Secret Government in Session-Day 2

Filed in Delaware by on May 20, 2009

The News-Journal is all over Joint Finance Committee secrecy this year:

DOVER — The budget-writing Joint Finance Committee spent Tuesday locked in closed-door session and adjourned for the day without taking any formal action.

…The 12-member JFC, made up of House and Senate members, goes into closed-door “orientation” and then opens the doors to announce the decisions it has reached.

Fortunately, John Kowalko addressed the panel yesterday, and you know that Rep. Kowalko isn’t exactly the most circumspect person, so at least the public knows that Kowalko’s plan was presented, and knows what was in it.

The public also got a small glimpse into the arrogant and condescending world of Nancy Cook who reportedly told Kowalko that “…the JFC isn’t responsible for raising revenue, and that he would have to sell his plan to the caucuses.” In other words, “we’re not interested.”

Folks, HB 1 is the first bill on the agenda when the Senate reconvenes on Tuesday, June 2. Please contact your senators and insist that they pass the most important open government legislation in Delaware in 30 years, and that they pass it without exempting the money committees.

Otherwise, what the News-Journal has reported the past two days, which is really what has gone on as far back as anyone can recollect, will continue unabated.  It is up to you, and it’s that simple.

Update: John Kowalko responds in our comments.

I never made those quotes to the News Journal. I did not discuss the details of the JFC response except to mention after the session that the committee was very attentive and asked many questions and gave me over an hour of their time. Senator Cook was never abrupt or dismissive. I am trying to reach the News Journal now to find out whose byline that was since those instances in the article where remarks are attributed to me were never made by me. I suspect that someone in that room has chosen to cast aspersions, and there were many administration people there. Someone decided to cast a different light on a very cooperative JFC and I can’t help but suspect that it would be those who hope the plan would fail.

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  1. nemski says:

    I love that second quote.

  2. I like the new way of influencing legislators by embarrassing them.

  3. One of the best reforms would be to dump the Delaware Financial Management System and replace it with something that people can use efficiently.

    That alone could save us 300M. The inefficient way payments to vendors are made is costing 200M extra right now.

  4. nemski says:

    Given David’s track record, the DFMS must be the best thing since sliced bread.

  5. John Kowalko says:

    I never made those quotes to the News Journal. I did not discuss the details of the JFC response except to mention after the session that the committee was very attentive and asked many questions and gave me over an hour of their time. Senator Cook was never abrupt or dismissive. I am trying to reach the News Journal now to find out whose byline that was since those instances in the article where remarks are attributed to me were never made by me. I suspect that someone in that room has chosen to cast aspersions, and there were many administration people there. Someone decided to cast a different light on a very cooperative JFC and I can’t help but suspect that it would be those who hope the plan would fail.

    John Kowalko

  6. Sir, I paid the News Journal off.

    Just kidding. At least you are trying to do something. Most people are waiting to see what someone else will do. I give you points for leadership even if I disagree with 95% of the plan.

    It is hard to believe that it is going to take 6 years and an opportunity cost of 1.2 billion dollars for us to even reform the vendor payments of DFMS. Just paying the vendors in a consolidated system and timely system would save enough money to avoid the 8% pay cuts, yet inspite of testing this year the new modal won’t be ready until July 2010 instead of 2009. That is another 200 million dollars down the drain.

    That is just one problem with DFMS.

  7. EminentDomain says:

    Wait… so El Som, is Nancy Cook the enemy? John Kowalko is pointing the finger at Markell.
    Which one is it?

    This is the problem with this whole mindset of good people, bad people. It’s not that simple.

    You guys appear to now be operating a circular firing squad.

  8. PI says:

    Ah yes, the conspiracy theory….

  9. Huge problems tend to do that to people. It would be fun to watch if we all didn’t have to live with the consequences.

    We all have to roll our sleeves up and offer what help we can or else the tax mugger will come to our door.

  10. This may come as a surprise to Eminent Domain, but people, at least intelligent ones, CAN walk and chew gum at the same time.

    This thread, which doesn’t seem to be all that subtle regarding its topic, is about budgetary deliberations being done in secret.

    ‘Bulo apologizes for any confusion this thread may have caused ‘Eminent Domain’. ‘Bulo assumed, and rightly so, that most readers of this blog, regardless of political persuasion, are brighter than Eminent Domain.

  11. John Kowalko says:

    Perhaps I’ve been overly sensitive to the written word.
    My point was that the entire JFC responded graciously, attentively and inquisitively. Senator Cook was most gracious and only advised that revenue/tax bills have to come from the caucus’ and I appreciated her reminder. She was generous with her time and responsive with her queries. When someone earns my praise I don’t want to deny them that anymore than I would criticize them if they deserve that. Please accept my apology if I’ve made a mountain out of this mole hill. The subject matter is controversial and the negotiations are delicate and I ask for your patience and understanding. I was and am impressed by the JFC’s handling of such a complex and daunting task.

    Thank you,
    John Kowalko

  12. Another Mike says:

    John, why is the Big Head Committee specifically exempted from HB1, and will you address it in the next legislative session?

  13. The Big Head Committee is not a statutory or constitutional creation.

    El Somnambulo knows this sounds weird, but he doesn’t know how you can write a statute to address something that statutorily doesn’t exist.

  14. Andy says:

    So is Governor Progressive trying to sand bag Rep. Kowalko and his ideas behind the scenes