Mat Marshall Leaves KHN Campaign

Filed in National by on July 6, 2008

One of my sources has told me that the word out of Karen Hartley-Nagle’s Congressional campaign is that Mat Marshall has left the campaign. I don’t know the reasons for his departure, but my source says that he left of his own accord.

I don’t know what this means for the KHN campaign, but I don’t think it bodes well. In addition, the Progressive Democrats for Delaware endorsed KHN’s opponent, Jerry Northington. Bad week for KHN.

Perhaps Mat will return to blogging. If so, Mat, welcome back.

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  1. The Jerry Northington endorsement doesn’t shock me in the least.

  2. anon says:

    the odd edoesement process is above reproach -so if anybody is looking for meaning in the endorsnebt it means that northington impressed them as a better progressive candidate,

    (comment via text message so sorry about all the typos)

  3. Jason330 says:

    that should begin the P.D.D.

  4. Dominique says:

    interesting typo.

  5. Jason330 says:

    not really.

    I’ve heard Khn’s campaign is the odd item.

  6. liz allen says:

    So does this mean Northington has 12 votes? One issue Northington, The War in Iraq, for which he hasn’t a clue for resolution! What else does he have, he has tried “to take everyone of Karens issues for his own”! Notice how fast he jumped on to Sunday Bus Service, an issue Karen worked on for two years. Johnny Come Lately (after the deal was done by people like Scott Spencer and other true progressives).

    Its yet another loss for the 12 so called progressives. Accept defeat. Karen Hartley Nagle will be the democratic nominee, because she is articulate, well researched, attractive, committed and a skilled campaigner!

    So this is now what 2 endorsements statewide for Jerry…the 22nd and the 12 so called progressives? Labor won’t touch him, community groups and organizations are lined up behind Karen, elected officials endorsed her not him.

    The final blow to Northington, the little bit of money he has came from his vet friends, and the rest came from out of state.

    It is my understanding Karen did not seek the so called progressive nomination?

  7. No Name for Privacy says:

    GEEK says: (sic)”…..the Progressive Democrats for Delaware endorsed KHN’s opponent, Jerry Northington. ”

    Let’s not broadcast the meddlings of the PDD.

    1.For one thing KHN has 2 opponents in the primary.

    2. The PDD did not interview all three candidates before making the endorsement. How “Progressive” is that????? Sounds like the same old same old dirty Dem’s strategy.

    3. The PDD endorsed candidate couldn’t even find his way into the Hockessin 4th of July Parade! He walked, without any ID (botton, etc)
    with the folks from the ‘Sunday Bus Service’ campaign. That must have gotten him a lot of exposure or was he at the dippy picnic kissing the rings of PDD members instead of out pressing the flesh as was KHN.

    Shoot! The spectators were cheering and applauding her. Women were saying ‘You go Girl’, We’re with you Karen, etc.

    BYW Congrats to Scott Spencer and ACORN for making the bus service happen. I just don’t know how impressed w/Sunday service the folks in Hockessin would be (unless it means the household help can arrive 7 days a week).

    Mr. Geek….please do a little research when the PDD announces anything. Get the rest of the story. It would be awful if DL threads were declared half baked.

  8. Dominique says:

    ‘(unless it means the household help can arrive 7 days a week).’

    That made me cackle.

  9. anon says:

    I like Karen, but also like Jerry Northington.

    Northington is new to politics, but a very interesting person.

    He is a Vietnam Veteran, and I believe this gives his anti-Iraq position strong credibility. Also, after returning from Nam, he went through Veterinarian School. He has spent his career building a multi million dollar animal hospital (as one of the principle partners) , caring for animals, and teaching in the veterinarian clinic. He clearly has strong business and management skills that would be helpful in congress (at least he knows how to balance a budget).

    He does have progressive ideas, but will have to learn the politics and much more about campaigning. However, he clearly has the managerial skills and thoughtfulness to sort his way through it.

    This is a year for someone from way outside of politics, although there is a serious up hill climb to face Castle.

  10. I Can Believe It's All Politics says:

    I hadn’t heard about the multi-million dollar vet business.

    In my next life I hope to return as a vet…your patients don’t talk. Or as a dentist…who knows what happened 10 years ago when you got that filling that is now falling out? The best part is they are both cash businesses.

    I read that he recently installed solar panels on his house (too expensive for most). What has he done for ‘the people’…free vet services at the Humane Assoc.???

    Just what we need another multi-millionaire ‘serving’ us in congress….now that is ‘progressive’.

