QOD Special Edition

Filed in National by on May 20, 2009

If you didn’t know already Delawareliberal is sponsoring a Summer Concert at the Twin Lakes Brewery in Greenville on 8/15 2-6pm.  This is not a partisan event.  We are going to be holding this event for Charity only.  A cancer charity that has yet to be named.  (if you know a charity that would like to work with us have them contact us) In the mean time Twin Lakes is going to have a special beer for the the event that has yet to be named.

We need your help.  The beer is sort of going to be an reddish amber ale and it needs a name.

This is a non partisan event, but I’m thinking something that either uses the DL name or letters or bridges the divide that we D’s, R’s, I’s and L’s

Here are some of the names we came up with behind the scenes:

Surrender Monkey Cervesa
Progressive Ale
MoonWings Ale

Add your own and then we will take a poll to narrow it down to the finals.  The winner will get a DL T-shirt (only handed out if you show up to the event)

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hiding in the open

Comments (43)

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  1. anon says:

    Blog Grog

    Free Beer

  2. “Better Red than Dead” Ale?

    Or, in honor of ‘bulo’s role model, Tom Waits, and in the interests of truth-in-advertising, how’s about

    “This Ain’t a Purchase, It’s a Rental” Ale?

  3. Joanne Christian says:

    You want the suggestions behind the scenes or here?

  4. nemski says:

    Beer — as in the generic labels from Repo Man.

  5. Joanne Christian says:


  6. anon says:

    Blogger Lager

  7. anon says:

    (in black and white stencil)


    Price: $0.00
    Tax: $2.95 + Deposit

    Bottled under the supervision of the Ministry of Beer

  8. Joanne Christian says:

    Fail Ale


  9. Jason Z says:

    I’m voting for “This Ain’t a Purchase, It’s a Rental Ale.”

    Ole McCeasar

    Blue State Red Ale

    Delaware Rouge

    The Red Menace

    Christina Sunset

    New Castle Gives an Ale

    Drunk and Blogging in Delaware

    Not Before You Vote Ale

    Show Me Your Twin Lakes Ale (if the chosen cancer is breast, of course)

    Biden’s Gaffe

    Rodney’s Folly

    Joe Six-Pack Ale

    Upstate Red Neck Ale

    and so on and so on…

  10. anon says:

    “Blue State Red Ale”

    There’s the one to beat…

  11. nemski says:

    Drunk and Blogging in Delaware

    Sorry, Donviti has already trademarked this.

  12. Kilroy says:

    Delaware Tea

  13. So many good suggestions. I can’t decide!

  14. anon says:

    “Atkins’ Regret”

  15. Bill Dunn says:

    This is all taste, color and flavor dependent, but:

    Valley Garden Ale/Lager (I’m more a lager fan.)

    Brandywine Dynamite Ale/Lager

    Chateau Gateway Ale/Lager

    Hoopes Valley Swill Ale/Lager

    Mt. Cuba Lookout Ale/Lager


  16. Joanne Christian says:


    Amber State


    New Scotch

  17. anon says:

    Red Clay Valley Red Ale


    Red Clay Creek Red Ale

  18. Von Cracker says:

    RedStar* Bailout – It comes in “Socialist” six-packs!

    Troubled Assets Ale

    Fuck New Jersey Red Ale

  19. Jason Z says:

    If you like scotch ales you have to find Robert the Bruce Scottish Ale by Three Floyds Brewery. I haven’t had it in a while, but that is a real beer.
    This Twin Lakes isn’t a proper scotch ale is it? It’s been too long since I had a good one.

  20. RSmitty says:

    I will think of something, that is guaranteed, but to choose one of the suggestions, I like:
    MoonWings Ale
    I chose that, because in regard to our bizarre, but familiar Delaware Political Blogosphere, it captures the essence of each and every one of us (oh, yes it does):
    Moonbat + Wingnut = MoonWing!

  21. Joanne Christian says:

    Big Tent Tea

    TARP Tap

  22. Desk Drawer Vintage
    Leg Hall Ale
    Caucus This
    Red Bait Ale
    Rebuild the GOP Ale
    Pornstache Ale
    Uncle Thurm’s Ale

  23. liberalgeek says:

    Pornstache made me spit on the keyboard.

  24. Jesus people…going to be hard to narrow this one down.

    Man it’s only a crusty t-shirt with yellow pit stains that is up for grabs.

    keep em coming

  25. anon says:

    “Too Big To Fail Ale”

  26. Jason Z says:

    “Too Big To Fail Ale”

    Gotta rhyme, I like it.

  27. I see a label with a life sized Protack mustache on the label so drunk people can imitate him holding the empty bottle to their face.

  28. edisonkitty says:

    Tarpale – for those old enough to remember ‘Champale’, the poor man’s champagne.

  29. I think Tarp Ale is going to be a winner. But we shall be voting on it as it is the American Way

  30. nemski says:

    Just don’t put it up against Pornstache Ale, ’cause we know what would win.

  31. nemski says:

    What about Delaware Way Ale?

  32. Joanne Christian says:

    But can’t the TARP be on tap? Like Ortlieb’s.

  33. I do the will of the people numskull, I must obey.

    Besides I think the idea of a mustache sticker is hilarious.

    Shame it is going to be out of a keg and not in a bottle though 🙂

  34. Jason Z says:

    nemski, Wouldn’t it be easier to say “Delaware Wale”? or “Wayle”? Maybe, “Ye Olde Delaware Wayle”

  35. Joanne Christian says:

    The New Delaware Wayle would be hilarious….

  36. nemski says:

    What? — no bottles of beer!!!!

    We have been mislead!!!!

    Down with Viti!

  37. THEY DON’T BOTTLE BEER! it will be on the tap and part of the event for Christ’s sake!

    go shave hippie

  38. Joanne Christian says:

    Then it should be TARP on Tap!!!!

  39. nemski says:

    They don’t bottle beer

    That’s seriously fucked up.

    What’s next, a winery that doesn’t bottle wine, a auto manufacturer that doesn’t make cars . . .

  40. skippertee says:

    Beaver Valley Pink

  41. Jason Z says:

    Speaking of pink, has anyone tried the new Magic Hat Wacko? It’s colored with beet juice. You can’t taste it, but it really changes the experience. I like it more out of the bottle, and that’s opposite the norm for me.

    Awesome brewery that doesn’t bottle, DuClaw in MD. If you get the chance-hit them up. And just about every other brewery has special releases they only serve in-house from a keg.

  42. Maybe you can have a mustache on a masquerade stick that you can hold in front of your face instead.

    Wow, I never thought that would take off… I have another Protack-jab name (sorry, dude) that came from a Smitty typo.

    Pilotician’s Brew