Tag: Student Loans

House Bill 346 puts a band-aid on student loan cancer

Filed in National by on April 3, 2018 7 Comments
House Bill 346 puts a band-aid on student loan cancer

Nobody is going to turn down a possible $10,000 – but can’t we get a little more creative than this when it comes to student debt? I mean, can’t banks take part somehow? They are probably eager to show off their civic-mindedness.

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House to Vote on Student Loan Relief Today

Filed in National by on April 27, 2012 1 Comment
House to Vote on Student Loan Relief Today

The House will be voting for the Republican version of student loan relief which will be rejected by the Senate as the GOP bill takes money from the Affordable Care Act to pay for it.

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Helping the Kids Out

Filed in National by on April 23, 2012 1 Comment
Helping the Kids Out

President Obama this weekend began bullying Congress not to let the low-interest student loans expire this year.

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Student Loan Reform

Filed in Delaware by on March 26, 2010 25 Comments

Somewhat overshadowed by all the attention on the health care reform bill was the student loan overhaul that was added into the reconciliation package: Ending one of the fiercest lobbying fights in Washington, Congress voted Thursday to force commercial banks out of the federal student loan market, cutting off billions of dollars in profits in […]

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