  11. I have been volunteering for Karen Hartley-Nagle and I know that Mat will be missed! He is a bright fella with talents beyond his years. But Geekerson, puhlease! KHN is going to sail through the primary, IMHO. You might make a phone call or two if you are going to post something like this. (cough, cough). KHN did not vie for the PDD endorsement.

    If anyone remembers the abatement of Common Cause and the direct line of fire leading to PDD honchos, then ’nuff said. Anyone baffled by this can google it.

  12. anon3 says:

    Its not true that Jerry has a multi millionare dollar practice, in fact he himself said, “that he sold his practice to the group he works with so he “didnt have to manage anything”. He is merely an employee.

    So other than being a vietnam vet, how does that correlate to having a proposal or solution to the Iraq mess”. His one issue on the war and his solutions is “to pull out immediately”. If that sounds like sound policy to you, then check with one of the military experts, or even the candidate Obama on “how to get out”. No rational candidate would make such a irresponsible remark to such a complex question.

  13. anon4 says:

    Is this the same bunch of progressives who told National Common Cause, to make sure “Common Cause” in Delaware is dead forever? These people are not progressive, they are a bunch of diehard demorats who took the name progressive. They are not affiliated with the National Progressives, and obviously are would like to see McCastle stay in another 2 years, until they can preen and prune their “chosen one”. And its not Northington.

  14. Brian says:

    “to pull out immediately”

    Good birth control advice for politicians?

  15. liberalgeek says:

    Sorry, I’ve been driving up from the beach for the past few hours. Look, I happen to like and respect a number of the people at PDD. They are good people. The fact that the KHN people seem to think that PDD is an awful organization warms my heart a little.

    KHN may very well walk through the primary and emerge as the Democratic candidate. But really, KHN has the same shot at beating Castle that Bill Lee has at beating Markell or Carney. She is really vying for the right to get slaughtered.

    Perhaps I’m being pessimistic, but I gotta tell ya, shaking hands and having a random woman in Hockessin say “You go, girl” does not a campaign make. I am certain that Dennis Spivack has a ton of anecdotes just like that one. For every person that cheered wildly for KHN, a dozen of the spectators are going to vote for Castle.

    And don’t try to tease some poll that you did claiming that she is strong. Someone commented on it last week, and I don’t believe it for a second.

    KHN is a nice lady. I have spent some time with her at a Drinking Liberally event in March, but that and $4 will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks. I wish her well, but she had better hope that Castle has another stroke. Even dead, I say he beats her by 5 points.

  16. Al Mascitti says:

    Sock puppetry won’t win you much respect, either. What happened to anon2? Did he forget his place and type in an unauthorized phrase instead?

  17. Dominique says:

    ‘hope that Castle has another stroke’


  18. Yes, sock puppets, please go away. The last thing a candidate needs is to have surrogates emulating the tactics of one Mike Protack.

  19. June says:

    As Chair of the Endorsement Comm. for PDD, I need to address the nasty and untrue comments on this thread.

    Liz, you know your candidate is more well known and running ahead, probably, so why do you have to be so nasty about Jerry N. and make fun of him? You wouldn’t meet a finer person than he is. You could just stick with complimenting your candidate. I’ll tell you one thing –you will never find anyone who supports Jerry behaving like you do.

    To No Name for Privacy, “How Progressive is that?” to not interview all three candidates. We sent out questionnaires to all Dem. candidates. We are interviewing those with progressive scores who returned their questionnaires. Karen and Michael Miller did not return a questionnaire. Why are you telling Mr. Geek to do research? Every word he said was true. We endorsed Northington.

    Nancy, cough cough – Again, PDD did endorse Northington. What LiberalGeek said was accurate. And here you are bringing up Common Cause again. If anyone googles it as you suggest, what they’ll find is you and others putting PDD into this situation when we had nothing to do with it. For some reason, you and others would like to destroy us. It’s not going to work. We have enough to do to focus on PDD and don’t have time or the inclination to get into meddling in other groups’ affairs.

    Anon 4, Again. try not to lie when you post something. I know it’s hard but it isn’t right. Again, PDD DID NOT GET INVOLVED IN THE COMMON CAUSE MESS. Sorry to disappoint you. And we actually are affiliated with national progressives– Democracy for America.

    We have an honest and very committed Endorsement Committee — very busy people who are taking the time to interview a lot of candidates — only because we want to change the Legislature to include thinking people who care about good government and progressive issues. We don’t answer to anyone. Last election cycle, we endorsed Charles Potter against the Democractic Party. This time we endorsed Jack Markell. So far PDD has raised $3,000 to give to progressive candidates, and we’re aiming for $5,000, which will be matched by some anonymous progressives. If those of you who are so quick to criticize our work would get involved in something constructive to actually change the mess we have in Dover, well — that would be most welcome.

