Republicans Are (Not, Well Maybe) The Party Of Crazy Eileen

Filed in National by on July 28, 2009

Republicans, we warned you this would happen if you didn’t act to quell the birthers. Now you’re hostages to the birther movement. Is this the image you want to project? Mike Stark from the Huffington Post went to Capitol Hill to ask Republicans if they believe Obama is an natural-born citizen. Watch the Republicans try to weasel out of giving him a straight answer:

So far I’ve only seen two Republicans give a straight answer on the “question:” Mike Castle and Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ). Even leading conservative senator Inhofe has twisted himself in knots over the “question.” He first told Politico:

“They have a point,” he said of the birthers last week. “I don’t discourage it. … But I’m going to pursue defeating [Obama] on things that I think are very destructive to America.”

He must have felt some heat from that answer, because he later tried to clarify by saying:

“The point that they make is the Constitutional mandate that the U.S. president be a natural born citizen, and the White House has not done a very good job of dispelling the concerns of these citizens,” he said. “My focus is on issues where I can make a difference to stop the liberal agenda being pushed by President Obama.”

Inhofe tries to do a Liz Cheney, blaming Obama for the Republicans’ own crazies. I’d like to remind everyone that Obama did release his birth certificate and it didn’t stop the birthers (because they’re not governed by reason and logic).

But seriously Republicans -do you really want to be the Crazy Eileen party? (If you missed Crazy Eileen, see this post from Sunday). When even Ann Coulter is calling your group “cranks,” you know you have a problem.

Update: I guess Republicans don’t want to be the Crazy Eileen party because the bill declaring that Obama was born in Hawai’i passed the House unanimously. I’d like to be a fly on the wall when the Congressmen have to face those angry birther constituents. Remember, we told you this would happen. There’s no way you can give a nudge and a wink to the crazy base in this case.

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About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. Oh, and Crazy Eileen is going viral. Gawker has picked it up as well as The Washington Independent. We’ll have to wait to see if yesterday’s vote calms things down.

  2. Dorian Gray says:

    This illustrates one of the major flaws in politics generally. Rather than take an intelligent cogent position you pander to maniacs afraid that the fringe position is the party line. Cheney, for example, could have easily said everything she said whilst still saying the birthers are erroneous lunatics. You can disagree with Obama and still admit he was born in Hawaii. But in some weird contortion and to ensure you can keep the little “R” next to your name I guess you need to go thought this ridiculous verbal gymnastics. I find it very amusing, but full disclosure, I find many stupid adults amusing.

    It is interesting how the roles have reversed a full 180 too. I remember many an inane unsubstantiated accusation from the far left during the W era… but I don’t recall how warmly it was received by Democratic M o Cs. I don’t ever remember Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi defending like, but I could be wrong.

  3. Republicans forced Democrats to vote for a resolution criticizing MoveOn for the “General Betray Us” ad. Yes, I find the Republican contortions and spinelessness endlessly amusing. I didn’t understand why they thought they had to pander to the crazies either. Were they worried they would vote for Democrats? LOL!

  4. Dorian Gray says:

    I just wathched the video again. Best quote… “Is this as fast as you can go? You look like you are in pretty good shape… for an older guy.”

    Rep Franks handled himself very well. Arizona should be proud. It is odd though. People jsut say things like they’re fact and I’m not sure what that fuck they’re talking about. Can someone tell me how Obama “is standing by and letting jihad gain traction in the world”? Can we call this Protackian or RWR syndrome or something.

  5. Dorian Gray says:

    UI – I remember the NYT advert but I didn’t remember the resolution. In my opnion the ad was disgusting and shameful. However, it was an opinion on Petreaus’ Congressional testimony not a matter of fact. Obama’s HI birth is a matter of fact.

  6. Yeah, my favorite part was the guy running away and the guy browsing for pens for 20 minutes.

    I don’t know what kind of crap Republicans are saying. They are far into their own reality (I don’t watch Faux News or listen to Limbaugh). I assume Republicans say this because Obama doesn’t want to “bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb Iran.”

  7. MJ says:


  8. anon says:

    Me thinks it shows just how little the republicans have to offer the country in the way of solutions and just how wacky their base (what’s left of it) really is. But in a way its great. Who would want to be part of this crowd? The crazier they get, the less chance their failed policies have of being reinstituted.

  9. Rich Boucher says:

    I think this is what you would call “cowardice”.

    I mean, I don’t know how many of these congressmen
    and women are technically STUPID, but of the ones
    who are not, it’s just horrible that they are afraid
    of offending racist RETARDS who don’t think President
    Obama is an American.

  10. jason330 says:

    I love the way Rick Boucher lays it down.

  11. cassandra_m says:

    Mike Stark is my Hero. That was just plain funny.

  12. Rich Boucher says:

    Thank you, Jason.

    Also, although I disagree with the spew
    of right-wing talking points that the last
    congressman in the video offered up, I’m going
    to give him a thumbs-up for having the BALLS
    to at least FACE AND ANSWER a reporter’s
    question directly, which is more than can
    be said of the other congressmen and women in the clip.

  13. Tom S says:

    …and the democrats are the party of terrorist Bill Ayers and airhead Joe Biden.

    I’m glad I’m not with either party!

  14. Talk about a crazy comment! Democrats are certainly not afraid to denounce Bill Ayers. Joe Biden may have foot-in-mouth disease sometimes, but he’s nowhere near Ayers. Tom S the Republican is so funny!