John Atkins In Strong Position To Regain Old Seat

Filed in Delaware by on September 24, 2008

Having recently been burned by candidates who have a knack for working the margins to make themselves look more imposing than they really are (yes I’m looking at you Mike Protack and Tom Gordon), it is with some trepidation I say that John Atkins appears to have the wind at his back.

His joint appearance’s with Hastings have reportedly been strong, I believe he has key edorsements from the league of glorified trailer park residents (or whatever they call themselves) and he has the name recognition and cock-surety of an incumbent.

Kavips lays it down:

Third, all bloggers have a moral duty to propel Hastings again over Delaware’ version of Mayor Barry… No matter how much crack Mayor Barry smoked, he was put right back into office by his slag constituency… By rumors, tht 41st District is interested in doing the same…. Hastings, a Sunday school teacher is drawing a moral line in the pavement right down Main Street, a line between good and evil……(driving while intoxicated and hitting your wife is still evil these days, isn’t it?) “Oh, no” Atkins supports say…”down here, everyone does it…” (”Still don’t make it right….”)

Kavips neglects the witness tampering (for some reason I happen to think that Atkins’ pressuring his baby sitter to lie to investigators was the worst his crimes, but it is the crime that is often left off the list). Nevertheless, if Atkins does win, not only does his slag constituency deserve scorn, but so does the myopic Bob Gilligan who recruited Atkins to run as a Democrat for some mysterious reasons only know to Gilligan.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. DEwind: The Week That Was September 22nd | September 29, 2008
  1. RickJ19958 says:

    Don’t forget Pete Schwartzkopf, who in his lust to be Speaker of the House, is standing by Atkins – who should be radioactive.

  2. liberalgeek says:

    After speaking with Pete, I believe that he believes that Atkins is a changed man. I disagree, but there you have it.

  3. liberalgeek says:

    Wanna come to a fundraiser I’m planning at Seacrets?

  4. FSP says:

    He can’t have changed that much. He’s still telling lies about me to further his aims.

  5. Mike Protack says:


    Thanks for looking at me. Wait till the results the day after the general election and we can discuss a few things. Your perspective will change quite a bit.

    I think John is indeed looking very strong in the 41st. You forget the things you seem to think are relevant may not be to the majority of the voters of the 41st.

  6. anon says:

    If Atkins wins, can we trade the 41st to Maryland for some free passes to Seacrets Halloween Party? (And Hell, do you think we could slip Protack into the deal?)

  7. RickJ19958 says:


    I am sure John can count on you unqualified support, much like he did during the special election, you jackass.

  8. Nancy Willing says:

    How exactly were you Burned by Gordon for God’s sake…

    That said, the GA should be held culpable for not doing what they should have done when the ball was in their court and that was to formally censure and remove him from the House.

  9. El Somnambulo says:

    El Somnambulo wants to know how lying about El Burrito could possibly further someone’s aims when no one CARES about El Burrito.

  10. FSP says:

    You would wonder. But yet, he seems to not be able to break the habit. He loves to play the victim, and he loves to paint me as the assailant.

  11. jason330 says:

    El Burrito…teh he…

  12. Mike Protack says:


    I am sure John can count on you unqualified support, much like he did during the special election, you jackass.

    RickJ, you are the Jackass. The special election you bring up. I came to Sussex and attended a fund raiser for the GOP on Friday night and then stayed overnight at my expense to work at the polls for Greg Hastings on Saturday. Please ask Vance Phillips and Terry Strine who saw me at the polls at 7 am. I worked at the polls till 12 noon.

    On my way home I stopped by to see John Atkins. Unlike you who has an unlimited hatred for people I talked to John for 15- 2o minutes and I asked about his family and how he was doing. We did not talk politics, we talked about the important things in life, something you will never understand. Common kindness has nothing to do with politics.

    I will check back later for your next stupid and uninformed response as you hide behind an alias and spout your dribble to make yourself feel better while the rest of the world knows you are a jerk.