  20. June,

    Agree on most of your points except the Common Cause debacle. You and I know well enough that certain members of PDD who also happened to hold ranking positions in Common Cause at the time acted in ways unbecoming of the good-government organization. I don’t think there’s any proof that PDD intentionally sought to bring down Common Cause, but certainly several of its members sought to discredit other members by bringing up ridiculous reasons in order to have them kicked out.

    As well, other rumors which shall not be discussed here, but which are generally pervasive among those in the know, are still running rampant today. Rumors spread by members of PDD who also happened to once be members of Common Cause.

  21. Jason330 says:

    KHN could not even get the PDD questionire

    That says something.

    Now we docrats have to sit back and let the KHN Crew go nuts on their democrat opponent and history will repeat itself.

  22. liz allen says:

    Think some of the PDD members who were part and parcel of the “rumor mill” should be holding their heads in shame. As far as Common Cause, are you going to state here and on the record, that when you were contacted by National, the majority of you said, “let it die”, no one is interested in its revival? In other words, “if you couldnt run it, shut it down”, how progressive.

  23. liz allen says:

    June, nothing I said about Northington is nasty. Its factual. Reread what I wrote. His plan to “leave Iraq immediately is irresponsible”, and naive.

    I just love Delaware Politics. We have the IPOD gang of 4, unlawfully endorsing the republican Protack, throwing all their members under the bus, and we have PDD who endorse around a barbeque pit! How many members were present at the barbeque..for the record.

    Having one position, and taking other positions from your opposition, is not what I would care a “critical thinker” or even someone who has full grasp of the issues. When he was asked about “single payer health care “, (which he claims to endorse by the way), he couldnt state what it really was about.

    In fact on his website he supports National Health Care, anyone care to inform us what the hell that is? No democrat supports National health care, they do support universal or single payer health care. National health care is “truly socialized medicine”.

  24. Jason330 says:

    I’m real looking fowafsfd to khn crew going crazy.

  25. J. Lyman says:

    We’ll see where it goes. Northington has a leg up now. It’ll be interesting to see how KHN rebounds. I will say, however, that he was largely in the right. Ran into him in Kent County today with the Markell camp. Good choice.

  26. P.I. says:

    Liz says: Its yet another loss for the 12 so called progressives. Accept defeat. Karen Hartley Nagle will be the democratic nominee, because she is articulate, well researched, attractive, committed and a skilled campaigner!

    I just spit coffee all over my monitor on this one. She may well end up being the nominee but nor for any of the reasons stated. But, nominee or not, she’ll still be a LOSER. Democratic coat tails aren’t long enough to carry the hag of hot air to a November win. People are just not that stupid.

  27. PBaumbach says:

    First off, I would like to thank you for providing your name. I always wonder about the level of conviction of folks who post with ‘anon’.
    I would next like to examine some of the facts that you noted.
    Yes, the PDD endorsed around a barbecue pit. That is terrific! Why? It is terrific because it was an announced meeting (announced weeks in advance), and was a vote to confirm what an involved endorsement committee took weeks to determine, that Jerry Northington deserves the endorsement of the PDD.
    I serve on the PDD endorsement committee, and I cannot say enough good things about the people and the process (although we are accumulating ideas for improving it for the next cycle–please come to the next PDD meeting to offer your insights).
    Jerry Northington’s site has quite a bit of information about National Health Care. Just because you state that ‘National health care is “truly socialized medicine”‘ does not make it so. He supports health care for our nation. His website has quite a bit of details.
    Among other policy issues, he supports national HR 676 (you can go to for ‘facts’). The site begins by identifying The Citizens Alliance for National Health Insurance. The site lists three prominent Democrats (including Al Gore) who support HR676, and then begins to explain the difference between National Health Insurance and “Socialized Medicine”, to help dispel misconceptions that you stated. I don’t share this as a spokesperson of his campaign–I share this from the survey Jerry completed and returned to the PDD endorsement committee.
    I am disappointed that Karen did not take the time to submit her answers. Our endorsement process shares the burden with the candidate. We mailed our surveys out to all three Democratic candidate for US Congress. I would have appreciated to know Karen’s stance on the 10 questions we posed.
    Jerry’s responses met and exceeded our expectations, and our face-to-face meeting with him provided us with the qualitative confidence to vote to recommend that the PDD endorse him.

