Tag: Steve Tanzer Delaware

General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., June 6, 2013

Filed in Delaware by on June 6, 2013 48 Comments
General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., June 6, 2013

I knew, I just KNEW, that I was gonna like State Rep. Kim Williams. I had liked her votes, I had liked her positions during the campaign, and I loved her work on simplifying school choice for students and parents. But yesterday she demonstrated why she is an invaluable member of the Delaware General Assembly with this quote, courtesy of the News-Journal:

“Until recently, I was on the Red Clay School Board, and we were never informed of the specifics of this bill. I feel that we need to get more public input.”

Or at least SOME public input. 

The Markell Administration is pushing HB 165(Jaques) to the max. In fact, I think they tried to put one over even on the legislators who are sponsoring this bill. Rep. Earl Jaques made clear that this bill is not going to be rushed through:

“We have a bill in front of us, let’s discuss this bill. The time for the public to get involved is now, while we’re discussing this legislation.”

Others on this blog have done a far better job of describing the issues raised by this bill than I ever could. What particularly galls me is that we don’t even know officially where this bill came from. There was indeed a group created to review ways to improve charter schools. Hell, the list has been provided here. But, get this, even though Gov. Markell appointed the 24-member working group, he claims that this group had no real authority and, as such, public meetings were not required. So much for ‘Governor Transparency’. That is one of the most disingenuous things I’ve heard out of this Administration, which is really saying something. Shades of the Port of Wilmington deal.

But, I digress. HB 165 barely made it out of the House Education Committee, 7-6. It is far from ready for prime time. It is June 6. People are already on vacation, including teachers, students, and parents. There is no way that this bill should be worked by June 30. Let’s just see what this Governor does…

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., June 5, 2013

Filed in Delaware by on June 5, 2013 34 Comments
General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., June 5, 2013

SB 97(Henry), which would add ‘gender identity’ to the “already-existing list of prohibited practices of discrimination and hate crimes. As such, this Act would forbid discrimination against a person on the basis of gender identity in housing, employment, public works contracting, public accommodations, and insurance, and it would provide for increased punishment of a person who intentionally selects the victim of a crime because of the victim’s gender identity.” In Senate Judiciary Committee.  The committee will also consider HB 88 As Amended(Barbieri), which attempts to keep weapons away from those who are dangerously mentally-ill. The bill passed the House with only one no vote. You can read a compelling narrative on behalf of SB 97 here.

I can’t hope to top that, and I won’t. Except to say that the Senate has an agenda today. I don’t find much of interest there, but feel free to rummage around.

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Did Wilmington’s Mayor Try to Funnel $4 Million to Southbridge Church?

Filed in Delaware by on June 4, 2013 28 Comments
Did Wilmington’s Mayor Try to Funnel $4 Million to Southbridge Church?

On today’s Al Mascitti Show on WDEL, featuring notable guest El Somnambulo, both a City Council member and  a city pastor alleged that the Williams Administration budgeted $4 million that would go to a Southbridge church to help build a gymnasium. According to both Wilmington Councilman Michael Brown and Reverend Derrick Johnson, the church in question is the church of City Councilman Justen Wright.

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General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tues., June 4, 2013

Filed in Delaware by on June 4, 2013 4 Comments
General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tues., June 4, 2013

With the final budget details being worked out, the Delaware General Assembly begins its final sprint to the June 30/July 1 session finish line.

At least one issue of note has arisen since the Memorial Day two-week recess–alleged unprofessional and dangerous conduct by at least one employee of Planned Parenthood.  You can bet that the Bob Venables’ and Greg Lavelles of this world will use this to further their anti-choice agendas. You can expect tougher legislation regulating clinics as a result of the scandal surrounding Dr. Liveright (his real name?) and Planned Parenthood. And, as a Planned Parenthood supporter (financially as well as philosophically), such scrutiny is deserved. One of the most powerful arguments for availability of legal abortion services is that, without them, clients (and there will always be clients) will be forced to seek less safe alternatives. However, when you have Eric Harrah, Dr. Gosnell, and Dr. Liveright serving as cautionary examples, it is incumbent on legitimate providers to demand standards above the minimum of what the law will allow. Planned Parenthood knows their foes will use any pretext to go after them, which is why I really worry about why PP gave it to them. And, in so doing, placing their clients at risk.  Memo to PP and supporters: Don’t bury your heads in the sand here, face the problem head-on.

