Wednesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on October 14, 2009

What up?

I know that’s the name of a blog that you totally wanted to use. Well, it’s too late – Michael Steele has taken it. For real.

The RNC has a new website. It’s communist red and the URL of Michael Steele’s blog is “/chairman_steele”. Steele’s blog is called “What up?”, and it certainly hasn’t been the RNC’s website, which has been mostly down today. Its “future leaders” page is empty. They were apparently too embarrassed to put Sarah Palin on it.

The new site features Jackie Robinson as a “GOP hero”, even though Robinson was a registered independent who had this to say about the Republican Party after attending the 1964 Republican convention:

That convention was one of the most unforgettable and frightening experiences of my life. The hatred I saw was unique to me because it was hatred directed against a white man. It embodied a revulsion for all he stood for, including his enlightened attitude towards black people.

A new breed of Republicans had taken over the GOP. As I watched this steamroller operation in San Francisco, I had a better understanding of how it must have felt to be a Jew in Hitler’s Germany.

And as far as those heroes are concerned, they also include Earl Warren (he of the “activist Warren court”) and José Celso Barbosa, father of the Puerto Rican statehood movement. Glad to see Republicans aboard that bandwagon!


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (11)

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  1. pandora says:

    I’m so embarrassed for Steele. He reminds me of that one friend of your parents who always thought they were so hip. They’d say things like groovy, or cool, man, or I dig where you’re coming from while the kids rolled their eyes and labeled them lamer than their parents. Steele is a cringe-worthy cat, if you catch my drift.

  2. Von Cracker says:

    I saw this banner on the site:

    “What do you mean, we have some black friends!”

  3. RSmitty says:

    Oh, UI…you need to have quick reflexes to keep up with the wet-finger-in-the-wind (which direction does the wind blow today) braint trust. They have since dumped the “What Up” title.

  4. Scott P says:

    Remember those Michelle Bachmann dolls action figures we were talking about a couple weeks ago? Seems she’s not selling so well. The Palin one sold 10,000 units within 24 hours of its release. Since Sept. 25, only 50 Bachmanns have been sold. And I wonder how many of them went to family, friends, or her. As the manufacturer said, “I’ll tell you this, she’s no Sarah Palin.”

  5. Scott P says:

    Here’s an item sure to touch the hearts of some here (just a hunch): Captain Lou Albano died.

  6. RSmitty says:

    Oh no! Captain Lou! Was it rumor or fact the he was (or at least was at one-time) a Delaware resident, somewhere down in the general vicinity of Lewes?

  7. Scott P says:

    Smitty, best I could find is a real estate listing for a place in Millville that says it was the “seasonal home of wrestler Lou Albano”. So, yeah, you’re probably right. Not sure if the link will work, but here it is.,+delaware%22&cd=9&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us#sort=price_listing-DESC&idx=residential&city=&zipcode=&price-min=&price-max=&beds=&baths=

    Edit — The link does work. The listing is about half way down.

  8. liberalgeek says:

    Damn. I met Captain Lou 10 years ago in Newark.He was walking into the Chestnut Hill Cinema Cafe as I was walking out and I shook his hand. As I recall, he was trying to start a local wrestling thing. He still had rubber bands in his beard.

  9. RICO says:

    13000 more troops heading to Afghanistan, White House blames Bush.

  10. RICO says:

    Obama: Afghanistan decision in ‘coming weeks’
    By JULIE PACE (AP) – 1 day ago

    WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama said Tuesday he will decide on new troops for Afghanistan in “the coming weeks.”

    He told reporters that decisions on the military front were important but just one aspect of the improvements needed to the U.S. strategy in Afghanistan. He said an important element is building up civilian capacity to help improve Afghanistan’s governance, agriculture, rule of law and other areas.

    The president responded during a briefing meeting with reporters after an Oval Office meeting with Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero.

    Later, spokesman Robert Gibbs rejected a published report that the president had authorized 13,000 additional troops that were now arriving in Afghanistan. He said those troops were part of a deployment ordered by the former Bush administration, but had not made their way to the Afghan theater by the time Obama became president. The Washington Post had reported those forces were authorized by Obama

  11. pandora says:

    RICO, links are your friend. If you don’t know how to post one, ASK. Please stop this cut and pasting.