  28. June says:

    I’m not going to keep going back and forth on this, but I do want to answer Liz’s question to show how she gives misleading info .

    Liz says:
    “we have PDD who endorse around a barbeque pit. How many members were present at the barbeque..for the record.”

    For the record, Liz, we did NOT endorse around a barbeque pit, so it doesn’t matter how many PDDers were there. We ANNOUNCED the endorsement at a PDD picnic, if that’s what you mean. The endorsement comm. had previously interviewed Jerry after receiving his questionnaire and the consensus was that he is a progressive candidate, worthy of endorsement.

  29. Jason330 says:

    this is all KHNhas got?

    Sad when you think about it

  30. kavips says:

    About Health Care……

    Jerry Northington once said, ” We’ve know in veterinary medicine for over 100 years, that preventive health is the way to go…. If we can do that for animals, why in hell’s name can’t we do that for people……

    Something clicked in my brain, that said, you know…… that really makes sense.

  31. liz allen says:

    kavips: check his website on health care! National Health Care, where have you ever heard that mentioned among progressives, neos cons or anyone else. That is socialized medicine.

    June, fact: only one candidate filled out your little form…the other two didn’t. Also, I encourage everyone to google: Democracy for America. June says, PDD is affilated with them.
    I get their emails and newsletters everyday.

    Bring the site up, and put in: the radius to a group in Delaware. I put in 10miles, 50miles and 100 miles, and Progressive Democrats of Delaware didnt come up. So there are affilations, and then there are affilations! Which is it June?

  32. Nancy Willing says:

    Ho Back there ponies.
    I was not dissing PDD as an organization and I don’t believe that KHN would either. I do contend that SEVERAL high level PDD made up the posse that led to the demise of CC DE and their main target was KHN. Karen didn’t turn in the questionaire for endorsement probably because she had little chance to be heard above the din of some still at the PDD helm.

    There are some sockpuppets here whose ascerbic attitude would be better situated in making sure that their various declaimations are understood to be well outside of this candidate’s campaign. I am speaking only as a friend of Karen’s and again, as Jason knows, I consider the PDD’s to be a great bunch on the whole.

  33. liz allen says:

    Paul: When Northington was on WDEL, I called in and asked him about health care. Specifically his stand on “single payer health care”, which is what HR676 is all about, which 28 statewide groups support along with 18 legislators (SB177). I asked him to “describe what is single payer”, he couldnt but flubbed the question, stating, its like Medicare. Thats it Jerry, thats all you know about the 3rd biggest topic on citizens minds?

    The problem with the PDD is for years this local membership has been given false information about single payer health care, by their private Godess Queen. I remember you June and some others sending you vicious and ugly emails to Dr. McDowell the author of the single payer bill here in Delaware. You never studied the bill, and to this day, wouldn’t be able to describe the differences.

    I do not doubt that Jerry Northington is a nice guy! I am saying that he cannot win the nomination, is an inexperienced campaigner and has NO grasp of the issues.

    Everyone wants the war in Iraq to end. However, its complicated and we can’t just pull the troops out as some of the most desperate of us might want. Its complex, its conflicted and we must get out in a planned manner to assure the Iraq people are not massacred. There has to be residual troops their to keep the peace.

    Karen Hartley-Nagle has a strong, sensible plan to get us out of Iraq, backed up by experts on the issue. What or who does Jerry have? This is not Vietnam, this is a whole new ball game, mucked up by the Bush regime. It requires a plan that looks into many issues, not just a simple “pull all the troops out now”.

  34. PBaumbach says:

    The healthcare bill that Jerry Northington has mentioned that he supports is HR676. This is not socialized medicine, and this is not a proposal that ‘no Democrat supports’, as Liz has written. It has 78 co-sponsors. You can go to to learn more.

    I thought that this site was for people to share liberal ideas, not to use inaccurate, misinforming labels as attacks. Perhaps I am mistaken.

    ‘Only one candidate filled out your little form.’ Perhaps the questions on our ‘little form’ intimidated the other two Democratic candidates for US Congress, and they saw that it would show that they are not the most progressive candidate for US Congress. Again, I can not say why Karen and Mike chose to not respond. It seems like a valid question to pose of them.

    The ‘little form’ is intended to separate the wheat from the chaff, to help the PDD endorsement committee to see where candidates for the same office differ on issues that matter to Delaware’s progressives. As I stated earlier, the burden of this process is shared with the candidates–each candidate is free to choose to not participate, and not be considered for endorsement by the PDD. I don’t consider that a weakness of the PDD, but rather a possible weakness of the non-responding candidates.