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., May 15, 2013

Filed in National by on May 15, 2013 7 Comments
General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., May 15, 2013

Just two more days before the Memorial Day 2-week recess.

Actually, during the two weeks, the Joint Finance Committee will meet to mark up the budget. Meaning, you’ll hear a lot of bitching by Gov. Walker’s Markell’s budgeteers. The more bitching, the better the budget, IMHO. I especially look forward to their outrage should state employees (and don’t forget us pensioners!) get raises. Governor, I’ve got three words for you: Tax your friends. Three more: Or shut up. Damn, that feels good.

I gotta say it: The Delaware General Assembly has done a great job of pushing back at the NRA. And its pigeon-maiming front man.

The House passed SB 16(Henry), which will help put an end to ‘straw purchases’ of firearms. The bill just squeaked through the Senate by an 11-10 vote, and the House passed it by a similarly-close 22-19 count. D’s voting no: Atkins, Bennett, Carson, Mulrooney(?), Paradee, and Walker(?). R'(s) voting yes: Ramone(!). The bill heads to the Governor for his signature. Great work all around here! If I were a wounded pigeon in Pa., I’d be veryvery afraid right about now. John Sigler has even more blood in his eye than usual.

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Tues., May 14, 2013

Filed in National by on May 14, 2013 34 Comments

While we were busy celebrating the passage and signing into law of Delaware’s Marriage Equality Act, the House effectively killed off legislation providing a modest hike in Delaware’s minimum wage. Make no mistake: the killing of SB 6 was deliberate and planned, and the co-conspirators were all Democrats: Speaker Pete Schwartzkopf, Rep. Bryon Short, and Gov. Jack Markell.

Here’s how it happened. After bargaining in what he thought was good faith with Gov. Walker Markell, Sen. Robert Marshall agreed to amendments that significantly reduced the impact of SB 6. Specifically, he agreed to push back the effective date, to decouple subsequent rate increases from the rate of inflation, and to lower the amount of the increase. Markell praised the eviscerated finished product, and said he could support the bill. Which was the last ‘support’ he provided. And Speaker Pete got the memo loud and clear: Kill the bill!

And he did. How? By assigning it to the House Business Lapdog Committee, aka the House Economic Development/Banking/Insurance/Commerce Committee, instead of to the House Labor Committee. Chaired by Rep. Bryon Short. You may recall that this is precisely the same tactic that former Speaker Bob Gilligan employed when Markell wanted him to kill the bill last session. And, for the second straight session, Short did not disappoint. SB 6 was passed in the Senate on March 21. It did not receive its hearing in the committee until May 8, and that was deliberate. Short allowed the bill to languish until the last day that, according to House rules, it had to be considered in committee. Many of you are aware of the full-court press opposition led by the respective Chambers of Commerce in the past two weeks. By delaying consideration of the bill, the committee chair enabled that campaign to have optimal effect. To the point where empty tabula rasas like Andria Bennett were reciting Chamber talking points verbatim in opposition to as Democratic a bill as you’ll ever find.

Gov. Markell demonstrated some slickness here. By saying that he would sign SB 6, he eliminates any political stigma that Democrats would attach to him in a future run for political office for publicly opposing a minimum wage increase. And he gets Pete and his DLC house cronies to kill the bill. Just like he did last year. Just remember, Markell’s fingerprints are all over this. Cut’n save.

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Tues., May 7, 2013

Filed in National by on May 7, 2013 4 Comments

Damn! I feel like Cathy Cloutier circa 2011. Gotta miss today’s vote. Off the radar screen, although I’ll be checking in from the road. This time, I think that Cathy Cloutier will be in the building, and that she will vote yes. In fact, I predict that both she and Bethany Hall-Long will do the right thing, which means that HB 75 will get 12 votes, and that marriage equality will become reality in Delaware. It should be a great day in Dover. Chamber and the gallery packed. Matt Denn presiding over the Senate in case he might have to cast the deciding vote. A lot of pent-up emotion. Hopefully to be followed by a joyful catharsis.

