Filed in National by on July 5, 2008

How many times have you come here today hoping we had a new thread up?

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hiding in the open

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  1. Frank says:

    None. I have RSS.

  2. At least 2 dozen, but that was from my work computer.

  3. Annie says:

    At least 4. I can always count on you to come up with something inspiring me to have the desire to choke someone.

  4. Rebecca says:

    Several. It’s too nasty outside. TV sucks except as a sleep aid. What else can we do?

    Anybody see the article in this morning’s NYT where they quote Mike Castle? I hope Jason doesn’t read it. It will ruin his vacation.

    Thanks to everyone who stopped by the raining 4th of July party. If you didn’t get your invitation it’s because you don’t subscribe to the PDD Yahoo Group. If you want to keep up with PDD events and news go to http://www.groups.yahoo/progressivedemsdel.com

    We announced at the party that PDD has endorsed Jerry Northington for U.S. Congress. Jerry and his lovely wife Suzanne were at the party and had lots of smart things to say. Jerry has a post up on DailyKos this morning about the article cited above in the NYT. He writes under the pen name possum. You might want to take a look, it’s working it’s way down the list.

    Watch the WNJ for am LTE fm Bob Stachnik about the way Delmarva has gamed the system on the Bluewater deal. Interesting and just as crooked as a dog’s hind leg.

    I guess we all ought to go see Wall-E this afternoon after Frank Rich’s editorial in the NYT.


  5. anon3 says:

    Daily Kos, and how many Delawarean’s are tuned into that? Turn us on oh Prog’s….what issue did Northington present that you nominated him?

    Guess you really want another two years of Mike Castle…its all so dishonest.