Tag: Wall Street

JPMorgan Oops

Filed in National by on May 15, 2012 31 Comments
JPMorgan Oops

If you can grasp what happened in the London Office of JPMorgan Chase, then you probably could become the next CEO of the bank as it seems the current CEO Jamie Dimon had no clue.

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Tornoe’s Toon: Kaufman’s Baton

Filed in Delaware, National by on April 21, 2010 23 Comments
Tornoe’s Toon: Kaufman’s Baton

If you’d like to contact me, feel free to drop me a line at robtornoe@delawareliberal.net. You can also follow me on twitter @RobTornoe. And make sure you pick up The Community News, The Dover Post, The Middletown Transcript or any of the Dover Post papers throughout the state to check out my cartoons every week.

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Senator Kaufman Takes On Wall Street

Filed in National by on March 16, 2010 11 Comments

Senator Kaufman is delivering a speech today in favor or financial reform. All I can say is wow, you go Ted! Mr. President, last Thursday, the bankruptcy examiner for Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. released a 2,200 page report about the demise of the firm which included riveting detail on the firm’s accounting practices. That report […]

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