And the Media Gets Played By the GOP Again

Filed in National by on January 24, 2009

Remember that recent CBO report that media types and Republicans have been breathlessly citing as an analysis as to why the stimulus package won’t work?

Well, it turns out that no such report exists:

Reports of a recent study by the Congressional Budget Office, showing that the vast majority of the money in the stimulus package won’t be spent until after 2010, have Democrats on the defensive and the GOP calling for a pullback in wasteful spending.

Funny thing is, there is no such report.

“We did not issue any report, any analysis or any study,” a CBO aide told the Huffington Post.

Rather, the nonpartisan CBO ran a small portion of an earlier version of the stimulus plan through a computer program that uses a standard formula to determine a score — how quickly money will be spent. The score only dealt with the part of the stimulus headed for the Appropriations Committee and left out the parts bound for the Ways and Means or Energy and Commerce Committee.

And apparently the portion of the bill that the CBO reviewed has been substantially changed since the data was provided to the CBO. The preliminary numbers were leaked by Mitch McConnell’s office — and while McConnell’s people didn’t make sure that the reporters knew the limitations of this data, it took until the past couple of days for other reporters (and it looks like just the Huffington Post and American Prospect, so far) to get a good look at the document and to actually verify with the CBO what this data really covers.

So I’m trying to understand — the DC GOP has been passing as much misinformation as they possibly can to the media (misinformation that eventually gets caught and exposed and corrected with as much derision as possible for the traditional media) for the past 8 years AND THEY ARE STILL FALLING FOR THIS MESS? An institution that no longer commands the respect that it once did really has to account for easy stuff like this. It isn’t hard to fact check CBO data, and it is not hard to describe for an audience the limits of the information that you are presenting. Or maybe the job of the traditional media really is to just write down what someone tells you and print it. In which case, they really need to stop looking down their noses at bloggers and new media venues.

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. anon says:

    Funny how they can
    still fact-check when it comes to Democrats:

    Since taking office six years ago, [Blagojevich] has often portrayed himself as a lone champion of the people, outnumbered by uncaring lawmakers, a lazy bureaucracy and slick lobbyists.

    “I took that system on. I challenged that system,” he said Friday. “That’s what this is all about.”

    The governor twisted facts or exaggerated to support his version of events.

    He has repeatedly said he wouldn’t be allowed to call witnesses in the Senate trial, but that’s not correct. Trial rules prohibit witnesses that federal prosecutors feel would interfere with their criminal case, but Blagojevich could have called other people.

    He has specifically mentioned wanting to call governors and senators to testify about all the good he’s done. Nothing in Senate rules would have barred those witnesses. Blagojevich never asked to have them testify.

    See, that wasn’t so hard, was it? but….WHERE WERE YOUR FACT-CHECKING SKILLS FOR THE LAST EIGHT YEARS????

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    The media to the GOP: “We just can’t quit you.”

  3. Truth Teller says:

    MSNBC , CNN sucked up this lie even had Repuk’s on explaining how the money could not be spent in time according to this phony report they made up.

  4. Truth Teller says:

    It also appears that this story about the Gitmo guy who was released in 2007 as now being a leader of a terror group is now under suspect.