want given back to the taxpayers. He’s outraged about spending as long as spending that benefits the family business continues. I can provide links if you need a sure cure for insomnia. I, for one, don’t.
The Band That Got Away
I, El Somnambulo, am, in one of my many other incarnations, a volunteer concert producer with the Arden Concert Gild. My musical interests tend to run towards roots, blues, soul, and Americana, especially if the music rocks. (BTW, I’m producing a killer blues and blues rock show on Feb. 22, but I digress.) While there have always […]
General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., Jan. 30, 2014

Brother, can you spare a dime a gallon for a $500 million boost to Delaware’s economy? A jobs creator and a massive infrastructure upgrade? House Majority Leader Val Longhurst has already said she won’t do it, regardless of the number of constituents in her district who will earn meaningful wages for their families. I hope she is in the minority. I hope that the unions who previously supported her are paying attention. With a gallon of gas well north of $3 a gallon, let’s be honest here. That additional 10 cents should hardly be a deal-breaker. But we shall see. The General Assembly has a minimum of six weeks, starting at the end of today’s session, to consider whether a $500 million boost to the state’s economy is in the economic interests of the people who live and try to work here. It’s all about the jobs, as far as I’m concerned. By far the biggest issue facing the General Assembly this term.
Here is what happened in Dover since my last post. The Box Bill passed the House by a 31-8 margin. None of the no votes will surprise you. The bill now goes to the Senate.
The minimum wage hike bill got plenty of love from the Business Lapdog Committee this time, and made it to the floor. 6 favorable, one on its merits, and 3 unfavorable. Amazing what six months of reflection can do.
Come inside for more…
General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Tues., Jan. 28, 2014

Well. That was quite an ambitious, and welcome, State of the State Address from Governor Markell last Thursday. There is no surer way to jump-start our state’s economy and, not coincidentally, address long-postponed infrastructure deficiencies, than by proposing a massive capital upgrade. Our roads and bridges need it. So do our workers. I suspect that we will hear this week how Gov. Markell intends to pay for the proposed $500 million program. No doubt an increase in the gas tax will be one of the proposed revenue generators.
I, for one, strongly support such an increase. People have choices as to what kinds of vehicles they drive. If they want to drive massive gas-inhalers, that’s their choice. If they opt to downsize, that’s their choice. The fewer massive gas-inhalers out there, the less pollution gets emitted. Those with mass transit and/or car pool options would be more likely to consider them should gas prices rise. There would be fewer unnecessary trips if people really were concerned about higher gas prices. Less traffic, smaller vehicles, less pollution. Why not raise the gas tax to help pay for this engine of economic recovery? There no doubt will be other revenue sources. I, of course want to see some equity restored to our tax code. But I’m completely on board with this proposal.
Lotsa other good stuff in there as well, including specific job skills training for high school students, and an intense campaign to clean Delaware’s waterways. The question is, will D’s respond favorably to one of the best and only Democratic proposals from our D governor. Here are two early reactions….
Delaware Political Weekly: Jan. 18-24, 2014

Marie Mayor has filed to run for the 20th RD seat currently held by the odious ex-state cop Steve Smyk. You may recall that Mayor ran a superb campaign, handily won a primary for the seat, and was poised to win until…a two-week blitz of fear and hatred stirred up the local yokels.
Meanwhile, in the absence of any other breaking political news this week, I’d like you to predict what comes next politically for the following Delaware figures, especially considering that Gov. Markell is term-limited…
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