Camp Obama Comes to Delaware

Filed in Delaware by on September 20, 2008

I was talking to a NJ Dem Party official a few weeks ago and she told me that the recent one of these held in NJ drew more than 200 people from all over South Jersey. And that this event was not only inspiring, but damned fun. I’m posting the entire invitation below the jump, but this is really an incredible opportunity to get some of the best organizing training in the business — training that would be useful for all of us looking to get more involved in working for more and better Democrats at the local level. And it is just fantastic that this opportunity is coming to Delaware.

Hi, my name is Marla Blunt-Carter and I’m the State Director for the Obama campaign here in Delaware. I want to tell you about an exciting program we’re launching called Camp Obama.

During these training sessions, people like you will be taking their support for Barack to the next level by learning the organizing principles that this campaign and our movement for change are built on.

Camp Obama attendees will receive real world organizing experience that will have a direct impact on this election. Graduates of Camp Obama will go on to become Deputy Field Organizers who will lead this campaign to victory in crucial battleground states around the country.

Find out more about this exciting opportunity to take a leadership role in this movement for change.

By participating in Camp Obama, you’ll get the kind of experience that Barack got as a community organizer on the South Side of Chicago, where he learned that real change happens from the bottom up.

That experience transformed Barack’s life and made him who he is today.

Camp Obama is your chance to put those very same principles into action — to win this election and to strengthen democracy in communities around the country.

After completing the program, you’ll be required to work as a Deputy Field Organizer in a battleground state where you’ll organize supporters and help lead our grassroots Get Out The Vote operation.

Apply for a spot at Camp Obama and become a leader in our movement for change:

This campaign relies on the passion and enthusiasm of ordinary supporters, but it needs leaders who can organize these supporters and turn their enthusiasm into votes on Election Day.

Camp Obama is your chance to step up and become a leader in this movement.



Marla Blunt-Carter
Delaware State Director
Obama for America

Let us know if you apply and let us know if you get selected to go!


About the Author ()

"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. Comment Rescue — Update on Camp Obama | September 29, 2008
  1. anon99 says:

    How much does it pay?

    What’s the time committment for working as a “deputy field organizer”?

  2. jason330 says:

    Wilmington Sunday 9/28

  3. anon99 says:

    Right, I know when the training is, but what’s the minimum amount of time people have to take off work or school to work in the battleground states?

    Is it a paid job or a volunteer gig?

    Will I have to pay for my own transport to the state in question?

  4. iloveny says:

    Isn’t it a liitle late to be training for field directors? The Obama campaign has had little presence in DE and everywhere you look it shows. Almost no signs in the City, no inroads with Communites. In 30 yrs I have never seen a campaign so disengaged in DE. And now with the clock ticking you want to train field directors?

  5. jason330 says:

    Isn’t it a liitle late to be training for field directors?



    Why waste resources in a state that’s already going blue? I don’t that Obama’s had little presence here. I would prefer the campaign to put all resources in the swing states so he can win them and we won’t get another four years of George Bush.

  7. pandora says:

    I have been volunteering for Obama since January, and am seeing more yard signs every day (I live in the city). Bumper stickers are everywhere.

    I’d love to take part in this training, but having school age children nixes the traveling.

    I also agree with Mike Matthews. Obama should use his resources in the swing states. That’s smart, not offensive.

  8. cassandra_m says:

    I can’t imagine why it is too late — plus they will ask you to work in some location for awhile and there are plenty in driving distance of DE that can use all hands on deck.

    Even though DE is small (the Obama office opened in early September), the Obama Team is still working on the 50 state strategy. That strategy is NOT about winning everywhere (because that won’t happen) but is about competing everywhere and (more importantly) helping downticket Dems. This is the stage in every Presidential run where the downticket folks start getting nervous about the amount of resources sucked up by the top of the ticket. This is especially true for Democrats, who -until recently- were quite underfunded in relation to the other party.

    And while everyone is focused on the Presidential ticket, this election cycle and the next determine who is in charge of statehouses for the redistricting cycle and that is incredibly important. This is one of the very big differences between Clinton and Obama — Obama was always interested in long-term party building and Clinton was interested in it to the extent that it would get her elected. Just like Mr. Bill.

  9. Lollydee says:

    I’ve got an invite. Should be fun. 😛 See you all on Sunday.

  10. Amy says:

    I attended yesterday’s training Camp Obama training session. It’s not too late! This coming weekened is a registration drive for Pa. and Va., both states that Delawareans can be of help with. Delawareans are in a unique position to help in two critical swing states.
    The DE beaches group is going to Va. Go to and join your local group. The Wilmington and Newark groups are going to Pa this weekend.
    If you can’t do anything else, the clock is definitely ticking for voter registrations. Please contact your local group and offer to help!
    I thought the same thing about the lack of signs – I love yard signs!
    Yesterday, it was explained that in this campaign, people are the signs. Direct voter to voter contact is important. Most of us are not thrilled about knocking on stranger’s doors or making phone calls, and I like you, don’t know where to find any extra time, but this is important! Ask everyone you know if they are registered to vote AND if they are voting.
    My husband and twelve-year-old daughter went knocking on doors in Kennet Square, Pa. yesterday. It’s a conservative area much like parts of DE. People there, like here, need to feel solidarity with other Obama-Biden voters. It empowers us.
    Don’t be discouraged. Do what you can so we can all share in the victory on Nov. 5th.