What is Wrong With The Republican Party?

Filed in National by on November 4, 2007

Yes, normally it would be a lot easier to write a post called, “What is Right With The Republican Party” but Saturday I happened to spend the day with the very personification of what is wrong with the Republican Party. So the daunting task of cataloging all the things that are wrong with the modern Republican Party got a lot easier all of a sudden.

Saturday – 11:00 am

I show up at the Odessa Fire Hall and take my seat next to my Republican counterpart. A virulent racists “movement conservative” who claims that Hillary Clinton is a lesbian who was “uniformly despised by the secret service” who she regularly berated. He knew all of this because he “read it in a book.”

I said, “People say all kinds of things in books.” But that only seemed to egg him on to remember more of Hillary Clinton’s sins against humanity. I got a break from the Hillary Clinton hour of hate when he was on his cell phone with his roommate.

“What the FUCK Dude..?” and “Dude, What the Fuck?” was what I heard for the next few minutes. Over and over again. Loudly and regularly despite the fact that families with small children were using the polling place. He let up on the F-bomb when I said, “hey there are kids in here.”

When he got off the phone he went back to Hillary and said, “The Clinton’s are deplorable. They are like a crime family.”

“I could say the same thing about the Bush family, but look…. we are going to be here for a while, so let’s agree not to talk about politics.” This prohibition held up for a while. While trying to keep the conversation on topics not touched on by Fox News or Rush Limbaugh I found out that he had dual Israeli/American citizenship.

He informed me that if he lived in Israel he would be a member of the Kahane Chai party, which means “Kahene Lives.” He proudly pointed out that the party he identifies with was barred from Israeli politics in 1992 when it was found to be a terrorist organization. The party is openly racists and advocates the “removal” of all Arabs from Israel. He was going to put the Kahane Chai flag on his dorm room door, but thought that in the hyper PC environment someone might consider it a hate crime.

Back on his cell phone with his roommate he heard about an “Asian Student’s Meeting” which he called a “tribal gathering.”

It was slow so I said, “Can I buy you a soda?” To which he replied, “I don’t drink soda.”

Not, “no thanks” Not, “If they have bottled water that would be great.” But a sneering, “I don’t drink soda.” Like I was asking him if he wanted to pray to Jesus or something.

All of this time his job was to highlight names on a voter registration list when they were called out by an election official. The list would then be used by the GOP to focus their afternoon get out the vote calls. I was doing the same thing for the Dems. At first, when we missed a name he or I would say, “Was that Corbin or Colvin?” And the other would say, “Jean Colvin.” But an hour or two into it if I asked was that “Jennings or Jenkins?” he’d say, “I don’t give a fuck. This job sucks.”

He was getting paid $100.00

I was getting paid $0.00

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (21)

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  1. Now this is some juicy shit! Bravo, Jason!! You’re such a good partisan!

  2. jason330 says:

    Don’t mention it.

  3. Ba-da-ba-da-da-da says:

    What a load of crap.

    No wonder Hollywood is full of liberal snotballs. It flows out all of your orifices, when you’re not all trying to stuff them aplenty with things that don’t belong there.

  4. Dana Garrett says:

    Well, that Republican character certainly is a jerk, Jason Scott. It’s a pity that our likely Democratic Party nominee for president has as little regard for the rights of Palestinian people as he does.

    But, Jason Scott, you can keep posting about how the repubs are bad characters from here to doomsday, but it won’t assuage your responsibility for supporting Thurman Adams via Bruce Ennis to maintain his effort to keep the doors of the Delaware legislature closed to the people of this state.

    You can’t possibly accumulate enough anecdotes and observations about Repubs **in general** to justify how you sided w/ the most anti-democratic candidate in this **this** race, Jason Scott.

    Buyer’s remorse is a terrible thing. But I’m afraid there’s no putting Humpty together again.

    Now it’s part of your local legacy. How sad for you Jason Scott.

  5. ANNON II says:

    Jason you showed at 11 am???

    Damn, when I’ve served as a poll watcher/challenger I was instructed to be there at 8 am so the ‘numbers’ runner could get the tally to continue 10 am GOTV plan.

    If this is what Becky ‘Onward’ Young thinks of as organization the Reps. only have to wait for the Dems. to implode.

  6. Jason,

    This individual surely showed immature and inconsiderate behavior but he is not indicative of the people I am meeting and recruiting within the GOP.

    Many times I see this sort of behavior as very ‘bipartisan’ and not the sole property of any party.

    At any rate Thanks for working for your candidate. Personal involvement is crucial for our system to work.

  7. jason330 says:

    Annon II

    I was the second and signed up for a double shift on account of I’m such a party hack who is totally beholden to my party overlords.

  8. If this is what Becky ‘Onward’ Young thinks of as organization the Reps. only have to wait for the Dems. to implode.

    Whew! this gal loves to stretch a point beyond recognition.

  9. Ba-da-ba-da-da-da says:

    I guess you’re all missing the obvious—that this is a figment of Jason’s imagination.

    It’s a good rewriting of a partisan “anecdote” that others have used before, on both sides.

    Sadly, it doesn’t float in Odessa, or anywhere else in Delaware.

    I might have believed it in Baltimore…..maybe you should move there Jason.

  10. jason330 says:


    I call ’em as I see ’em.

  11. anon says:

    It is nice to hear that Copeland’s money was being so well spent.

  12. ANNON II says:

    JASON….Nothing personal meant…perhaps it’s a commentary on just how many ‘workers’ the Dems had out for the overkill….If you were offended please accept my apology.

    ‘I was the second and signed up for a double shift on account of I’m such a party hack who is totally beholden to my party overlords.’

  13. “I was the second and signed up for a double shift on account of I’m such a party hack who is totally beholden to my party overlords.”

    Accepting you have a problem is the first step to recovery, Jason. Good job!


  14. ANNON II says:

    Jason…One thing I forgot…if you did not get paid for the day (meaning you worked at one thing or the other for the candidate for 8 – 10 hours) you got screwed….call the e.d. chair…that’s the one w/the ‘walking around’ money on election day.

  15. Billy Goat says:

    I love the “Israeli” twist!

    So typical of the new anti-Semitism that is growing within the Democratic party.

    Did you buy a copy of “101 Ways to Say JEW without saying JEW?”

    Nice little touch of sour grapes as American Jewish voters leave the Democratic party in droves.

  16. Von Cracker says:

    But Billy Goat, the anti-jewness (if there is any) on the left is like a baby’s penis compared to the Johnny Holmes-ish Manschaft that is the base of the GOP.

    Bugger off, le douche.

  17. jason330 says:


    “Israeli” was his term and it sounded funny to me too whe he said, “I’m Israeli. I have dual citizenship.”

    I don’t mind saying “Jew” but I have no idea if he was a Jew. I guess he was. He never mentioned his religion, only his nationality and his whacked out racists political views.

    BTW – If you have some link to go with that assertion that American Jewish voters are leaving the Democratic party in droves I’d love to see it.

  18. Ryan says:

    Too bad I was in Smyrna checker-challenging, Jason. We would have had fun!

  19. Ryan says:

    Too bad I was in Smyrna checker-challenging, Jason. We would have had fun…I also would have been more civil.

  20. jason330 says:

    It would have been like sitting next to my long lost brother compared to this guy.

  21. This brings to mind the guy that the closeted gay NJ Gov was fucking. An Israeli national who not only got into the governors bed but positioned himself as state homeland security chief (almost made the cut too).