Too Weird Not To Discuss

Filed in Delaware by on August 12, 2009

Today’s News Journal has this odd item:

Two bicyclists have reported being hit by darts while riding on New Castle County roads this week.

The first incident came Tuesday when a 36-year-old man riding north on Limestone Road in Pike Creek felt a twinge of pain in his right thigh.

He looked to the area where he felt the pain and saw a blowdart protruding from his leg, state police said.

When the victim pulled it out, he saw the dart was about 4 inches long and three-quarters of it had been impaled in his leg, state police Cpl. Jeff Whitmarsh said.

After reading about that incident on, a 27-year-old Bear woman reported that she had been riding her bicycle Monday night with a friend on Del. 71 near Red Lion Christian Academy in preparation for a triathlon and said she, too, had been struck with a blowdart the night before — in the back.

Blowdarts at bicyclists? That is really, really strange. I just hope this person(s) doesn’t escalate his or her grudge to more violent methods. If you’re a bicyclist, be careful out there!


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (16)

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  1. anon says:

    I just hope a pack of bicyclists doesn’t catch up to this truck at a stoplight (or do I?)

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    Sometimes, I just despair form all humanity. Seriously, who the hell would do this? And why?

  3. mike w. says:

    I know, we need “reasonable restrictions” on darts!

  4. liberalgeek says:

    Actually a dart registry is a good idea. 🙂

    But seriously, at least this isn’t some loon with a gun. then these would be life changing events instead of 15 minutes of fame and some antibiotics.

  5. mike w. says:

    We’re also lucky the darts weren’t dipped in poison.

  6. Thank goodness they have a means to get medical attention before Obama wrecks health care.

    According to Obama the Doctors would prefer to amputate the limb rather than treat the wound. Reimbursable fees are higher for a amputation you know.

    Mike Protack

  7. Geezer says:

    “Thank goodness they have a means to get medical attention before Obama wrecks health care.”

    And you have the fucking nerve to talk about “personal attacks”?


  8. liberalgeek says:

    I’m just happy Delta doesn’t have Internet access in the air.

  9. We do have internet access in the air. You need to get a newspaper and get updated a bit.

    I will be happy when real reform gets a look and not this unworkable plan.

    Sad reality is that charisma got Obama to the White House but he has not proven competence and that fact will not keep him there.

    Mike Protack

  10. sillylazypoorperson says:

    According to Obama the Doctors would prefer to amputate the limb rather than treat the wound. Reimbursable fees are higher for a amputation you know.

    link please????

  11. anon says:

    We do have internet access in the air.

    Don’t forget to inflate the autopilot. He’d probably get more votes anyway.

  12. arthur says:

    what is the use of blow darts? i can understand the argument for gun ( right to bear arms, hunting, etc.) knives (hunting, fishing, etc) but what the hell is the use of blow darts and why are they not illegal?

    as a PS…what is the use of a protack?

  13. mike w. says:

    “I know, we need “reasonable restrictions” on darts!”

    Oh man, I post this comment tongue in cheek and then the commenter above me comes in and asks “why aren’t they banned.”

    Geezer – Nice to see you think those with an opinion other than yours should be banned from this site.

  14. anon says:

    Protack and Burris going paddle to paddle in balls of Fury….. Aisha Tyler with the Blow Dart Tube trained at the loser….

  15. shortstuff says:

    “Thank goodness they have a means to get medical attention before Obama wrecks health care.

    According to Obama the Doctors would prefer to amputate the limb rather than treat the wound. Reimbursable fees are higher for a amputation you know.”

    Usually, I’d refrain from using any type of curse word or derogatory remark in order to convey what I feel however, because of the fact that I’m an avid competitive cyclist, triathlete and former mma fighter, I’d just like to say that you’re a fucking moron for even bringing that into this discussion just for the simple fact that I have had redneck a-holes try and run me off the road with their confederate flags and so forth. I have two fucking kids you imbicile and God help me that your specific rant here about healthcare has even an ounce of anything to do with these stupid bastards that think it’s funny to dart someone.

    I just think it’s funny how your specific portion of the political spectrum definitively lost folks like me from remotely ever, EVER considering backing anyone from your side as you seek to display yourselves as these church going, God fearing, highly principaled individuals that preach God’s message and go to church every Sunday yet you mock the very core values that you hold so dearly.

    This wasn’t a debate about healthcare you ass.