UPDATED: Sorry About Wrecking Town Hall Meetings

Filed in National by on August 12, 2009

When I found that Youtube clip of Castle being berated by Sussex County idiots I was delighted. Castle looked so hurt and unhappy when the guy told him that he wasn’t going to vote for him that I couldn’t wait to put it up on the best political blog in Delaware. So that’s what I did on July 18th. Little did I know then that I was going to start a national craze among angry post-middle-aged mental defectives. Little did I know that they would truck out their wheelchair bound sons and other props to take part in the “Summer of Spittle” (c).

When I posted it and then started linking to every place it appeared in order to boost up it’s google rank I thought I was just sticking my finger in Castle’s pudding. I didn’t think I was a latter day Elvis putting the staid and dusty Lawrence Welkian town hall meeting to death with my wild bloggy hips. I didn’t think constantly searching and linking and relinking to versions of the clip would drive the girls wild, and that it would blow up on July 20th at 2:33 in the afternoon when Drudge picked it up.

If I had known my power to influence national events it might have given me pause. I might have said to myself, “When the wingnut losers get a load of this they are going to be inspired to know that their idiocy is shared by people in Georgetown Delaware.” I might have figured out that rather than shamefully hiding their ignorance, they would feel emboldened to festoon the town halls across America with angry gibberish and peevish nonsense. I probably would have done everything I did, but I would have thought about it for a second.

Anyway. Sorry.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (34)

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    So how about the Official Teabaggers colluding with CNBC for some “must see TV”?

    They volunteered an event by Rep Scott in GA — the one who had a swastika painted on his office sign.

  2. jason330 says:

    Your liberal media.

  3. jason330 says:

    Again. Sorry about my role in pushing violent craze-bags into the national spotlight. Or am I? These violent Republican gun lovers have always been with us. Maybe I just saved that Congressman’s life?

  4. anon says:

    Angry white man rips up poster of Rosa Parks… h/t dkos

  5. Let’s remember that this anger has resulted in the murders of Dr. George Tiller, Officer Eric Kelly, Officer Stephen Mayhle, Officer Paul Sciullo III, and Stephen T. Johns.

  6. mike w. says:

    There’s jason, equating gun ownership and law-abiding gun owners with violence and criminals again.

    It’s getting old Jason. Don’t you have something original?

  7. mike w. says:

    “Let’s remember that this anger has resulted in the murders of Dr. George Tiller, Officer Eric Kelly, Officer Stephen Mayhle, Officer Paul Sciullo III, and Stephen T. Johns.”

    Nemski’s lying as usual, but he’s never let the truth stop him before so why start now.

    Please, tell me how those murderers are “right-wing Republican gun lovers”

    Sodini doesn’t fit into that category either, but as we know, around here everything is the fault of “Right-Wing Republican gun lovers” and you’ll repeat that BS mantra regardless of whether it conflicts with reality or not.

  8. liberalgeek says:

    Originality request from Dr. Xerox.

  9. LOL . . . no where in my comment did I mention “right-wing Republican gun lovers”. No where in my comment did I mention Sodini. Idiot.

  10. Sodini was a rightwinger though. He wrote a lot of stuff about not liking Obama.

  11. You mean this “dame” beat you to it by four days. But I’m nice despite being in Hell and I am willing to share. Your work is quite entertaining. I’m quite fond of blue hens.

  12. Mike W scurries away when caught in his lies.

  13. Phil says:

    Actually Jason, the castle video was on drudge before you posted or even mentioned it.

    Wouldn’t your definition of a “right-wing gun nut” fit any violent crime using a gun?

  14. jason330 says:

    Actually it postedon Drudge two days after I posted it.

  15. Shouldn’t Mike Protack have stopped by now with some “Nice try, guys…” response?

  16. Nice try, guys, but Ted Kennedy’s drunk and deadly and Bill Clinton got a blowjob. 50% of NYC votes come from dead babies. Please visit my website (not a broken link this time, seriously) for more stuff I copied from another website, err I mean talking points.

  17. jason330 says:

    Thanks Fake Mike Protack. Comment of the day.

  18. Comment of the week as far as I’m concerned. Thank you Fake Mike Protack!

  19. nemski says:

    Fake Mike Protack is now teh awesome. I tip my airplane pilot’s cap to you sir.

  20. pandora says:

    LOL! I hope Fake Mike Protack stays around.

  21. farsider says:

    It is a tough job indeed to go around and pimp a plan that doesn’t exist in any single form to people who are sick and tired of government intervention in their lives.

  22. jason330 says:

    Yeah Farsider. That stupid government. I agree with all of those principled people who refuse to cash their social checks, turn the fire trucks away when their house burns, don’t travel by car, train or airplane, don’t take out college loans, or keep their money in banks. Dang infernal meddling government!

  23. farsider says:

    There are limits. There are different levels of government. To compare health care to highways is foolish. I think we have all seen recent failures in train and airplane regulations as well. Do we really want our healthcare run by people who cant keep our trains from running into each other ?

  24. farsider says:

    Compare Fed Ex and UPS to the postal service – the quasi government company.

  25. jason330 says:

    I’m with you Farsider. Stupid train and airplane regulation. Infernal gosh darn government. Why don’t they stick to stuff they are good at like transferring wealth to Insurance Company CEO’s at a rate of $250 million per year while letting “the market” inflate average health insurance premiums to over $12,000 per year.

  26. farsider says:

    Then just pass a law and say the most they can charge is this. I am sure that will work out for everyone.

  27. farsider says:

    No public options – just a cap on the maximum you can charge and a minimum you can cover. If they go broke the hell with em. Cost fixing has always worked in the past. It should work this time too.

  28. jason330 says:

    Awesome point about the Post Office. The stupid USPS charges me $0.44 to mail a stinking letter and comes to my house every weekday, while FEDEX and UPS can accomplish the same simple task for a mere $3.95. Stupid government idiots.

    We need to hurry up and bring the private sector magic to the USPS so that we can be charged the appropriate rates for stuff.

  29. farsider says:

    I do wonder how it is that some believe one service may be worth more than another. The post office when it tried to guarantee overnight delivery and failed, decided instead of fixing the delivery issue and fix the guaranteed part. There must be cost, reliability, or effectiveness of service or the post office would indeed thrive. I do wonder why the struggle so when the obviously have them beat on price ?

  30. xstryker says:

    Do we really want our healthcare run by people who cant keep our trains from running into each other?

    By that logic, we can blame private industry for several plane crashes every year, thousands of cancer-related deaths, and the deaths and maimings of dozens of American soldiers working in shoddily-built KBR facilities in Iraq due to various structural health hazards, not to mention New Coke and Britney Spears. Right now, our healthcare is run by people who allow patients to die or go bankrupt rather than cover life-saving surgeries that they claim to cover. So really, I just want to be able to choose between public and private health insurance.

  31. I personally think we should get rid of the FDA. I like poisoned meat and drugs that may or may not work. Screw government!

  32. Bill says:

    Just a crazy thought. Maybe government should regulate industries, but not compete with the private sector.

    Unfortunately their are a bunch of self serving, greedy people in both sectors.