  13. G Rex says:

    Hey Mike, who exactly invited you to the CIRC candidate forum with Lee and Markell yesterday? I wasn’t there myself, but I hear there were a lot of shocked expressions when you turned up. Just curious.

  14. Mike Protack says:

    Who did you hear that from? Please be specific. Who was shocked? Just curious.

    I talked with over ten people who were all positive about the race I ran and also the issues I raised.

    I was invited by the CIRC before and after the event, pretty simple.

    The cookies at lunch were especially good.

  15. G Rex says:

    “Please be specific.” Um, yeah. Remember, I’m one of those cowardly anonymous bloggers, but I have reliable sources, and my source on this told me that a week ago somebody asked why you weren’t invited to participate, not realizing that you’d already withdrawn from the race.

    I don’t know who made the cookies, though.

  16. Mike Protack says:

    Well, if you can’t be specific then the credibility is non existent. Reliable sources who won’t speak up don’t have much credibility.

    I received a good reception from every one.

    Again, those cookies were great.

  17. G Rex says:

    Okay, smart guy, then how would I even know you were there? Beth Miller’s article didn’t even mention your name!

  18. Dorothy Boucher says:

    Jason 330(or whatever you call yourself) I can think of quite a few things to call an arrogant idiot like yourself. We, “glorified trailer park residents”, are decent, hard-working, educated and honest people who are the backbone of this country. If it wasn’t for the hard-working citizens who have come before, who have built and saved and raised and educated their
    decent and law-abiding families who probably built that wonderful “house” you are living in, you wouldn’t have been allowed to grow up as such a snob. If our fathers, you know, the “average ” guy had not gone off and fought in WWII, you’d be speaking another language right now.
    You are an idiot, and a jerk and you owe a lot of good people an apology…..if you were ever taught manners. I really don’t expect one.

  19. jason330 says:

    Touchy, touchy.

    Any “decent, hard-working, educated and honest” person who is stupid enough to fall for Atkins’ BS sounds like trailer trash to me.

  20. RSmitty says:

    …and to think, J, you actually thought you could stay away.

  21. pandora says:

    No mocking! We love that he can’t stay away.

  22. Dorothy Boucher says:

    You are an idiot, and an idiot who ASSumes things and that also makes you an ASS. I will not respond to you again, I prefer talking with intelligent people.

  23. RSmitty says:

    No offense, Dorothy, but we’ve all called him an ass for years, but he seems…he seems to LIKE it.

    Seriously, though, aside from JA supposedly severing his ties with Tunnel and “coming to Jesus” with your advocacy group, what else is it about JA that you support? You’re counting on a year of pandering cancelling out an adulthood of habits here.

  24. jason330 says:


    What’s the real name of your organization. The League of “Don’t call it a trailer” Resident’s? And what kind of thinking went into your Atkins endorsement?

    I want to make an update and a correction befor I quit blogging again this afternoon.

  25. Dorothy Boucher says:

    RSmitty, I have my own set of ethics which includes allowing people second chances(except it is obvious it won’t help with Jason) and trying to see other sides of an issue. I believe when you stop learning and when you stop listening and if you are afraid to change your mindset, you are dead. At least, your mind is. When I close my eyes for the last time, I’ll know a lot more than I do now, for sure! Life is a process of learning, and while you don’t want to be indecisive, you should always be willing to change a decision.

  26. G Rex says:

    “…decent and law-abiding families who probably built that wonderful “house” you are living in…”

    I’m pretty sure my house was built by illegal Mexicans, since it’s less than 15 years old. And besides, “manufactured housing trash” just doesn’t have the same ring to it.

  27. jason330 says:

    , I have my own set of ethics which includes allowing people second chances(except it is obvious it won’t help with Jason)

    Well that’s some nice trailer park ethics you’ve got there Dorothy!

  28. anon says:

    The way the housing market is going we will all be living in trailers soon.

  29. RSmitty says:

    The way the housing market is going we will all be living in trailers soon.

