Silence is deafening

Filed in National by on August 12, 2009

One of our resident bigotted, bible thumping, Clinton and the Dem’s do it too trolls, aka Republican David, David A. or whatever website he is trying to get readers to click on made this comment yesterday:

This is the norm, why do you act surprised? People who cheer a point of view expressed are just as valid as those who express it. Likewise those who jeer it after it had a chance to be expressed are valid expressions. Claire McCaskill had an interesting town hall on live television. I did not have a chance to watch most of it. People had exchanges with her. It was not a bad event. She got booed after she tried to mislead people on abortion funding (by saying the bill does not address it when she knows that the panel would be appointed by pro-abortion funders) and skip a real answer to the question. They pinned her down until she promised not to support it.

It looked like something that was a worthy exercise of citizenship.

I’m sure David has the specific bill and specific language to support this half baked claim.  Or maybe he got in a forwarded email.  Either way I had this to say:

Comment by Delaware’s Coolest Blogger on 11 August 2009 at 9:51 pm:

She got booed after she tried to mislead people on abortion funding (by saying the bill does not address it when she knows that the panel would be appointed by pro-abortion funders)

Hey dopey? Link please. Which Bill? support your “fact”.

thank you.

Now you and I both know David is on this site almost as much the other nutjob that has a pilot’s license. Shockingly I haven’t heard from David. But, is anyone else with me in having David provide the link where he got this information and until he does, he can’t comment on here?

You see, it is very tiring trying to quell all of the lies out there and Protack and David are two of the biggest misinformed commenters.  I personally am fine with Protack burying his political career and one stupid comment after another is just another nail in the republican party coffin.  But David, he loves rewriting the forwarded email “facts” he gets no doubt on a daily basis.  hmmmm I wonder if he got this information from CRI?  Come to think of it, I wonder how much info from CRI David is already using over here.

Either way, I think David still needs to provide links to his claim. I’ll hold my breath…

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hiding in the open

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  1. anon says:

    The wingnuts are going to keep making up stuff about abortion in the bill unless it has a clause that specifically excludes abortion.

  2. Scott P says:

    If I’m reading this correctly (and if I’m not, I’m sure someone will tell me), I think I see the problem here. The key phrase is “the panel WOULD BE APPOINTED…”. This (again) is not about what is IN the bill, but what they are afraid will be done with it. This is an example of something I had a little rant about yesterday — the Right’s pathological distrust of government. If you notice, many of the arguments being made center around what the right is sure the evil government will do in the future. You can’t logically debate paranoia. It can only be countered with therapy or medication.

  3. None of the teabaggers have facts to back up their claims, that’s why they have to yell loud. Our challenge to the wingnuts: when you make a claim to what is in “the bill” you must say which bill (there are 4 versions right now), provide a link, page and paragraph reference. I’m not even going to read comments about whatever stuff the wingnuts have made up and are passing around. These are the same people who pushed the birther nonsense so that tells you the level of credibility they have.

  4. Scott P says:

    But that’s the point. You can’t possibly write a bill that specifically counters every crazy fantasy the Becks, Malkins, Palins, O’Reillys, and Protacks (OK, he just recites the others) of the world can come up with. If you try, they will either come up with something crazier, or just say they don’t beleive the protection or that it will be changed later.

  5. mike w. says:

    DV calling someone else bigoted, now that’s classic!

  6. MJ says:

    I want to see the link on the death panels.

  7. anon says:

    Our challenge to the wingnuts: when you make a claim to what is in “the bill”

    I’ll extend that challenge further to wingnuts who want to be a real man: When you get caught repeating an obvious lie, like deather Charlie Copeland:

    1. Admit you were wrong
    2. Tell us where you got the lie from
    3. Promise to do due diligence before you repeat some weird charge against the bill.

  8. anon says:

    The situation is comparable to the early Bush administration, when liberals were attacking the Bush tax cuts as “tax cuts for the rich.” At least you could go into the bill and right there, were the tax cuts for the rich. No lies were necessary.

  9. Isn’t Enzi holding up the bill because he wants it to ban abortion coverage by private insurance companies?

  10. jason330 says:

    anon (9:57)

    Thanks for that link. I’m not surprised to see Copeland parroting the crazy ass GOP line that Obama wants to kill Grandma. There was a time when a handful of people living in the woods who would hold these crazy conspiracy ideas as gospel truths, now those nuts are on the GOP platform committee.

    Charles Lamont DuPont Copeland really doesn’t want to win anything other than a GOP primary does he?

  11. anon says:

    These are the final gasps of a dying, wretched party. Is anyone really surprised they are so angry.

  12. cassandra_m says:

    it is very tiring trying to quell all of the lies out there and Protack and David are two of the biggest misinformed commenters.

    What’s amusing about this is that these guys are repeating what their radio handlers tell them — and when we note that people like Limbaugh are the Leaders of the GOP they fall over themselves insisting that he is an entertainer. Or even when we point out how vile Ann Coulter’s rantings are — they tell us that they are supposed to be comedy.

    So what does it tell you about people who will repeat what their entertainers just make up as gospel truth and then come over here to tell us that we shouldn’t pay attention to their own leadership because they are “entertainers”.

    I’m tired of the lies too and don’t mind pushing back — and if that makes them angry, then they can stop telling them.

  13. edisonkitty says:

    For what it’s worth, I, too would like to see the link, but I don’t favor banning anyone until they come up with it. For one thing, that equates to an eternal ban. For another, when there’s a wasp in the room, I like to know where it is.

  14. anon says:

    What happened to the Sheila Grant/Lou Dobbs post? Did her appearance get cancelled?

  15. I have to laugh at your personal attacks. When you have nothing to say you make up stuff. Typical but laughable.

    Here is the bottom line on health care. The CBO scored it as a financial loser. The MAYO clinic scored it as a health care loser.

    I commented on the end of life issue from personal experience. There is now a push for seniors not use health care at the end of life.

    The dying and wretched party is the Dems with Obama as the lead liability. How about his AARP lie? How about the Post Office reference? Without a teleprompter this guy would have trouble discussing the weather.

    Mike Protack

  16. sillylazypoorperson says:

    I commented on the end of life issue from personal experience. dat wen u talkd bout yo vasectomy?

    There is now a push for seniors not use health care at the end of life.

    Link please, I likez to read yo bullshit…and no, not yo website either.

    I have to laugh at your personal attacks.

    Without a teleprompter this guy would have trouble discussing the weather.

    iznt yo a failed polotician? howz it yo never get elected with all da facts yo bring to da table?

  17. cassandra_m says:

    Isn’t it rich for Mr. Shallow Bench to make the accusation that people are making stuff up — and then he goes about doing exactly the same thing.

  18. Link for what? watch it yourself. I was just commenting on what I saw. If you want abortion funding information, go to the health category or the abortion category of DP. We have several posts which can answer all of your dishonest questions.

  19. Geezer says:

    “We have several posts which can answer all of your dishonest questions.”

    If you’re not prepared to discuss the issue here, please don’t come here.