Doof of the Day

Filed in National by on August 4, 2009


“If you like the Post Office and the Department of Motor Vehicles and you think they’re run well, just wait till you see Medicare, Medicaid and health care done by the government.”

This choice bit of really dumb comes from the man who sold generations of repubs a version of modern alchemy — that “Tax cuts pay for themselves.”

Why wasn’t this guy just laughed off of the set?


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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (19)

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  1. Because the rest of the so-called media is just as dumb as he is.

    Someone had a suggestion for Congresspeople: start out these townhalls asking how many people are on Medicare, Medicaid and the VA and define VA as single payer and Medicare and Medicaid as a government-run similar to the proposed public plan. Also to set rules at the beginning about discourse.

  2. shoe throwing instructor says:

    In 1935 FDR created social security, his republican opponent in the 36 election, Alf Landon called it a cruel hoax, put flyers in millions of pay envelopes telling workers they would never see a dime of the money the government was taking from their checks. It was stated over and over that it would bankrupt the country. I hate to imagine the plight of our seniors today without it. To many people today are behaving like a 4 year old who doesn,t want the light turned out because he,s sure there are monsters under his bed. Obtaining the knowledge that these monster do not exist cures him of that, and a little knowledge of how untenable and dibilitating our health care system is to our overall wellfare economically might remove the monsters from under your bed. If you would just pull yourself away from this opinion based cesspool called the internet and go to the library and find real facts instead of repeating bumper sticker slogens we might be able to solve the problem. Otherwise in the future health care will be the only thing you can afford, areas that are increasing 3 times faster than incomes will keep you from the pursuit of life liberty, and happiness.

  3. Tom S says:

    I guess Alf was just about 90 years too soon with his flyers…

  4. G Rex says:

    Wow, I’m seriously impressed that anyone knows who Alf Landon was. Freaky that the Republican candidate was actually a communist. Oh, and that’s according to my grandfather, who was the only man brave enough to campaign for Roosevelt in the state of Maine, the only state Landon carried in 1936. No wait, he carried Vermont too. But seriously, Landon was a Communist.

  5. I like that plan U. I. It would really win friends and influence people. Listen up, We are going to take away your choice of health care but it is ok because it is going to be just like the pay as you go schemes which will be blowing a huge hole in our budget and threatening to engulf the country in red ink. Now serfs, here are the rules that you need to use to address your imperial leader. Speak when spoken to, bow and scrape, express no disagreement in a unified way even when he lies through his teeth.

    Sounds like Chavez. what is your problem anyway? Is it that people actually read more of the bills than the elected officials? I applaud the uprising. It is peaceful and thoughtful which is lot more than I can say about this Congress’ policies.

  6. Alf was that furry alien who ate cats, right?

  7. Yes, the status quo is much better, with millions of uninsured and 60% of bankruptcies caused by serious illness. Hooray for health care bureaucrats! Republicans love them.

  8. cassandra m says:

    It is pretty appalling when David Anderson of all people uses lies to criticize other people’s positions.

    And these teabaggers are thoughtful enough to joke about Chris Dodd’s cancer and tell him he should commit suicide. Not even on topic and formed as the usual belligerent threats.

  9. Dorian Gray says:

    I just this second realized that David has nothing. Was that comment meant as some sort of satire? It has to be a joke right.

    I haven’t seen a well thought out, rational argument from him in months. Not that I’ve seen many from the rest of you squalid lot either, but still. That comment above is utterly worthless in every sense.

    You all may yell and scream like big babies. Feel free. But don’t get your feelings hurt if I call you a baby Huey you intellectually immature little imp. The point of the post is that the yelling and screaming and disruption is irrational bullshit based on fear and half truths.

    Cry all the crocodile tears you wish, just don’t expect any sympathy until you can come up with something a little more tangible and meaningful that ill-considered Chavez references, mad socialism epithets and vague threats about “deficits”.

  10. xstryker says:

    We are going to take away your choice of health care


    The one thing I’ve never figured out is how they manage to dress themselves without turning their clothes inside out.

  11. Von Cracker says:



    we could go on all day 😀

  12. Dorian if you haven’t seen a well thought out argument then you haven’t been looking. Pay particular attention to the Singapore and Coburn/ Ryan posts.

    Yes, of course it was a satire. Did you read U. I.’s first comment? It was a response to it.. Cass got it and so did U. I..

  13. Scott P says:

    “Someone had a suggestion for Congresspeople: start out these townhalls asking how many people are on Medicare, Medicaid and the VA and define VA as single payer and Medicare and Medicaid as a government-run similar to the proposed public plan.” Actually, UI, not to nitpick, but its better than that. The VA is full-blown, all-out SOCIALIZED MEDICINE!!! It is a fully government-owned, governement-run health-care system right here in America. And guess what, Town Hall thugs, not only has the world not fallen apart, it happens to be one of the best health-care systems in the country.

    Medicare and Medicaid are examples of a single payer system. And despite St. Reagan’s fits in the ’60s, they have not lead to a government takeover of medicine. What they have done is kept millions of Americans healthy, alive, and pulled out of poverty. But none of that is as catchy as “Vote no! Vote no!” at town halls.

  14. shoe throwing instructer says:

    Only on the internet could you learn that Alfred M. Landon, the two term republican governor of Kansas was a communist. He angered many of his fellow repubs when he quit the party in 1924 in protest against the prominence in the party of the Ku Klux Klan, that angered many racist members of the party. So you might check grampa,s feelings on race relations if he,s still around.

  15. nick1936 says:

    Hey for 42cents i put a stamp on an envelope and 2 days layer my son in California gets in in his mail box great service. theirs an accident on I95 and the police and para medics are their good job by the government, DEC 7Th 1942 the Army and Navy respond and we free all of the pacific, So what’s so bad about this government let those who complain give up their Social security and Medicare,

  16. nick1936 says:

    The Repuks are upset that the Latino Woman said she would make better decisions then a White male. Well let us look at the facts it was white males who loved slavery and passed Jim Crow laws even the name is racist and they denied women the Right to vote and equal pay for equal jobs gosh that sure is a record us white males can be proud of.
    On the lighter side years ago we called 39 white males chasing a black the KKK today we call them the PGA Go Tiger Go