Tag: Terry Spence Delaware

General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Sat., June 30, 2012

Filed in Delaware, National by on June 30, 2012 5 Comments

To its credit, the House, as opposed to the shrouded-in-secrecy Senate, has an Agenda. Also to its credit, more specifically, Speaker Gilligan’s, the House has already gotten the retirement festivities out of the way. Former Speaker Terry Spence used to futz around for hours on end on June 30, with endless hosannas to retiring House members, said hosannas often sung by (I’m not making this up) an Elvis impersonator. Self-indulgence at its worst. I was working in the Senate at the time, and we used to stew at this turning the ‘people’s business’ into some freak sideshow for two hours every June 30.

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