    C’mon. I’m already living in Jason’s basement, he just doesn’t know it yet. I wonder when he will figure out that his deck was finally finished?

  30. Dorothy Boucher says:

    Sorry, I just lost track of the number of idiots on this site. Someday, if your are lucky you will find out you are wrong about something, but I will probably be dead by then. Ta ta!

  31. RSmitty says:

    Dorothy, honestly, many of us have a hard time with John Atkins. Forgive him? OK, I won’t take anyone to task for that. To do that is a personal decision. However, forgiveness and putting someone literally in partial control of the fate of our state are two completely different things. It’s going to take far more than a not-even two-year time-out to regain trust. Again, something else completely different than forgiveness.

  32. h. says:

    Wow,I’m surprised she has computer access.

  33. Dorothy Boucher says:

    No, it is me who is surprised…………how do people as perfect as some of you are, stand yourselves? But I do beg the last question, why wouldn’t I have computer access? Have you noticed I can even write complete sentences, too?

  34. Dorothy Boucher says:

    RSmitty, I would like to blog some more with you. We might both learn something and when one is treated with respect, they give respect back, a two-way street, or am I wrong ?

  35. jason330 says:

    Just because you forgive Atkins doesn’t mean you have to vote for him.

  36. liberalgeek says:

    Dorothy – would you vote for Marion Barry if he were running in the 41st as a manufactured housing fan?

  37. Dorothy Boucher says:

    liberalgeek, Having been born in Wash.D.C. and watching that whole embarrasment happen, I am much more aware of just how bad and criminal Barry’s actions were. I am sure I know more than you do, unless you were there. I simply refuse to put John Atkins in that same category, and based on the lying antics of the J. Bidens of this world, and the play-time antics of the B. Lees of this state, who amongst any, can cast the proverbial first stone?????

  38. jason330 says:

    I don’t recall, did Marion Barry pressure his teenage babysitter to lie to investigators?

  39. Dorothy Boucher says:

    My last comment to Mr. KNOW-NOTHING Jason330: Barry was too busy smoking crack/pot. whoring around, giving political pay-offs to his friends, stealing and lying and showing up on Sunday mornings at church to pat the illegitimate offspring of his grannies and their grandaughters who are living off welfare to worry about pressuring a babysitter to tell a lie. See Jason, not a good analogy………does not compute!

  40. Dorothy Boucher says:

    Ladies and Gentlemen: It has been fun, we must do this again sometime. And in case Mr. KnowNothing comments about my Trailer Park Trash Ethics, the answer is NO, with regard to Barry, he long ago used up his second chances…………..Bye All

  41. R Smitty says:

    Dorothy – I am a contributor over on DelawarePolitics, you know, the one run by Dave Burris. Not exactly someone who sees JA in the same light as you, to say the least.

  42. jason330 says:

    Bye Dot.

  43. G Rex says:

    Okay, have to post a retraction/clarification here – Mike Protack WAS invited to the CIRC candidate forum while he was still a candidate, and that invitation was never withdrawn, ’cause that would have just been mean. It was incorrect of me to suggest that Protack crashed the event by having a CIRC member bring him as a guest.

    While some CIRC members were surprised that Protack was in attendance, he was not the proverbial turd in the punchbowl, and WNJ’s Beth Miller was remiss in not asking for his impression on the Lee-Markell debate.

    That is all.

  44. liberalgeek says:

    Thanks, G. Consider your wireless router safe.

  45. anon says:

    I used to have a shred of respect for Dorthy until she defended Atkins and trashed Bill Lee.

    So you give second chances to a man who was told by the OC police he was too drunk to drive, a man who told the police he could have a Delaware State Trooper drive him home, who crossed the state line and got back behind the wheel KNOWING he was too drunk to drive, endangered everyone on the roads with him that night, went home and had an altercation with his wife that was so bad that 911 was called, BUT you take a shot at a man who has dedicated his life to public service because of what you perceive are his “play time antics”?

    You’re a hypocrite, Dorthy, and a disgrace.