Tag: Tom Wagner
Delaware Political Weekly, Or An Approximation Thereof: August 16-22, 2014

This article got lost in the Chip Flowers Implosion, Version 4.0, but it shouldn’t have. House D’s facing primary challenges sending out thinly-veiled campaign lit on the public’s dime. A practice that was discontinued under Speaker Gilligan (Terry Spence was the Godfather of this practice), but reinstated by Speaker Schwartzkopf just in time for the primaries. Now here’s the rest of the story. Complaints regarding this practice were filed with Elaine Manlove of the State Department of Elections. She determined that she had no legal jurisdiction over the complaints, that they did not technically violate state law, and referred them to…The House Ethics Committee. Did I mention that the House Ethics Committee is chaired by Valerie Longhurst, one of the two legislators who it’s been confirmed have sent out these mailers on the taxpayers’ dime? Now, that’s the Delaware Way.
Brenda Mayrack Lures ‘Bulo Out of the Shadows

Other than doing door-to-door with Bryan Townsend and hosting Mitch Crane at the Arden Fair, I’ve not been out front in actively campaigning for political candidates since I took my leave of the Delaware General Assembly.
Brenda Mayrack has changed that. To the extent that I’ll be on her Host Committee for this upcoming event:
Darley House Meet & Greet
Thursday, August 7, 2014 | 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Darley House (Corner of Philadelphia Pike & Darley Road)
3701 Philadelphia Pike | Claymont, DE 19703Additional parking available next door at the Church of the Ascension.
Buy your tickets now.Friend: $30 | Supporter: $75 | Host: $100
That’s right. As a host, I’m ponying up $100. Why?
Because, for all intents and purposes, we haven’t had an auditor, let alone a competent auditor, for however long Tom “Suspendered Disbelief” Wagner has been in office. I’ve argued on this blog for years that we really need a competent auditor. A competent auditor can and will save the state lots of dollars. It’s not even mostly about waste, fraud, and abuse, it’s about working with agencies to save the state money while not cutting services.
Delaware Political Weekly: May 31-June 6, 2014

Any general election ballot with both Matt Denn and Brenda Mayrack on it is a ballot worth filling out. For years, we, and many of you, have lamented the dearth of progressives at the highest levels of elected state Democratic officeholders. I am convinced that both Denn and Mayrack are true progressives, and that the offices for which they’re running this year are unlikely to be the last offices for which they run. In addition to being progressives, both are real competent. With all due respect to Beau Biden (and that’s about as much respect as he’s due), Denn is a huge upgrade in the competence department. As for Tom Wagner, is there anybody in the state, other than perhaps Dick Cathcart, even willing to make an argument about his competence? Unless one views not doing anything as evidence of competence? Now contrast him with Brenda Mayrack. As Spiro Agnew might say, “Nolo contendere”. Speaking of Wagner and Cathcart, for those of you new to this scandal, this is must reading. Pretty much everything you need to know in one place. Perhaps that Delaware City sycophant who kisses Cathcart’s ass (no, not Val Longhurst, the other Delaware City sycophant who kisses Cathcart’s ass) will respond to this. Wagner? I dunno. But the term ‘suspendered disbelief’ was never more appropriate. BTW, in a delicious piece of irony, the pathetic report/whitewash from Wagner that I linked to in the article…is no longer available from the Auditor’s office.
General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., May 14, 2014

Here we are in mid-May, and it’s been weeks since we’ve heard anything about a gas tax for transportation funding and/or a revenue stream to clean our water. Is this a game of political chicken, or has everybody chickened out? Assuming no new revenues for transportation projects, there will be roughly $70 million less to spend next Fiscal Year on fixing our roads and bridges than has been allocated in the current Fiscal Year. This after one of the most brutal winters in recent memory. This also means $70 million less to invest in our workers and our state’s economy. Is this really (not) going to happen? What a pathetic demonstration of what passes for political leadership in Dover. There’s still time, but is there political will?
General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., April 30, 2014