  35. PBaumbach says:

    Liz writes “The problem with the PDD is for years this local membership has been given false information about single payer health care, by their private Godess Queen. I remember you June and some others sending you vicious and ugly emails to Dr. McDowell the author of the single payer bill here in Delaware. You never studied the bill, and to this day, wouldn’t be able to describe the differences.”

    My ‘vicious and ugly emails’ to ‘Dr. McDowell’ had nothing to do with single payer healthcare, it had to do with his six-month efforts to scuttle the Bluewater Wind contract. The one issue has absolutely nothing to do with the other (except that offshore wind could result in lower future healthcare costs for Delaware).
    I do not understand your apparent contention that to criticize McDowell’s efforts to stop offshore wind requires that I first read his single payer healthcare bill. Is this really your point?

    I do not accept that my emails were vicious and ugly. I consider them much kinder and gentler than the treatment inflicted by the DC attorney (that McDowell had the state pay $35,000) during his inquisition of the state employees, in McDowell’s attempt to stop offshore wind.

    Dr. McDowell? It is interesting that his Education and Occupation on the state’s legislative website fails to recognize him as such.

  36. Sagacious Steve says:

    PBaumbach: You’ve got your McDowells mixed up. Dr. McDowell is Floyd McDowell, who is an expert and advocate for single payer health care.

    He is no relation (you can tell by his accent) to Harris B. McDowell, of the Bluewater Wind imbroglio.

  37. Jed Bartlet says:

    i think Liz was referring to Dr. Floyd McDowell, founder of IPOD, not Sen. Harris McDowell.

  38. PBaumbach says:

    Steve & Jed,
    Thanks for the clarification on Sen McDowell versus Dr. McDowell.

  39. Jason and Geek are being just as whack as Liz and the annoygoat about Karen.
    Thanks Mike for clarifying again to June what she and others know quite well went down with the individuals involved with CC DE.
    On that matter, National is still reluctant to address Delaware members because of that mess, believing that, and I quote, there isn’t a rational person in our state. None of the people invovled came off well and what we should be thanking our lucky stars about is that Flaherty is supported for another session at leg hall to do the good work he does, no thanks to those members of PDD I am referring to here.

  40. liz allen says:

    Paul: Better catch up guy! First of all SB 177 is a single payer bill authored by Dr. Floyd Mcdowell along with other great common sense non partisan legislation, and supported by 28 statewide groups and 18 legislators.

    Fact: PDD has never supported SB 177, the exact mirror of HR676, which we also support, that is hypocrisy, plus. Ask them who told them not to support SB 177 and to do everything they could to work against it???

    and to Nancy: I was told by National that “you (Liz)are the only person I have talked to thus far who wants Common Cause to continue in Delaware, all the other “former” members want it shut down. I gave her the names, yours included and many others who want Common Cause back, its needed more than ever. What makes me so angry is that it is a fact, that certain “top leaders in PDD” are the same ones who attacked Dr. McDowell on SB177, and who wanted Common Cause shut down for ever…again I say, how progressive.

  41. liz allen says:

    Perhaps there is a valid reason why neither Karen Hartley-Nagle nor Mike Miller responded to your questionaire, perhaps you don’t have all the facts, humm!

  42. liberalgeek says:

    Nancy, I would like to hear what it is that I said that is as wacky as Liz? Honestly, I don’t know or want to know the BS that went down with Common Cause. It sounds like it was brought down by internal bickering and power mongering. That is borne out in this thread. Either way, i was not involved in it, nor did I follow their proceedings particularly closely. I have no ax to grind on either side of its demise.

    If, instead, you are referring to the likelihood of KHN prevailing in November, well only Liz or I can be wacky, as we are on opposite sides of that issue. I’ll stand by my assessment of KHN’s chances of victory.

  43. X Stryker says:

    Liz, if Jerry Northington supports “truly socialized medicine” then he’ll have my endorsement and vote as well. Otherwise, I’m going to assume they’re both relatively progressive, and neither has an elected record – so I’m just waiting to see who’s raised the most money in Q2. Thus far, I’m still mad at KHN for running against Spivack in the General Election – not helpful – so at the moment, Northington has “likeability” working in his favor, while KHN has a slight nod on “electability” despite her failure to report raising any money in Q1. The PDD endorsement would be persuasive to me if Northington himself weren’t already a PDD member; that’s gotta be a no-brainer endorsement.

  44. jason330 says:


    KHN’spart in undoing Common Cause is unforgivable. And yet I am willing to forgive it. (Castle is that bad.)

    However, I will not forgive KHN and her surrogates going after PDD.

    You’d think KHN would know that she is going to be judged by the company she keeps.

    My advice to her is to put Liz Allen on ice or loose my goodwill.

  45. Sagacious Steve says:

    And while she’s at it, put Mike Dore in the deep freeze as well.

  46. arthur says:

    any word on why he left? or was it just a publicity kick start for her DOA campaign?

  47. jason330 says:

    I keep checking these blogs and can’t find anything.

    Matt is a smart guy. I’m sure he did not act hastily.

  48. Jason,

    You’re blaming KHN for the Common Cause brouhaha?!? Wow, you’ve been drinking the Kool-Aid, brother. I was at ALL the meetings surrounding the group’s demise and let me tell you KHN, if anything, was a victim of an intense campaign to remove her from the group’s steering committee by a member who also happens to be a big player in PDD.

    Again, I can’t prove — and am not interested in proving — any hanky panky between PDD and Common Cause. What I am willing to say is that a member of PDD who happened to be a ranking member of leadership at DE Common Cause definitely has some issues with KHN.

    As for the fusion thing, I’ve told you before: You need to get over it. Politics shouldn’t be about parties. You have more faith in the Democratic Party than you do in people. The sooner we leave the two ridiculous parties behind the sooner we can engage in true Democracy benefiting one and all alike.

  49. El Somnambulo says:

    Did someone put mescaline in El Somnambulo’s burrito, or does this thread really exist?

    Or both?

    El Somnambulo needs to take a technicolor shower. A cascading kaleidoscopic cornucopia of colors coursing off the perfectly-proportioned pecs of the Beast Who Slumbers…

  50. P.I. says:

    It’s hard to believe the whole CC thing has been dredged up by the very folk who created the miff.

    I appreciate MM’s youth and enthusiasm and energy for everything political. We could stand to have more youth with such passion. But, I would like to suggest that Mike doesn’t have all of the facts when it comes to the CC debacle.

  51. liberalgeek says:

    Sounds like a case of mescaline to me. Take two of the blue pills and call me in the morning.

  52. PI,

    But the difference between you and me is that my integrity doesn’t have to come into question when i repeatedly attach my name publicly to all my comments. Yo have something to share about “all the facts when it comes to the CC debacle?” Then share them or else stuff it.

  53. jason330 says:

    Like I said Mike. I willing to let bygones be bygones. But one Liz Allen has her head up her ass if she thinks that she is going to get KHN elected byh trying to tear downj the PDD like they did CC.

    From being at the meetings, you know that the KHN groupies that busted up CC are crazy.

    That’s why I’ve avoided the whole topic (and will continue to from now on). In my experience it does not pay to get mixed up with crazy people.

  54. Jason,

    What KHN groupies were at what meeting? There were roughly three or four meetings back in the summer of 2007 and I don’t recall any KHN groupies. If you mean Liz Allen, then you’re painfully mistaken because Liz and Karen didn’t form what I would call a working friendship until later in the year.

    You whipped out the word “smear” on my blog, so I’d like you to clarify because it’s such a harsh word. How has Karen smeared Jerry? You claim Liz Allen is a surrogate, but Liz holds no position — formal or informal — on Karen’s campaign.

    As for what Karen’s up to, I’d like to know what you’re up to. I think we need to get together and compare notes here because something just ain’t right.

  55. selander says:

    Fascinating thread. Thanks to June and Paul for explaining the process in such detail, and opening yourselves up to fire for it.

    Had Mat still been with KHN, he might have said – “We declined the chance to be considered for the PDD endorsement but respect the work that they do and look forward to working with them in the general election to defeat Mike Castle.”

    Imagine how much more excited some of us in the PDD (many of whom have never been involved in any way with Delaware Common Cause) might have been to work for her in the general election if she is our candidate had that been the campaign’s approach instead of whatever just transpired over 52 posts.

  56. Just re-read your comment, Jason and I feel I must add one more comment.

    You said: “But one Liz Allen has her head up her ass if she thinks that she is going to get KHN elected byh trying to tear downj the PDD like they did CC.”

    First off, Jason, you were not at any of these meetings. I was. I was at all of them. The one at Bob Reeder’s house. The one at the office on Rodney Street (?) and the one at the Christiana Hilton. I exhaustingly detailed the breakdown of Common Cause on my blog. You, apparently, have garnered your opinions and “facts” from those members of Common Cause who happen to also be members of PDD. Have you not thought that those individuals could be twisting the truth just a bit? Did you not read my coverage? None of this was initiated by KHN or Nancy Willing. It ALL started with the two of them being voted off the steering committee (hell, they both unwittingly voted themselves off) for some ridiculous reason that they didn’t pay their dues, which was patently false and was disproved by John Flaherty.

