Tag: Wilmington Police Department

Consulting is Not Policing

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on February 8, 2016 4 Comments
Consulting is Not Policing

We’ve been talking for a few weeks now about former Philadelphia Chief of Police Charles Ramsey providing consulting services to the WPD. The NJ provides some detail on his $16,000/month contract — namely, that there is a very ill-defined SOW for Ramsey’s services, and that one of his Deputies from Philly is means to be on the ground here working. Working on what is still the question — which is the question for all of the consultants that the Williams Administration has hired for the WPD.

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Camden Gets the Kudos for Community Policing that Wilmington Could Have Had

Filed in Delaware by on May 18, 2015 0 Comments
Camden Gets the Kudos for Community Policing that Wilmington Could Have Had

So you’ve heard me talk about the successes that Camden has had in bending the curve of their crime and violence issues — and today, President Obama travels to Camden to recommend the Camden Community Policing approach as a national model. This accompanies the release of the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing report today:

The report endorsed Thomson’s view that “community policing cannot be a program, unit, strategy or tactic. It must be the core principle that lies at the foundation of a police department’s culture.

“The only way to significantly reduce fear, crime and disorder, and then sustain these gains is to leverage the greatest force multiplier: the people of the community,” Thomson testified.

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Wilmington FOP Takes A Strong Stand Supporting Chief Dunning

Filed in Delaware by on December 8, 2013 10 Comments

This arrived in my email yesterday evening and was sent to a massive list of folks. It is a statement by the FOP not just supporting Chief Dunning, but calling out Mayor Williams for the micromanaging of the WPD he is rumored to be doing. Shortly after this was sent, Councilman Mike Brown sent out […]

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