Tag: Unemployment Benefits

A Note To John Carney — 14 Million Unemployed Are More Important Than the Deficit

Filed in National by on November 6, 2011 4 Comments

Since Representative Carney is using his time in Congress to sign bi-partisan letters to the Deficit Supercommittee to Go Big in cutting the deficit, I thought I’d use my platform here to remind him of what the genuine crisis is right now.

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John Shadegg Shouldn’t Drink and Talk

Filed in National by on December 1, 2010 5 Comments

I saw Rep. John Shadegg(R-AZ) on Morning Joe on Tuesday morning.  He made a complete fool of himself. First, he says (and then doubles down), on his belief that unemployed people save their money, rather than spending it.  Then he can’t get the gumption to criticize Sarah Palin as he evades  a direct question over […]

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The Real War On Christmas

Filed in National by on December 1, 2010 21 Comments

Via Think Progress: Today, “thousands of Americans are set to begin losing unemployment benefits” after conservatives in Congress successfully prevented an extension from being passed. 8,400 Americans will lose their benefits by the end of this week, and the Labor Department estimates that “by the end of the third week of December, aid to 1.36 […]

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File This Under D’oh

Filed in National by on June 8, 2010 6 Comments

Via HuffPo: Three-quarters of registered voters think Congress should forget about the deficit and preserve extended unemployment benefits and health insurance subsidies for laid-off workers, according to a new poll commissioned by the National Employment Law Project. Citing deficit concerns, Democrats in both chambers of Congress have said it’s time to start thinking about how […]

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Are Banks Making Money Off Unemployment Benefits?

Filed in National by on February 20, 2009 15 Comments

If there’s a justification for the biggest welfare queens in history subsidizing their losses on the backs of people their incompetence and greed helped place in the unemployment line I’m not seeing it.  Probably because it doesn’t exist!  First, Arthur Santa-Maria called Bank of America to ask how to check the balance of his new […]

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