Teabag Humor

Filed in National by on April 16, 2009

One of the ongoing themes of the madness yesterday was that our Children and Grandchildren will be paying for this (even Copeland’s children apparently)  Also the other Theme was the pork sandwhiches being sold…It was liberalgeeks idea to ask this:


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hiding in the open

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    Thanks for the shout-out.

  2. if it bombs I want you to get credit

  3. jason330 says:


    Charlie Copeland’s grandchildren are good for it.

  4. Unstable Isotope says:


    Did they sell a lot of pork sandwiches?

  5. Rebecca says:

    Good one Geek! And thanks DV for hanging out with all those crazy people yesterday. It’s so nice that DelawareLiberal was there so I didn’t have to be. Good news coverage.

  6. anonone says:

    The next protest should use pork instead of tea. Then, instead of “teabagging”, everybody could be…oh, well, nevermind.

  7. Unstable Isotope says:

    LOL @ A1. Is there nothing the conservatives can do now that won’t make us think of sex?

  8. jen says:

    Is there nothing that the conservatives can do now that won’t make us:
    (a) cringe
    (b) roll our eyes
    (c) laugh at them?

    Thanks for the insight into the local tea party–god, it looked like a miserable time–and for all of the laughs.

  9. Joe M says:

