Tag: Terrorism
The White House Smacks Dick Around

After Dick Cheney emerged from Potterville to chime in about the attempted terrorist attack on Flight 253, the White House responded on its blog. To put it simply: this President is not interested in bellicose rhetoric, he is focused on action. Seven years of bellicose rhetoric failed to reduce the threat from al Qaeda and […]
Rachel Maddow Calls Out “Chatty Cathy” Cheney And The Parroting Press
If you haven’t watched the video below, please do so. Rachel Maddow, calmly and professionally, dismantles every bit of garbage spewing out of our former Vice President’s mouth. And, isn’t it ironic that a man who spent the majority of the last eight years in an undisclosed location is now seeking the spotlight with a […]
Fearmongering = $$$
Republicans have been jumping on the bandwagon to criticize President Obama because of the failed terror attack on Christmas Day. Some have been using the incident for fundraising, look at Rep. Pete Hoekstra (who is running for governor of Michigan): They just don’t get it. The system didn’t “work” here. Far from it! It is […]
Party Before Country
On Christmas Day, a flaming crotch bomber tried to take down a Northwest Airlines flight over Detroit. Luckily for us, he was as incompetent as shoe bomber Richard Reid and failed thanks to the passengers and crew on the airplane. As I stated yesterday, I think this incident exposed some unclosed loopholes and weaknesses in […]
Fix This
By now you’ve probably all heard about the attempted terror incident on NW 253 from Amsterdam to Detroit on Christmas Day. The accused terrorist wannabe, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, is the son of a Nigerian banker. He had a valid U.S. Visa issued in 2007 (obviously Obama’s fault). He was carrying 80 grams of PETN explosive […]
Fear Not Wingnuts
The latest crazy Republican talking point floating around concerns the decision of the Justice Department to try some high profile terrorism suspects in the federal courts in New York. Their concern is that the suspects could be acquitted (and there wouldn’t be any danger in that would there wingnuts if Bush/Cheney didn’t have so much […]
The Bedwetters Party
Those darn Constitution huggers have done it again! They haven’t been listening to Republicans, who believe that a terrorist attack means we should throw out the Constitution. What those Constitution-hugging liberals want to do is try terrorism suspects in federal courts: The Obama administration said Friday that it would prosecute Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the self-described […]
Some Real Terrorism News

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder announced today that some of those allegedly responsible for the 9/11 attacks will be tried in federal – not military – court. “Today we announce a step forward in bringing those we believe were responsible for the 9/11 attacks and the attack on the USS Cole to justice,” said Attorney […]
Is Hasan a Terrorist?
I was having a discussion at work the other day about the Ft. Hood killings. One of my co-workers said, “He’s a terrorist.” I disagreed with him and stated my definition of terrorism. Primarily, it deals with the motive of the act being designed to terrorize a populace into forcing a political change. Israel, Northern […]
Lunch Break News
You’ve been told a lie – Monsanto and the Agribusiness lobby want you to think chemical farming is vastly superior to organic farming. Organic farming can feed about as many people as chemical farming, and in the developing world, it could feed 80% more. Check out the science. (DKos) Obama leads Republicans by about 20 […]
Quote of the Day
We [representatives of Pakistan and the United States] did talk about drones, and let me be very frank: there is a gap between us. The bottom line is the question of trust. – Shah Mehmood Qureshi Foreign Minister of Pakistan
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