Tag: Steve Tanzer Delaware

Delaware Political Weekly: Sept. 8-14, 2012

Filed in National by on September 14, 2012 34 Comments

What we learned from the Primary: 1. The Gordon machine was the single most effective game-changer during the primary; 2. For once, Wilmington really made the difference this year; 3. Grassroots campaigns work, and they cost a lot less than the alternative; 4. Jack Markell is in danger of becoming a Drawbridge Democrat; 5. Tons of lit cannot compensate for personal unpopularity; and 6. Primaries are GOOD;

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El Somnambulo Predicts ‘Em (Almost) All For You. Part 2

Filed in National by on September 5, 2012 55 Comments

And now onto the State House of Representatives:

RD 1 (D): While Victoria Kent shows promise as a first-time candidate, I look for Dennis P. Williams protege Charles Potter to win in Williams’ district. Former state rep Rourke Moore has been almost invisible. I’d encourage Kent to work on developing a bit more message discipline should she decide to seek office again. She has potential, but she’s not there yet.

RD 2 (D): Former State Rep. Arthur Scott challenges incumbent Stephanie Bolden. I think that Scott finds himself in something of the same time warp that has trapped Dave Brady. While there may be compelling reasons to defeat the incumbent, Scott hasn’t really made them. Bolden by a fairly comfortable margin.

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El Somnambulo Predicts ‘Em All For You*. Part 1…

Filed in National by on September 4, 2012 70 Comments

*Well, not all as in ALL. Just every primary where I think I know enough to make a prediction.  Some of which, invariably, will be wrong.

National Races:

U. S. Senate D’s: Tom Carper routs Keith Spanarelli. Over/under on Spanarelli: 12%.

U. S. House R’s: Tom Kovach routs Rose Izzo. Over/under on Rizzo: 11%.

Come inside for more, including, as the photo suggests, my prediction on the epic 11th SD race.

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Delaware Political Weekly: August 25-31, 2012

Filed in National by on August 31, 2012 33 Comments

“And the days dwindle down to a precious few…” before the Delaware primary on September 11. 1. Shadow Montgomery Group Spending Big Bucks. Of course, Bill Montgomery knows nothing, nothing, about them. No doubt just some civic -minded (read: people who stand to make big bucks if Montgomery is elected) individuals who are so proud […]

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Delaware Political Weekly: August 18-24, 2012

Filed in National by on August 24, 2012 38 Comments

‘I Don’t Need No More Steenkin’ Debates’. That’s the conclusion that Wilmington Mayoral candidate Dennis P. Williams has reached. He may be right. There have been something like 18 of them, and Williams has taken part in something like 17. However, recent surfacings of the famous Williams temper suggest that he may be staging a strategic retreat from the arena that often provides a glimpse into that temper.

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On the Hustings With Bryan Townsend, Part II: Things I Learned.

Filed in National by on August 23, 2012 21 Comments

Told’ja I’d go back, and I went back yesterday evening to campaign with Bryan Townsend, who may be running the best single state legislative campaign in Delaware this year.  Well, his amazing staff is running the campaign, Bryan’s the Incredible Campaigner. Here’s what I learned.

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Delaware Political Weekly: August 11-17, 2012

Filed in National by on August 17, 2012 106 Comments

1. Gleanings From the Campaign Finance Reports. Some stuff that hasn’t been reported that I find interesting. YMMV: *The Rev. Chris Bullock has raised a pretty impressive amount of money, $42 K overall, with almost $16 K of it coming from contributions of $100 or less. That’s a lot of small contributions for a race […]

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Delaware Political Weekly: July 28-August 3, 2012

Filed in National by on August 3, 2012 58 Comments

Signs (literally and figuratively) point to ‘yes’.  This week, the black clergy (20 in all) endorsed Williams. This followed previous endorsements by the Fraternal Order of Police and Wilmington firefighters. A recent drive around the Broom Street/Baynard Boulevard area revealed not only a lot of Williams signs, but many lawns sporting both Williams signs and/or Gordon and Potter signs. Meaning that Williams has, at the least, developed synergies and perhaps working alliances with these candidates. The Montgomery campaign appears to have become dependent on former Republicans (Hal Haskell? Really?), and I’m not sure what’s happened to the Kelley campaign, which had lots of energy a couple of months back.  All I see is that, in the case of Williams, the trend is his friend, and that’s not the case for the only other electable candidates.

I’m inclined to think that Tom Gordon has taken control of the NCCo. Executive race. This is one case where the AFL-CIO endorsement helps. I think that, in part, it reflects dissatisfaction amongst county employees who swallowed a 2.5% pay cut while Paul Clark was adding on an army of ‘executive assistants’, at least one of whom also acts as his chief fundraiser while deciding which projects move forward and which ones don’t.

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Delaware Political Weekly: July 21-27, 2012

Filed in National by on July 30, 2012 14 Comments

So, I’m at the Townsend house, waiting to head on out to campaign. I decide to spend some time perusing Tony DeLuca’s ‘puppy piece’. I come across this line listed under the ‘Dedicated’ subheading:

(Tony DeLuca…) “Supported SEED and Inspire scholarships for Delaware students”.

That’s what it said. On a 3″ by 9″ (or so) palm card, Senator Tony DeLuca claims this as one of his key accomplishments. I got to thinking, waitaminnit, wasn’t he the guy who tried to KILL the Inspire Scholarship Program? My memory not being the best, I decided to climb into the Notsowayback Machine.

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On the Hustings With Bryan Townsend

Filed in National by on July 25, 2012 20 Comments

After spending a couple of hours at the doors (aka trying to keep up) with 11th District State Senate candidate Bryan Townsend last night, I can only say this: The residents of the 11th District would be SO much better off with Bryan Townsend as their Senator that it’s not even a close call. He is the single best first-time candidate I’ve encountered since Dave Sokola. And, yes, when elected, he would immediately join Senators Peterson and Sokola as one of the best senators in Dover.

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Delaware Political Weekly: July 14-20, 2012

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 20, 2012 17 Comments

1. Karen Weldin Stewart Campaign a Reflection of Karen Weldin Stewart, the Insurance Commissioner. There are many things a campaign cannot control: unexpected events, unexpected revelations,  bad luck, the quality of its opponents, among them. However, every campaign has complete and total control over every word of communication that goes out under its name. Whether […]

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Jerry Grant Kicks Off His Campaign This Thursday

Filed in Delaware, National by on July 17, 2012 4 Comments

Jerry Grant, who is running in the Democratic Primary to replace Rep. Terry Schooley in the 23rd RD, has his official kickoff event this Thursday.  He will be introduced by none other than…Terry Schooley. Here is the official announcement: Grant to Kickoff Campaign for 23rd District Former city councilmember, small business owner launching bid for […]

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Delaware Political Weekly: July 7-13, 2012

Filed in National by on July 13, 2012 25 Comments

Not really much more to discuss. Thanks to our eagle-eyed political junkies, pretty much all the developments can be found here and here. And you can find some analysis of the primary battles here.

I admit it. I’m addicted to this stuff.

There will almost certainly be some withdrawals today, as 4:30 p.m. this afternoon is the deadline for candidates to withdraw and get their filing fees back.

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