Ask a teabaggee a question

Filed in National by on April 14, 2009

If you could go to one of the locations a teabaggee is heading to and could ask them any question, what would you ask them?

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hiding in the open

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  1. Countdown — One More Day Until the World’s Biggest Teabagging | April 14, 2009
  2. Tuesday’s Open Thread | April 14, 2009
  1. jason330 says:

    Why do you think Paris Hilton needs a tax cut?

  2. Unstable Isotope says:

    LOL @ Jason.

    One lump or two?

    Seriously though,

    Will you give your Obama tax cut back to help the top 1% lower their taxes?

  3. PBaumbach says:

    which publicly funded roads will you be using to get to the protest?

  4. Rebecca says:

    good paul, in the same line . . .

    which publicly funded police will be on hand to maintain the peace?

  5. Unstable Isotope says:

    Why do you like Joe the Plumber? (seriously, I’d really like to know)

    Why do you like Glenn Beck? Does he seem sane to you?

    Did you think John McCain would win the election because of the Bradley effect?

    Do you think Sarah Palin is smart?

    Do you know that teabagging has an alternate meaning and we’re all laughing at you?

  6. anon idiot says:

    Do you want cream with that?

  7. anon says:

    What was the Boston Tea Party protesting?

  8. pandora says:

    If you are really against socialism, would you turn in your (or your parents’) medicare card?

  9. Von Cracker says:

    Do you like fishsticks?

    [see last week’s South park]

  10. liberalgeek says:

    I am not a gay fish!

  11. X Stryker says:

    Do you oppose Obama’s tax cuts?

    Do you oppose fixing crumbling roads and bridges?

    Do you oppose extending broadband internet service to rural communities?

  12. Lee Ann says:

    Why has rendering tax cuts become the end, the sole purpose, the only mission of our government — according to the “teabaggers”? (I just looked up the alternative definition – I live a sheltered life!) That is so spiritually, patriotically, politically and morally bankrupt — but that’s what their agenda has been stripped down to: Me me me me me.

  13. cassandra m says:

    It would be cool to take a poll to see how many of these teabaggers make more than 250K.

    I would also want to know why they didn’t teabag BushCo when they were spending tons of money on stupid wars and their rich friends.

  14. pandora says:

    Ooh! Ooh, Cassandra! I know! Because… there are absolutely no principles behind the tea bagging parties other than we hate Obama!

  15. Von Cracker says:

    Who’s Fredrich Engles?

    And why are you willing to give up your tax cut so a very wealthy person, who couldn’t give two squirts about ya, can stash that extra dough in a bank somewhere outside the USA and most likely inside a “Socialist” country?

  16. Phantom says:

    Do you know what teabagging is and why would you as a conservative want to participate in that activity?

  17. Arthur Downs says:

    I wonder how many ‘progressives’ are really willing to engage in anything that resembles free and open debate?

    How many ‘socialists’ can point to the great joy this has brought to mankind?

    How many advocates of government-run medicine are eager to fly to Cuba or Canada for treatment?

    How many limousine liberals send their kids to public schools?

    Just where has the impostion of ‘strict gun control’ reduced the rate of violent crime?

    How many folks would willingly drive a Trabant?

    Socialism sucks.

  18. liberalgeek says:

    I’ll be sure to see how many of them drive up in BMWs, Saabs, and Audis (all cars made in more socialist countries). I’ll also check their cell phones and confiscate all of the Nokias that I find.

    Art – we are already, to an extent, a socialist country. We have unemployment benefits, medicare, medicaid, the VA, public schools and social security. Are you really serious?

    There is almost no one calling for a socialist state. Certainly Obama has not called for it. The only question to be answered is how do we pay for it? And with cries of socialism, you are not having an honest debate, you are trying to drag it into the mud.

  19. cassandra_m says:

    For all of the people over here lamenting about the lack of free and open debate here — I point you to Art Downs post. This is what our friends on the right think are real issues. Every one of which is based is misinformation.

    And there are still bus trips arranged to Canada for seniors and others who want to get cheap meds in Canada.

  20. Von Cracker says:

    Art’s a strawman-building arsehole who relies on false equivalencies and specious rebuttals to support his selective contempt.

    And before you get your thong in a bunch, Art, let me just say that I call ‘em as I see ‘em.