    I don’t know why I’m so engaged in this debate. I laid it all out a year ago. Yes, everyone knows I’m friendly with KHN and am supporting her. But that hasn’t tainted my view of what actually happened. Had KHN been at fault here, she knows I would have had no qualms about calling her out. I’ve been “friendly” with politicos in the past only to rip them weeks or months later. KHN is no different.

  57. jason330 says:

    I’m done with this.

  58. Mike Dore says:

    I did not finish reading all the bullshit on this thread. In particular, I would like to address Jason who I have some respect for and will offer you some information that you obiously don’t know. No one who has posted on this blog is a surrogate for Karen Hartley-Nagle nor are they authorized in any message they deliver. Like I said, I didnt get a chance to finish reading this thread. I stopped and wrote this when you Jason had two of your facts incorrect. The other mis-statement is the issue of common Cause. You should really give a call to John Flahery and he will set you straight on what the real story was and not the story spun to you by others with an axe to grind. Please get your facts straight before making insuinations that are are baseless bullshit! Please!

  59. Mike Dore says:

    Let me also add the the Common Cause issue is over and lets all try and keep it that way. Becky runs a organization known as the Progressive Democrats of Delaware and they have a good organization and do good things and Becky is a great organizer. Karen and I respect the work the PDD are doing. Some in the Party may see PDD as not totally in line with the Party doctrine. Well, thats why this is a free country and everyone can have their own opinions. So, please layoff PDD . Why make enemies when we can be friends. Please!

  60. liz allen says:

    Jason, puhleeze get your facts straight. I was not involved in Common Cause since 2002 when they chose Rick Jenson to speak at the annual meeting. Although many of my old friends (with relationships of 30 years) kept me fully informed., I am glad I stayed out of it.

    I did not re-enter until the “re-organization meeting” and I went soley to support the continuation of Common Cause. There were many people there who wanted Common Cause back, with John Flagherty as our spokesperson.

    Much to my surprise I was nominated for Treasurer (from the floor) and elected. However, we never got the chance to “re-organize because National wanted to investigate and have a finding of fact”. National contacted me last November on several occasions and I told the truth as I knew it, I named the names of those who not only destroyed Common Cause but those who actually caused the demise of the environmental movement 2 years earlier.

    It was the same cast of characters whose agenda is still unknown to many, certainly to me, as to why they would want to tear apart the one of two organizations in Delaware that was a non partisan organization looking after the citizens of Delaware and the issues we believe in.

    KHN was a victim as was Nancy Willing as Mike speaks of. That is the simple truth. One might ask why there was a “back room rumor mill running with horrible and absolutely untruthful comments”, and why they purposely spread those rumors to all who would listen. Well I have some thoughts on that as well.

    Those in the know are not willing to speak out in public as to what those rumors were, but that is where I am different. I am old enough to not give a damn about the reputations of those who use “rumor, lies, deceit” born out of jealousy, or some unknown reason to go after someone who did nothing to them.

    KHN is one of the nicest, non backstabbing people I know. She is above all this garbage and will probably not speak on it.

    I tell you this, if some in this group persists in trashing those “who do know”, I will tell you in your face, do not count me out as one who “will speak out, name names and do it with fact.

    So Jason, the crazies you speak of –you need to state “who you think they are”. Don’t paint me with your broad brush, I wasn’t there, but I got all the emails, from those who were and who tried to figure it out. When lies, rumors and deceit are the backdrop its hard to figure out what “crazy” started the rumor, and what “crazies conspired” to move them forward.

    You see I can identify them, by name. I did identify them to Common Cause National. I can because I have known some of the “players” for decades. Every attempt was made to stop the rumors, with fact and truth, but those “crazies” were so convincing it was difficult to track down every person to whom those lies were spread.

    If this thread goes much further, I assure you…I will name the names, and why I believe the “smear campaign was begun and why it continues in some small circle within PDD”.

    For the record, I am not formally or informally engaged in KHN’s campaign, I am not a surrogate. I am a citizen who supports her, because she “is the best candidate in my opinion. She is honest, and takes the moral high road. She is articulate, knows the issues, researches, and the citizens like her.,which is why she can and will win. Nothing on this silly blog can change that, because you simply can’t rumor monger all the voters, voters are interested in what change the candidate will make in opposition to McCastle.