A particularly-sketchy ‘redevelopment’ project headlines today’s House Committee meetings.
HB 310(Longhurst) essentially enables the ethically-bankrupt Dick Cathcart to be at the center of what looks like a deal that will put $$’s in connected people’s pockets far from the view of the public. You may remember that Cathcart awarded no-bid contracts to friends of his while ‘working’ as contract administrator at Delaware State University; had his clear involvement in awarding these contracts whitewashed by Republican crony pal Auditor Tom Wagner; and even had Wagner recommend him for the position of City Manager of Delaware City as the scandal-scarred Cathcart beat a hasty retreat from elective office before the voters did it for him. Under HB 310, which, by the way just happens to be in the House Administration Committee chaired by…sponsor Valerie Longhurst, this is what would happen….
The 62 Project: #’s 27 & 35

Rebecca Walker has, on paper, the kind of background I look for in a legislator–demonstrated accomplishment in arenas other than politics. She’s both a nurse and an attorney, and has practiced in each field. Ernie Lopez first ran for office in New Castle County. I voted for him. Why? Because he was clearly the better candidate when he ran against the ghastly Paul Clark for County Council President in 2004.
Election 2014: Delaware’s Most Vulnerable Incumbents

I’m El Somnambulo, and I’m a listaholic.
Admit it: So are you.
Bearing in mind that incumbents need viable challengers in order to be vulnerable, here is a list of those with at least reason to be worried:
State Auditor Tom Wagner: A do-nothing R in an increasingly D state. Here’s the problem. If a do-nothing R is replaced by a do-nothing D, does it really make any difference? No doubt it does to Tom Wagner. But not to Patrick Harker or Lonnie George. Which is my point. And the problem.
State Treasurer Chip Flowers: While the R’s talk hopefully, and, IMHO, delusionally, about defeating him, I suspect that any real challenge would come from the Democrats. We’ll likely know in 6 months or so whether there will be a party-backed challenger. We might as well get used to Flowers being a polarizing figure by choice. Which would be fine if it was principle, not ego, driving that train.
State Senator Greg Lavelle (4th SD): Got 50.8% against Michael Katz. Probably less vulnerable this time, but he’s got two more years of anti-gay and pro-gun votes on his record. Will a credible challenger emerge?
I know that people expect me to have Ernesto Lopez on this list, but I don’t see him as particularly vulnerable. Feel free to make a case.
More inside….
Wagner & Cathcart – It’s Getting Smoky
A Delaware City councilman says that Tom Wagner personally interceded on behalf of Dick Cathcart for the manager position.
Delaware’s Top Republican Covers Up Wrongdoing
Tom Wagner’s office withheld a report critical of DSU and Dick Cathcart according to a News Journal investigation.
FDU Poll: Carney Leads By 17%, Flowers-Bonini Tied
John Carney leads Glen Urquhart by 17% (53%-36%) in the U.S. House race. Flowers and Bonini are tied (42%-41%) and Wagner leads Korn by 10%. Beau Biden has a 42% lead over the Libertarian and write-in Republican candidate for Attorney General.
Farleigh Dickinson Poll Results
A new Fairleigh Dickinson poll has Carney leading by 15%, Wagner leading Korn for Auditor by 15% and Bonini and Flowers tied in the Treasurer’s race.
PSA Press Release: Lake is Exonerated
Nancy Willing sent me this press release sent out by Frank Murphy today:
The Board of the Peoples Settlement Association today announced that Keith Lake, its Executive Director of 16 years, has been cleared of all allegations of misconduct. After a special investigation lasting more than one year, the State Auditor of Accounts provided Peoples Settlement with a report finding no evidence of illegal conduct or missing state funds. Representatives of Peoples Settlement recently met with the Auditor’s Office, and confirmed that Mr. Lake was exonerated of any wrongdoing.
It is funny how the same people keep popping up at all of these McDowell influenced organizations.
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