Sen. Blevins has cleared the decks by scheduling HB 75, and only HB 75, on today’s Senate agenda.  You all know that Delaware Liberal is the place to go for continuing coverage of this historic debate. Maybe I’ll even chime in from someplace in Bumf-ck, Indiana, assuming that the internets have reached there. [Delaware Dem note: I will be setting up a Debate and Vote thread this afternoon].

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., May 2, 2013

Filed in National by on May 2, 2013 18 Comments

The question of the day: ‘Why Tuesday, Why Not Today?’ Why is HB 75 (Marriage Equality), which cleared the Senate Executive Committee yesterday, not being worked today? The questions, and my highly-speculative answer are herein reprinted in their entirety:

Dale: Does anyone have any insight as to why the Senate vote on HB 75 was scheduled for next Tuesday, a full week (not actually) after the committee vote?

El Somnambulo thought that it might be scheduled for the very next day. And I read on the site of the conservative DE Family Policy Council that they thought the same thing. Why put it off a week? Could this mean that the 2 “undecided” senators are not simply keeping their intentions under wraps, but instead might genuinely be undecided and need more time? Is Hall Long requesting the extra time so that she can “poll” her district, as the News Journal reported?

El Somnambulo: Good questions, Dale. Blevins knows what she’s doing here, and your speculation could well be accurate. If she thinks that they need a little room to come to grips with their decisions, then I think that’s the right thing to do.

There might, repeat, MIGHT, even be an Alphonse/Gaston situation here. What if two senators are reluctant to be the ‘deciding’ vote on an issue, but would each conceivably be ‘yes’ votes if theirs was the 12th rather than the 11th vote? That way, they’d have cover that their vote in essence made no difference. Seems crazy, I know, but stranger things have happened.

I know that this issue is a ‘no-brainer’ for a lot of us, but there’s lots more at play than meets the eye with some legislators. I DO know that HB 75 has a superb grassroots lobbying effort behind it, so I don’t think we’ll lose ground between now and next Tuesday. Might just gain some.

Anyone have anything to add? Keep in mind that the goal of supporters should be to help these senators get to ‘yes’.

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., May 1, 2013

Filed in National by on May 1, 2013 12 Comments

Yes, SB 19(Peterson) was tabled in the House Judiciary Committee, which disappoints death penalty repeal supporters like myself. However, keep in mind that this is the first of a two-year General Assembly session, so the bill is not dead, just ‘sitting in limbo.’ House sponsor Rep. Darryl Scott has stated that he may try to petition the bill out of committee. Not sure if that’s the best strategy for now, think I’d only do it if I knew that I had the votes for the bill on the floor. Timing is everything, and this might not be the best timing.

Sen. Bruce Ennis introduced SB 33 yesterday, which would require owners of manufactured home communities to seek approval for any increase above the average inflation rate.

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Report: Tues., April 30, 2013

Filed in National by on April 30, 2013 7 Comments

A HUGE week coming up in Dover.

HB 75(Smith) will be considered in the Senate Executive Committee this Wednesday. If you have not yet contacted your senators, especially if your senator is either Cathy Cloutier or Bethany Hall-Long, now is the time to do so. Be friendly and positive, and encourage them to do the right thing. Marriage equality is RIGHT THERE, do everything you can to help push it over the top.

Residents in manufactured homes communities are back and they’re seeking justice. So are the overlords, who have thrown campaign cash around to legislators in large quantities. Except, of course, in their case, they’re paying to ensure a continuation of injustice. Meaning that, this year, legislators will either have to do the right thing or face the electoral consequences for siding with their wealthy (and amoral) contributors. And, yes, we will be naming names, both legislators and contributors. SB 33 will be introduced this week, and, once again, all it asks is that these landlords be required to justify rent increases that are larger than the rate of inflation. There will likely not be a more important legislative battle between Good and Ee-vil to be fought this year. Choose sides.