    So you can blast away at me, I could give a damn. My thing is we to go by the rules, be as honest with the truth (even when the truth hurts), and speak truth to power. Thats me. My words are not Karen’s or anyone else, they are mine, and mine alone.

    Now here is one for you…the fact that your candidate has linked to this link…tells me that you all purposely are trying to slime Karen, and anyone who supports her. How progressive!

    Karen and I have a show once a month. If any of you had cared enough to listen to her views, you could have tuned in. Many of the shows were up on Down WithAbsolutes, in case you couldnt get it live. So there is really no excuse any of you can come up that “you didnt or don’t know what she stands for”, if you didnt bother watching then you have to ask yourself, “what was your hidden agenda” that you refused to hear all sides.

    Karen knows full well that if I thought she was at “fault” I too would have called her out! There is no reason to do so, because in all the work on our show working closely together, I realize maybe better than most, just how smart, how researched, how honest and she always takes the high road. I respect that!

  61. Dominique says:

    I don’t know too about the Common Cause ordeal (except for listening to the audio of the meetings that Mike posted on DWA), but it sounds like, for whatever reason, Nancy & KHN kind of got screwed. As an outsider, I can tell you that it’s unfortunate that a group like that would self-destruct in such an ugly way over what appears to have been pettiness.

    In terms of KHN, I have always found her to be honest, kind, sincere and well-informed. Even in those audio clips, she remained calm and measured when emotions were running high. I think that’s an exceptional quality in a person. I only wish I could be more like that. I wish her campaign well.

  62. Mike Dore says:

    Let me add one more thing. I met up with Jerry Northingtonand and his wife, by chance, in the parking area of the Church where everyone parked for the parde and I offered to help him acquire a convertible so he can be in the parade. He declined my offer and said he was going to march with APRI (A. Philip Randolph Institute). Karen has no problem with Jerry and all meetings, candidate forums, etc. have been very amicable. Keeping things amicable has always been Karens credo. I hope others would follow this lead.

  63. kavips says:

    I think I learned a lot on this thread. …… A lot more than I needed to…..

    I know we talk a lot about negative campaigning.
    Sometimes it needs to occur, I think, just to remind us off how ugly and inappropriate it truly is.

    We can look at someone and say “oh, wow, nice ass. Hubba, hubba, hubba…….” But seeing that same ass on a commode, and smelling the smell that comes out of it, kinda changes things for us a little, now doesn’t it?

    It is something to think about as we go into a very contentious August. If we choose to crack open the bathroom door and peek in to discredit one’s opponent, as we exclaim in glee over how their shit stinks, we had better remember that the very act we are in the process of doing, most people would think is quite perverted in itself……

    And what they were doing, was just a natural process…….

    Just words to the wise…words to the wise…..

  64. Dominique says:

    Dear god, kavips, that is quite possibly the most disgusting analogy ever.

  65. kavips says:

    Dominique: I have seen much worse, so I can’t concur with “ever”….but…..

    I sincerely hope that those who need to hear it…… get it……

    Alas, but human nature being what it is….. it may unfortunately have been for naught……. passed like a perfect fart in the middle of ones sleep, oblivious to all.

  66. Mike Dore says:

    Kavips, I got it! Thanks for setting the tone!

  67. June says:

    Thanks to Mike Dore for his comments. AND
    Amen to this thread.

  68. Nancy Willing says:

    Kavips is my hero!
    Did we ever take acid together?
    This shit stinking ass analogy sounds a lot like a typical ‘moment of clarity’ while peaking.

  69. liberalgeek says:

    I am embarrassed to admit that I don’t know what the hell is going on. Damn my stupidity.

    I feel like a little kid who accidentally sets off an argument at a family reunion with a simple question.

    “So why did Uncle Jim and Aunt Loretta get divorced?”

  70. delawaredem says:

    I don’t want to know what is going on, and I don’t care about what is going on. All of this petty stupid idiotic assine petulant childish infighting is REASON #1 why 1) we haven’t beaten Castle in decades, and 2) we liberals and progressives haven’t won much in the last three decades.

  71. kavips says:

    My point exactly. Stay focused on what is important…..which is…..


  72. David says:

    Anyone see the new congressional polls today? 9% approval rating. Let’s concentrate on the big picture people. MC’s got to go!

  73. liz allen says:

    There is only one reason why the democrats havent beaten Castle in decades….its because the democrat party has never stood behind a viable candidate! They are willing to let McCastle run, and run waiting for one of the their top tier “go along to get alongs” to run.