Tag: Veterans Day
President Obama Speaks at Arlington National Cemetery in Honor of Veterans
Many thanks to our veterans for doing all we asked of them and (don’t take this the wrong way) that we need a lot less of the services of those who sign up in the future.
Matt Denn on Veterans Day 2010
Here is the text of the speech delivered by Matt Denn on Veterans Day 2010 at the Delaware Memorial Bridge War Memorial. Thank you veterans.
In Memoriam
Name: Lance Cpl. Richard C. Clifton Hometown: Milford Age: 19 Died: February 3, 2005 Name: Staff Sgt. Joseph P. Garyantes Hometown: Rehoboth Age: 34 Died: May 18, 2004 Name: Staff Sgt. Darren Harmon Hometown: Newark Age: 44 Died: June 3, 2006 Name: Lance Cpl. Richard Z. James Hometown: Seaford Age: 20 Died: May 13, 2006 […]
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