Tag: Sussex County
Sussex School Districts Shine in Board Elections

A reader pointed out that I did not include any results from the Sussex districts last night. Full disclosure; I gave up refreshing the Dept of Elections page waiting for results to be tabulated and went to bed. Think it’s too much to ask that our 3 county state report election results identically across each county? […]
Sussex County As Key to Keeping Delaware Blue
This seems to be the thesis and part of the organizing motivation of Sussex County Democratic Chair, Mitch Crane. Mitch spoke to Don Flood at the Cape Gazette some days back, explaining why he thinks that focused effort now in establishing the Democratic Party and in getting more seats in local government is crucial to the long term health of the party:
Vance Phillips Pleads the Fifth

At least that is what is being reported in the Cape Gazette today. You’ll remember that Phillips is being accused of sexually assaulting a campaign staffer in 2011 — repeatedly. So much for looking forward to Phillips telling his side of the story — as his legal team claimed he was eager to do.
Schwartzkopf To Announce Re-Election Campaign
House Majority Leader Rep. Pete Schwartzkopf will formally kickoff his campaign for the 14th District House seat on Wednesday, August 1. Come on down, enjoy a nice day at the beach, and be part of Pete’s reelection effort. He is currently being opposed by some teabagger Libertarian, as the GOP doesn’t have its sh*t together on this side of the county.
Crossing the Line

The Sheriff of Nuttingham and his wife are promoting the assassination of elected officials who oppose them.
Taking the Klown Kar Show on the Road

It seems as though Delaware isn’t a big enough stage for the egotistical would be lawman, Sussex County Sheriff Jeff Christopher. Now his show is going on the road. Granted it isn’t very far, only over to Carroll County, MD, but it seems as though Jeff needs to take his grifter antics to empty the […]
Sheriff Christopher v. Sussex County
A little birdie sent in this court filing last night. In it, Sussex County Sheriff Jeff Christopher is filing suit against Sussex County. It is full of craziness, including the Magna Carta, English Common Law and Posse Comitatus. Today, Sussex County responded in a press release. My favorite part of the press release is the […]
Showdown at the Leg Hall Corral
I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the deputy. Figuratively speaking, mind you.
It’s About to Get A Bit Crazier in Sussex

Sheriff Woody is bringing in reinforcements. Hopefully they’ll have to check their guns at the door.
Kooky Talk in Sussex

Well, it must be Spring because it seems as though more crazy talk is filling the airwaves than usual. We now get to listen to Matt Walsh on WGMD in the evenings. Walsh was a DJ on 93.5 “The Beach,” until they tired of him and his nonsense. In 2010, he ran for mayor of Georgetown and took a whopping 25 votes out of the 455 cast. Yes, he took 5.5% of the vote. He probably got his butt kicked because instead of talking about issues that would affect the average Georgetown resident, he squawked about the Second Amendment, health care reform, and illegal aliens. Yeah, those would be my top choices if I was running for municipal office.
Well, tonight on his show, Walsh decided to talk about President Obama’s birth certificate. Or as he put it, his alleged birth certificate. He started off by saying “I’m not a birther, but……..”
Clipping Sheriff Jeff’s Wings
Finally, members of the General Assembly have decided to do something about renegade Sussex County Sheriff Jeff Christopher. We have had numerous posts about the wannabe cop deciding that not only that he had police powers (he doesn’t), that he was the supreme law of the land (he isn’t), and that he was sovereign to all other elected officials in Sussex County (he’s not).
Readin’, Ritin’, and Running Amok
Newsflash: a Sussex County elected official doesn’t like to follow the rules and takes matters into their own hands. No, I’m not talking about Wyatt Earp Sheriff Jeff Christopher, I’m referring to Cape Henlopen School Board member Sandi Minard, (pictured 5th from the top). Minard is a teabagger. She won her seat in 2010 when […]
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