Accidental Listening: Vigilante Edition

Filed in National by on October 14, 2009

I was accidentally listening to Rick Jensen a few minutes ago.  He had the Mother of a boy from Kirk Middle School on the phone talking about the problem that her 7th grader had with being set-up by some bullies in the school.  It is a heartbreaking story and deserves its own “helpkyle” website.  Sadly, Rick’s weak mind is unable to think rationally.

Rick suggested something like this:

It amazes me that in this day and age that these kids that victimized your son haven’t had their names put out on the Internet.  I’m not suggesting that you do it [Kyle’s Mom], but someone could put these kids names on the Internet, where it will stay forever.  And it will come up every time they try to get a job or go to a school.

I wish I was making this up.  Rick Jensen is suggesting that someone apply Internet-style vigilante justice to a bunch of 7th graders.

I have no sympathy for bullies.  I was personally bullied at Kirk Middle school when it was Ogeltown Middle in the early 80’s.  But to have a media personality calling for an Internet smear campaign for kids in 7th grade is despicable.

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  1. Around the Horn Sunday : Delaware Liberal | October 18, 2009
  1. nemski says:

    Rick Jackass.

  2. Scott P says:

    I’m guessing then that he’s never heard of cyberbullying. Or he has and just doesn’t care.

  3. liberalgeek says:

    Or he thought cyber-bullying sounded like a cool idea.

  4. cassandra_m says:

    Bullying is something of the go-to response of the movement conservative — it is a real shame to see it legitimized like this.

  5. pandora says:

    Michelle Malkin would be proud.

  6. Scott P says:

    Maybe they could send O’Reilly’s little troll Jesse Watters after them. Harrassing middle school kids should be right up his alley.

  7. donviti says:

    So when do we write a letter to the sponsors on WDEL asking if they support his views?

    I mean really, wtf is he thinking

  8. Kilroy says:

    “But to have a media personality calling for an Internet smear campaign for kids in 7th grade is despicable.”

    Let’s hope that no kids does this and then get’s killed in retaliation.

    Comment by liberalgeek

    “Or he thought cyber-bullying sounded like a cool idea.”
    McLiberalgeek-fly DL is the biggest cyber-bully in cyber-space , LOL.

  9. Scott P says:

    Want to know the ironic thing? He wants the internet to ruin these kids in later life? I’ll give you 10-1 odds that if you wait a few years, their My Face or Spacebook or whatever the hell those pages are will do it for them. Nothing like interviewing for a job and having your potential employer seeing pictures of you as a half-dressed, drunk 17 year old. God bless the internet.

  10. anon says:

    Well, the bullies’ parents are responsible for them… the victim’s dad should go settle this with the other families and leave the school out of it. I’d probably go knock on their door. Sometimes we tend to forget that we live in whole communities, not just schools.

  11. anon says:

    … unless of course the school had some role in the incident…

  12. nemski says:

    Let’s hope that no kids does this and then get’s killed in retaliation.

    Well, we all know you can bring in an “eating utensil” to school with no ramifications.

  13. Scott P says:

    Only if you’re in kindergarten or first grade, nemski. I was actually about to suggest that the kid just bring in a spork or something — that’ll get him into a new school for a few months.

  14. PI says:

    Jensen = dumb a__. I listened to him for several years but he’s not worth a nano-second of my time anymore. It’s a good thing his three regular listeners haven’t given up on him. Otherwise, he’d be off the air.

  15. anon says:

    Guys like Jenson are killing the GOP. Let them keep talking and spewing the same crap. It’s great for the dems!!!!