After a disorganized committee meeting last week, the House Judiciary Committee convenes solely to consider a motion to release the death penalty repeal bill from committee:

Due to time constraints at the end of the April 24 Judiciary Committee meeting because the House Chamber needed to be vacated for session, action on a motion on Senate Bill 19 was not completed. This April 30 (Tuesday) meeting on Senate Bill 19 is being held solely for the purpose of taking action on a motion regarding the bill. There will not be an additional public comment period.

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., April 25, 2013

Filed in National by on April 25, 2013 1 Comment

The big news, as predicted here by one of the death penalty repeal opponents, is that SB 19(Peterson) did not have sufficient votes to make it out of the House Judiciary Committee. Opponents included families of victims, law enforcement, and the Attorney General. I apologize for somehow missing this during my preview yesterday. I don’t understand how I did not see that this bill was being considered, but I didn’t. Probably the most egregious (among scores of them) mistake I’ve ever made since I started doing these reports. Mea Culpa.

According to Jonathan Starkey’s coverage in the News-Journal, the bill is probably dead for this year. But this is the first year of a two-year legislative session, and things can change. This bill was a close call in the Senate, and it was destined to be close in the House as well. We’ve also learned that, in Delaware, the police get what the police want, including a lack of transparency (aka the Police ‘Bill of Rights’, which tramples on the very notion of a bill of rights), so this is to be expected. Don’t lose heart. These things often take time, so just keep working at it.

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., April 24, 2013

Filed in National by on April 24, 2013 2 Comments

Man, it feels great to be part of one of the preeminent political blogs in the entire country! The coverage, analysis, and response to consideration of HB 75, the Marriage Equality Bill, was crack cocaine for all of us political junkies. Thanks to Delaware Dem and everyone who added to the threads! The bill faces a less certain result in the Senate, where the votes of Cathy Cloutier, Bethany Hall-Long, and Ernesto Lopez will likely determine the result. If you are constituents of any of those senators, now is the time to contact them to encourage them to support HB 75. Be friendly, polite, and positive. Let them know that you’ll have their backs if they have yours.

For you legislative completists out there, here is yesterday’s session activity report. As expected, HB 40(Keeley), which extends the Automatic Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation Program and the Office of Foreclosure Prevention for four more years, unanimously passed the Senate. Due to a technical amendment, the House will hold another vote before the bill heads to the Governor, no doubt by Thursday afternoon.

Not everyday can be yesterday. But my work goes on.

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Tues., April 23, 2013

Filed in National by on April 23, 2013 28 Comments

One bill dominates the upcoming legislative week. Both because of its import and because of the relative dearth of other pieces of notable legislation.

HB 75(Smith) would legalize gay marriage in Delaware. The bill is on today’s House Agenda. I believe that the votes are there for House passage. The question is whether certain wavering legislators listen to their constituents and, in most cases, to their consciences. Or will they give in to the arguments of the religious absolutists? Here are some who were wavering. Please let me know if they’ve committed to support HB 75 since I first posted this:

Charles Potter, 1st RD: He has been a strong advocate for civil liberties, there are many marriage equality supporters in his north Wilmington district, but he has not yet taken a position;

Deborah Hudson, 12th RD: She has generally been a moderate on social issues and, again, there are many marriage equality proponents in her Chateau Country district;

John Mitchell, 13th RD: He was ‘almost’ Speaker, and he could wind up there someday…if he does the right thing;

Joe Miro, 22nd RD: This Pike Creek R has lots of marriage equality proponents in his district.

And if you support HB 75, but haven’t contacted your legislator, why not? BTW, major props to Reps. Mike Ramone and James ‘J. J.’ Johnson. Both have made clear that they support HB 75 since I posted my initial list last week, and that their votes are not in question. I’m putting the over/under at 24 yes votes. Ladeez and gentlemen, place your bets.

Here is today’s House Agenda. The only other substantive bill (as opposed to technical housekeeping stuff) is HB 42(Barbieri), which ‘adds adult aunts and uncles to the list of relatives who may act as a surrogate to make health care decisions for an adult patient if the patient lacks capacity and there is no agent or guardian…’.

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